Private Pack Minecrumb | Small Australian 1.5.1 Server with Mods Similar to Mindcrack | Looking for new players

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Our small server is running a custom mod pack with a familiar list of mods on 1.5.1. The server is now hosted in Sydney, Australia.

The mods we have added to our pack are listed below:

Forge -

CodeChickenCore -
CoFH Core -
Immibis Microblocks - 54.0.9
NotEnoughItems -
PowerCrystals Core -

Advanced Machines - 1.5.1
Advanced Solar Panels - 3.3.6
Applied Energistics - RV 10 I
ArsMagica - 5.50.010
Battle Towers - 1.5.1
BiblioCraft - 1.1.6
Buildcraft - A 3.5.0
Chicken Chunks -
Computer Craft - 1.5.2
Ender Storage -
Extra Bees - 1.6 pre 6
ExtrabiomesXL - 3.13.0
Factorization - 0.7.37
Forestry - A
GraviSuite - 1.9.1
GregTech - 3.03e
IC2 Nuclear Control - 1.5.1b
Immibis Core - 54.0.2
Industrial Craft 2 - 1.115.307-lf
Infernal Mobs 1.5.1
Iron Chests 2 -
MineFactory Reloaded -
Mystcraft -
nxMinetilities - 0.1.5
Omni Tools -
Open CC Sensors - 0.1.5e
Power Converters - 2.3.0-54
Railcraft -
Ruins - 1.5.1
StevesCarts - 2.0.0.a106
Tinkers Construct - 1.3.1
Thaumcraft - 3.0.4c
Thaumicbees - 1.4.6
Thermal Expansion -
Twilight Forest - 1.17.2
XACT - 0.3.2b

Whitelist App:
Any bans/why:
Knowledge of mods:
Why are you looking for a smaller server?:
IGN: Aetherr_
Age: 12
Location: Chicago, IL
Any bans/why: No bans ever.
Knowledge of mods: I have played Tekkit since 1.2.5. I have played FTB since when the Direwolf20 pack came out. I am the best person at mods in my school.
Why are you looking for a smaller server?:My goal is to have fun, meet new people, and learn the new mods.
Whitelist App:
IGN: The__Arcadian
Age: 18
Location: UK
Any bans/why: nope :P
Knowledge of mods: General Knowledge (good with Tekkit & Voltz), but I learn fast :P
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: More of a community feel, much less chance of greifers :P

NB: 'The__Arcadian' has two underscores :P
Whitelist App:
IGN: BringBacon
Age: 15
Location: USA
Any bans/why: nope :)
Knowledge of mods: lol funny you should ask, I am not as good as Direwolf20 but im not the worst either, I like to have fun with them :)
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: because its the best place to learn mods from a small community rather than like 300 people on a server and you don't know what they are doing lol or saying to you
IGN: crazyNINJA402
Age: 16
Location: melbourne, australia
Any bans/why: no, but i have quit servers due to 4 map resets in about 1 month :p
Knowledge of mods: i know my way around most mods but still am learning some of them, i am a quick learner and find most the mods simple to use.
Why are you looking for a smaller server?:i am looking for a smaller server because i want to meet new people, have a bit of fun, its quieter and hopefully looking to became a helper or mod in a server.
IGN: kiwitunza1
Age: 18
Location: Melbourne
Any bans/why: No
Knowledge of mods: i love bees and i know heaps about IC2 and forestry
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: as it helps get a closer communtiy and allows for easier group projects
IGN: Delzuar

Age: 21

Location: Quebec, CA

Any bans/why: No

Knowledge of mods:
I have played Tekkit 1.2.5 and the first FTB pack so i pretty much know how to use all the mods. Im also watching Direwolf20 Forgecraft series and mods spotlight.

Why are you looking for a smaller server?:
Less lag and communication is much easier with everyone.

I hope to see you all soon.
Whitelist App:
IGN: tristaaan
Age: 18
Location: England
Any bans/why: Not that I know of
Knowledge of mods: been using mods for over a year now so i consider myself to be fairly experienced
Why are you looking for a smaller server? I was on a smaller server and the atmosphere was good, however the admin was an idiot child so i left... Also this pack looks like the most complete private pack I've seen as of late
IGN: wisdoms
Age: 20
Location: USA
Any bans/why: na
Knowledge of mods: IC2/Gregtech/Mystcraft/Redpower
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: Just care if it's active
IGN: blight000
Age: 15
Location: Estonia
Any bans/why: No
Knowledge of mods: 2+ years
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: Smallers servers usually have less restrictions and a lot friendlier and better community.
IGN: darkblaster123
Any bans/why:Nope never banned
Knowledge of mods: start from FTB i havr played tekkit before
Why are you looking for a smaller server?:im looking for a small server to record my youtube channel add.
Posted from samsung
IGN: cre8ive65
Age: 17
Location: Canada
Any bans/why: No
Knowledge of mods: IC2 BC2 TE AE
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: My friend dragged me onto a 1.5.1 server so he could have Ars Majicka -.-
IGN: Svetlack
Age: 18
Location: Canada
Any bans/why: Nope!
Knowledge of mods: Been playing with every major Forge tech mod since 1.8.1 (IC1/IC2, BC, RP2, etc.) I've been getting into Thermal expansion recently, and want to start with Tinker's construct and Ars Magica!
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: Less grief, and more server friendship and less SSP with other people-type gameplay.
IGN: xEtnies
Age: 21
Location: United States
Any bans/why: None.
Knowledge of mods: Lots of experience with many mods.
Why are you looking for a smaller server?: A smaller server means a more tightly knit community that's probably very nice and friendly, and that's what I'm looking for.