Whitelist Server MineSutra|FTB Monster|Whitelist|Nothing Banned|Small Community

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello all! Marixx0 here! A few friends and I are looking to bring in some new friendly faces to our FTB Monster Community!
The server is located in America and is plenty strong to handle all the fun contraptions ftb has to offer. Pvp is allowed, but only with the consent of both players.
The mod pack we are running (Monster) is the default pack with no mods/items disabled. Since everything is enabled, this means that there's 0 tolerance for misconduct
towards the players or the world. Meaning, if you use an item for malicious acts (i.e Nuke) then you will be banned, no questions asked.

Ip: 235.mcserver.org
Difficulty: Normal
50 Slots
3072MB Memory
Intel Xeon Processors
10 GB of SSD

Here are a few requirements for applying:

1. 18+ Years
2. Teamspeak. A meeting will be held before acceptance onto the server.
3. The ability to be on teamspeak whilst playing on the server.
4. A good deal of knowledge on current mods.
5. A sense of humor. I do encourage pranks, but I will not tolerate a prank that goes too far.
6. A good builder. we appreciate someone who can make a house look good.

The application format will be as followed:

1. Age?
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview?
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods
4. A good sence of humor? (Tell me a joke)
5. How many hours a day would you be playing?
6. Time zone?
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points)

If you are chosen, the teamspeak ip will be pm'd to you.
We will then meet with you and talk a little more to ensure you are who you say you are.
Then you will be whitelisted.

I will update the thread when someone has been accepted as well as the number of positions left.
I do have a work schedule so my responding time may vary.
please be patient.

Thank you all and I look forward to expanding my community!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is Special Mobs and that stuff also enabled or is the 'no mods' disabled mean that the default disabled Mods are disabled? Meaning that Blood Magic and KAMI are also disabled?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is Special Mobs and that stuff also enabled or is the 'no mods' disabled mean that the default disabled Mods are disabled? Meaning that Blood Magic and KAMI are also disabled?
Out of all the disabled mods, blood magic and KAMI are enabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age: 18 next week
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview: Yes
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods: used to play on a direwolf server( community died), and other modpacks
4. A good sence of humor? (Tell me a joke): Why do midgets play soccer..... IT Tickles there balls! ( i know kinda lame but best i could think of at the moment)
5. How many hours a day would you be playing? as much as i could but about 1-8 hours a day.
6. Time zone? Mountain time
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) 8 out 10 :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age?: 26
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview?: i guess, but I'll have to use my keyboard to talk back since i have no microphone
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods: I'm a quick learner who does research on his own, so I'll say my knowledge is adequate
4. A good sense of humor? (Tell me a joke): why did the chicken cross the road? cause a player with seeds was on the other side. (I know I'm bad at jokes)
5. How many hours a day would you be playing?: I have no life atm but I'll be trying to work on it so i won't say
6. Time zone? US EST
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) 9/10 in functionality and 6/10 for form


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age?17, My Birth Day is in november :)
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview? Of course... name a time and a place...
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods? I am knowledgeable on all of the mods in monster i have played it for awhile to know what I'm doing and how to get all the basic setup going, once i run out of things to do that i know, I use this website(Or youtube) for some assistance. :p
4. A good sence of humor? (Tell me a joke) Whatttt??? you telling me to make a better joke than myself??????
5. How many hours a day would you be playing? Well after work most of the time ill get out around 5pm or earlier, so for the most part ill be playing daily if i can from 2-however many hours i can fit into the rest of my day.
6. Time zone? I live in Michigan U.S. i believe that is ETA time zone or something like that.
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) Well for the most part until i get all setup ill be living in the ground, but after i stop being a groundhog ill probably build some sort of mansion or tower and those i love building, idk if i have great building skill, but i feel my building skills are par to above par.
These pictures are from back when i played vanilla minecraft with no texeture pack (aka Noob Days) and although i was a noob then i still feel like this is pretty decent build quality for a noob in vanilla minecraft... :)
pink wool.jpg


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age? 18+
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview? If I can type
3. Knowledge? 1000+ hours spent on FTB
4. A good sense of humor? No
5. How many hours a day would you be playing? Many
6. Time zone? UTC-7
7. How would you grade you're level of building?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age? 26
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview? sure
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods: played ftb since 1.4.7 ultimate
4. A good sence of humor? I think so
5. How many hours a day would you be playing? 1+
6. Time zone? est
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) 5, not the best but not the worst, always trying new styles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age? 19
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview? If realllly need be yes.
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods: I'd say I don't know the ins and outs of everything, but I do have a good amount of knowledge playing tons of maps.
4. A good sence of humor? (Tell me a joke) You may take this too offence but dam this is hilarious

5. How many hours a day would you be playing? 4+
6. Time zone? UK +0
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) 6, I really wana try a nice tree house type build in my new map!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Age? i am 24
2. Willing to be in a teamspeak interview? indeed I am :)
3. Knowledge? How well does your mind flow with FTB mods um...well i have played vanilla for 3 years and i started modded minecraft 5 months ago i know how to make stuff use nei and what some things do like thermal expansion and AE
4. A good sence of humor? (Tell me a joke) so there once was a man and a new man in the windy city and the new guy walked into the bar and sat in the old guys seat the old guy came in and told the guy thats my seat the new guy said as long as im here its my seat the old guy is like ok so they sit down together and have some beers and the new guy is laughing a storm so the old guy askes him wanna know a secret... the new guy says sure why the hell not what is yer secret the old guy says ok so you know how this bar is 100 stories tall and the new guy replies sure i know that you just told me and the old guy says ok so if you go to the very top and you jump off in a catapult position the very second you open up yer legs and arms you are lifted by the wind back to the top and the new guy says ok lets try it and the old guy says ok so they go up but on the way the new guy says you better prove it though first and the old guy says sure thing and the new guy says ok and they walk out to the roof and the old guy runs right away and jumps and falls 25 stories down and opens his legs and arms and he flies right back up then the new guy says ok ill try it and he runs but chickens out at the last second and runs down stairs and back to the old guys seat and when the old guy catches up he says lets get a couple more beers and they do and then the new guy was like remember a couple years ago you said somthing about a jumping off a roof and the old guy is like it was a couple minutes ago but yes and the new guy says can we try it again the old guy says sure and so they go up and the new guy says prove it again i have a bad memory and then he says ok so he jumps off the roof after running and falls 75 stories and comes right back up just the same way as before so the new guy says fine ill do it and so he gets all the way back as far as he can and runs and jumps and then he falls 5 stories and says how do i do it again and then he falls 20 more stories and opens up his legs and arms and then... SPLAT!!! he falls to his doom and then the old guy goes and sits in his seat and the bar tender says you know superman you can be a real jerk sometimes
5. How many hours a day would you be playing? like from 10am when i can to prehaps 3-6am

6. Time zone? central usa
7. How would you grade you're level of building? (pictures for bonus points) i dont grade my work i let others do that for me
if You wish to know my User name its Chlorislunaia
if you wish to know if im male or female : I am female
my home.png