Hey guys I'm Charliej2000 and I thought this would be a great place to get my Youtube channel out there for all you guys to enjoy my videos. I do videos on both Minecraft and Feed The Beast. I try not to do the same thing every one else does like a Let's Play until I have some viewers that want me to do that so right now I do tutorials. I have multiple types of tutorials ranging from advance redstone to basic storage etc. I would love to get your guys feedback on my videos and would love it even more if you guys could rate,comment,and subscribe to my videos if you like them.
This is my Youtube channel:www.youtube.com/Charliej2000
Sentry Turrent Room:
Golem Room:
Automatic Furnace:
Item Elevator:
Storage Ideas:
This is my Youtube channel:www.youtube.com/Charliej2000
Sentry Turrent Room:
Golem Room:
Automatic Furnace:
Item Elevator:
Storage Ideas: