Miniaturized redstone

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Which idea do you like best?

  • Idea 1 (computers)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Idea 2 (PLDs)

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Idea 3 (integrated circuits)

    Votes: 19 90.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For RedLogic I want to add some way to make smaller circuits or computers. Some things are just too big and complicated to make out of individual logic gates. I want to see what people think is the best way to do this.

Here are my ideas so far:

Add computers, like in RP2 or CC (but closer to RP2). You've all seen computers in Minecraft already, so this doesn't need any more explanation.

Add PLDs (programmable logic devices). They would be somewhere between computers and gates - you craft the chip, and program it with gates in a textual language, something like this:
spawnerRunning <- rslatch(startSpawnerButton || (!haveSlimeballs && haveMobEssence), stopSpawnerButton || !haveMobEssence)
startSpawner <- input right lime
stopSpawner <- input right pink
haveMobEssence <- input front white
output left blue <- spawnerRunning
haveSlimeballs <- input front black
(Notice the order of lines doesn't matter and each thing can only be assigned once - as if you were building it with gates)

Integrated circuits - literally miniaturized redstone. This is my favourite option, and the one I've thought the most about.
You build a clean room out of a special material and then build your circuit inside it, out of gates and wires only (no other components like hoppers or pistons or PRC's, as it would get too complex).
You scan the contents of this room (somehow; exact details don't matter yet) to get a schematic item.
You can then (through another unknown process) process the schematics to create custom gates. A custom gate produced from the schematic would have the same behaviour as the original circuit, but only take up one block. It would probably also run much faster (perhaps 1000 ticks/second), since there would be much less work required to simulate it.

Related to idea 3, but don't include this in your vote:
For larger SMP servers, there could be a payment system where you can set a price (in items) on a schematic, and give it to another player, and they will automatically pay you every time they use the schematic. I'm not sure how this could be set up so it wouldn't be abusable to teleport items.
For smaller servers and SSP, I could include some schematics with the mod, with a price set to encourage you to make your own. (the payment would simply be voided in that case)
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Idea 3 offers something new. It's like an advancement of the buildcraft laser assembly table.

I like the idea of a big investment cost up front first to build the clean room. I guess it would be like a multiblock structure that you can actually enter.
Perhaps this cleanroom can also offer an added bonus of being able to craft normal logic circuits/gates, but you get x2 the circuits/gates - so it's useful at all stages of logic builds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
CC already handles the computer logic, you don't need to do the same. Idea 2 sounds a bit like a very limited coding language and it could work but people could get frustrated by the limitations when they expect actual coding.

The third idea is more in the line of vanilla redstone in that you build the logic yourself and that's what people enjoy about redstone. Writing is more boring than building by hand. Other people still would choose to use CC for complicated things but they do so because they have the knowhow and they prefer efficiency over enjoyment.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been wanting this mod for ages! I created an account just to comment on this. I know it's an old thread, so I apologize if resurrecting it is bad manners.

I studied circuit design in college and actually used minecraft redstone to study for a couple finals (turns out redstone flip-flops have similar setup-time and hold-time errors as real life ones do), and I love the whole redstone concept. I've built a couple massive redstone projects, including a yahtzee game with a real redstone random number generator implemented with a LFSR (linear feedback shift register). It was HUGE, took me weeks just to mine out the underground area I built it in. I would love some way to miniaturize things. I play a lot of modded minecraft and also love RedPower/ProjectRed, ComputerCraft, etc, but those forms of miniaturization lose something for me: I didn't design and build the gates myself. It doesn't allow me to build the whole thing, it just raises my level of abstraction. I would love to be able to design and build a gate, miniaturize that, and the manufacture multiple copies of that gate to build with. And then possibly use those gates to design more complex circuits which could be miniaturized, maybe increasing the cost for each level of miniaturization.

I'm a programmer by trade and have done a fair amount of java and I've had similar ideas myself. I even had the same clean room / build / analyze / fabricate idea that you did, but it would take a lot of time to code something like this. Maybe in a few years when I have more time.

So if you have the time and desire, please do build it! I'd love it!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really care for any of them, but seeing though idea 1 and 2 have been done the real idea is number 3.
Not a modder but I'm not sure how you are going to turn a block based redstone circuit in to a similation that will fit in to one block. My guess would be to have the circuit transported to a mini dimension and have it's outputs telegraphed to a specific point which would be your circuit block. But that might get laggy fast and can already be juryrigged with a combo of Wireless redstone and mystcraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wasn't option 3 a thing before? I remember building a cleanroom for making integrated circuits, I don't know why, but I never ended up using it :s, I guess I didn't need them or the things I wanted to do could be done with 2-3 circuits. Would be great though to have something like this.


Jan 29, 2015
To be fair, the necromancer did apologise in advance about it ;p

I know I shouldn't comment on a necro'd thread, BUT I find it interesting because: I've been listening to The Shaft podcast from way back when, and this very idea was mentioned somewhere around Episode 30 or 31 - the idea of compacting redstone into a "circuit". And while the gates do exist, I do think there is room for discussion about this - further miniaturisation, so the one-block gates and redstone wires are themselves placed onto a grid and wired up into more complex circuits, which can then be shrunk down and placed. Would be suitable for those who are really not au fait with programming (amongst whom I count myself).

- GwnG

EDIT: Just because :D



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Again, sorry for resurrecting the thread.

First, wait immibis already did this????? I've looked for it, what's it called?

As far as how it would be implemented, the only way I could think of doing it without causing major lag would be to build a redstone simulator that would run the miniaturized redstone virtually, keeping track of on off states, etc. I know that would be complicated to code and difficult to get right so it matched native redstone perfectly, but the only other option I see is the minidimension idea @Azzanine mentioned, which I agree does seem like it would be really laggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sweet. I've took a glance and it looks awesome. I tried to google around and find it before I posted and didn't find anything. I guess I should have looked harder. Sorry again for resurrecting the thread. Thanks everyone!
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