I'm trying to create a simple Minecraft 1.8 mod, to test my MCP 9.1 install, and get going with mc 1.8 modding.
I modified the msg for throw new IllegalArgumentException in ScoreObjective addScoreObjective ( (just changed the message by adding 'mike' to the beginning of the msg.)
I ran recompile.bat, reobfuscate.bat. I then copied the bsd.class into the jars\versions\1.8\1.8.jar file. (Renamed it to .zip extension / open with WinRar / delete META-INF folder / renamed back to 1.8.jar
I then run startclient.bat, add an objective, then try to add it again, and instead of my modified msg, the original msg is displayed.
I also tried my modified 1.8.jar with the normal minecraft.exe client, and the same thing happens.
Any ideas / suggestions ?
*** I double checked that the 1.8.jar had my modified class (I extracted the bsd.class and decompiled it, and my modified msg IS there **
I'm trying to create a simple Minecraft 1.8 mod, to test my MCP 9.1 install, and get going with mc 1.8 modding.
I modified the msg for throw new IllegalArgumentException in ScoreObjective addScoreObjective ( (just changed the message by adding 'mike' to the beginning of the msg.)
I ran recompile.bat, reobfuscate.bat. I then copied the bsd.class into the jars\versions\1.8\1.8.jar file. (Renamed it to .zip extension / open with WinRar / delete META-INF folder / renamed back to 1.8.jar
I then run startclient.bat, add an objective, then try to add it again, and instead of my modified msg, the original msg is displayed.
I also tried my modified 1.8.jar with the normal minecraft.exe client, and the same thing happens.
Any ideas / suggestions ?
*** I double checked that the 1.8.jar had my modified class (I extracted the bsd.class and decompiled it, and my modified msg IS there **
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