MInecraft Server Client-Side World Crash

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Title MInecraft Server Client-Side World Crash

Launcher Type Curse App

Modpack privite custom

Modpack version 1.7.10

Have you modified the pack? Yes

Link to log file

Details of the issue Hi all. Have a question I was hoping me and my friends can get help with. WE have a server thats been having a problem with world launching so I gave the crash report a look over and to the best of my knowledge it was giving problems about ticking blocks. So what I've tried was copy the world off the server and in single player try launch it and use MCEdit to remove the blocks. As I did this it would move to the next problem block and the next and the next. Its started to stop listing block now and im not sure what the nexxt steps I should take with it. A little history of the server is its a modified that we started not long ago (about a year if you consider that not long XD) There has been errors with the mods in the past that we have managed to deal with but recently this problem came out of nowhere with no updates being made or mods being added or taken away, one ofmy friends was on the server not 5 days before it happened so we are at a loss for why. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.I will post the crash in the comments.! :D
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The Crash Report :)


  • crash-2018-07-12_10.01.26-server.txt
    34 KB · Views: 51