MineMod.org | Premium FTB Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
IGN: bobmulchaf
Where I heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why i would like to play on the server: Seems friendly and a good minecraft ftb mod community.
Bans on record: None except freinds messing with me :P.
I can bring to the community: My creativity my patientence my exp with the mod and my helpfulness.
Thanks for looking at my app. :)
IGN: MJohnny09
Where you heard about the server: This Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: To enjoy the mods we all love and not play by myself :)
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: Love to build and have knowledge of almost all of the mods. (Helpfulness and contribution)
Where you heard about the server:The Internet
Why you would like to play on the server:Looking for tech mods and good friends to share em with would like some mystcraft and thaumcraft if possible,all these things considered this looks the place to be and id be happy to be a part of it.
If you have any bans on record:none i recall.
What can you bring to the community:lots of nifty doo dades and machines and a generous outlook towards helping others.
IGN: Teckdragon
Where I heard about the server: Here on the Forums
Why I would Like to play in this server: I would like to play on this server because I have yet to find a great FTB server with great community and game play
Any bans on record: None/ Not that I'm aware of
What can i bring to the community: I can bring Helpfulness and a great attitude to the server along with a great gaming experience
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: Have never played minecraft multiplayer.
If you have any bans on record: No. First server.
What can you bring to the community: Magic. And Pie.
IGN: LavishCorgi
Where you heard about the server: Community Member Verol (aka Wetstew)
Why you would like to play on the server: To play with my previously mentioned friend.
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: Assistance in any needed field. I'm not good with redstone, however.
IGN: Sinafore
Where you heard about the server: A friend on the server.
Why you would like to play on the server: To join a community where I know somebody.
What can you bring to the community: A solid player who won't just quit when he's needed, also any assistance.
IGN: xT3hxStrYk3Rx
Where you heard about the server: The FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I enjoy playing n servers as there are more things to do and also because this server reciaved alot of views i was attracted
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: I know most of the mods used in FTB and I could build things that help others (shared machines room,etc..)
IGN: Johnnyhorn
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: I would like to play on Minemod.org because I am tired of having to deal with not white listed servers that have griefers and annoying kids.
If you have any bans on record: No, I am an admin on another server.
What can you bring to the community: I will bring a friendly and upbeat personality to the server.
IGN: NathanGeorge
Where you heard about the server: I found the server searching the forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I'm looking for a high pop. server to play on with mature players
If you have any bans on record: I have never been banned
What can you bring to the community: I can bring my knowledge of FTB and my building skills since 2010 im 18 and im looking for a server to commit too.
IGN: Tyro10
Where you heard about the server:A friend
Why you would like to play on the server:TO PLAY THE MOD WITH FRIENDS!
If you have any bans on record:Not that I remember, so no
What can you bring to the community: Starvation, then DIAMONDS!!!!
IGN: Spy081398
Where you heard about the server: Tyro10
Why you would like to play on the server: I enjoy small communities and i recently outgrew my old vanilla smp server, and now im here.
If you have any bans on record: No, I would gladly quit a serevr if im not wanted, so it has never gotten to that point.
What can you bring to the community: someone who is generally nice, hates immaturity, is helpful and social, and plays a LOT.
IGN: johnny_funtime
Where you heard about the server: Heard of the server from the FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I'd like to play on the server to be around a good mature community that can relax and enjoy the mods together
If you have any bans on record: No bans
What can you bring to the community: I can bring a general bit of knowledge of the mods in ftb and general conversation and or laughs along the way.
Friendly Minecraft servers, run by mature helpful staff.

[ Quick Links: ]
smp1.minemod.org - Main FTB Server
smp1.minemod.org:8123 - Main FTB Server Dynmap
www.minemod.org - Website, Forums and News
mumble.minemod.org:50798 - Mumble server
ts.minemod.org:50275 - Teamspeak server
http://www.twitch.tv/minemodtv - LiveStream
https://twitter.com/MineModEnt - Twitter

[ Server Info: ]
Traditionally MineMod ran Tekkit servers, but with the lack of development we have decided to jump ship to the better supported Feed-The-Beast mod pack.

Our FTB server is hosted in the US (Dedicated) and we have players from all over the world. We have a friendly community and an active forum where opinions about the future of our servers can be debated as well as any aspect of Minecraft/RL can be talked about.

[ Server Rules: ]
As you can imagine, normal rules of life apply.
Be nice and offer help to those who need it.
Don't overdose on the chat (Caps, spam and not too much bad language).
Don't discriminate, ever.
Don't cause physical, mental or emotional grief.
No stealing.
[ Joining MineMod: ]
To join our whitelisted server, you must provide the following information in a comment below:

[ Server News: ]

NoxCrew visit the server YouTube
Smackzster from noxcrew logged onto the server. Thanks for checking us out and hope you had a great overview of SMP FTB :)

Server Upgrade
The server is now running on more ram than we've seen before. At first we thought the transition from Tekkit to FTB would be easy, but it turns out that FTB is waaaay more intensive on all server resources. We will try to keep as much functionality enabled as we can.

Official Universal Electricity Server
We are pleased to announce that MineMod will be hosting 2 official servers for the newly released, Universal Electricity pack. We are offering a grief/raid server, as well as a passive server with no ICBM or PVP.
Where you heard about the server: On here, the FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I'm just starting out with this mod and i wanna play on this server for a while.
If you have any bans on record: Only for some arguments that were one sided
What can you bring to the community:I can help people issues that they have. (ps sorry about that reply post my computer went kinda derpy)
IGN: ignat980
Where you heard about the server: forum.feed-the-beast
Why you would like to play on the server: I'm new and looking for a server
If you have any bans on record: Nothing major, I accidently broke a block in a majorly griefed area. The funny part is- an admin was watching me, disguised as a pig. Didn't say anything.
What can you bring to the community: My awesome builds, and maybe become a moderator or something since I like to help people.
IGN: mizuhana
Where you heard about the server: FTBservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: Great community, high quality builds and people!
If you have any bans on record: None, anywhere.
What can you bring to the community: I'm a mature gamer who's interested in contributing to the greater community. Looking forward to enjoying FTB with y'all!
IGN: Zipkidd
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I'm in love with FTB, but it gets really lonely when your always playing alone on singleplayer.
If you have any bans on record: Yes, one, on HCSMP.com, they accused me of xraying, I didn't, I would have appealed but the server is dying and I didn't feed interested in hardcore pvp genre anymore.
What can you bring to the community: Ive got a decent knowledge for FTB and I'm always looking to learn more. I can always help others if I have the chance.
IGN: Casps1234

Where you heard about the server:
On the forums :)

Why you would like to play on the server:
Id like to spend some time meeting and playing with new people in a friendly enviromnent

If you have any bans on record:
Only once just for messing about ages ago. I guess they didn't liike fun :P

What can you bring to the community:
A lot more spirit! i enjoy helping people in ftb and learning a bit myself! id also love to makle the server a bit more popular!
-Ben :)
Where you heard about the server: Feed The Beast Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: It's almost impossible to find a good FTB server so I wanted to try this one out
If you have any bans on record: No Bans
What can you bring to the community: I'm good with the machines and building.