Whitelist Server MineCore S2|Community|FTB Monster 1.1.2|Whitelist|ATG|TS3|No banned Items!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to our server, Minecore.

This server was started in March, and we decided for a map reset on the 31st of May. This server is a great community, with just a handful of friendly people to play along with.

Over this time, around 5-6 of us have been playing, but today we decided we want you to enjoy this server, and to be part of this great community.

To join this friendly community, please fill out this application.

1. How long have you played Minecraft?
2. Why do you like Minecraft?
3. How mature are you?
4. Location:
6. Age:
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly?
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server?
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.)
10. Do you have skype?(Required)
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!)
IGN: Bakonon

1. How long have you played Minecraft? Since early Beta
2. Why do you like Minecraft? Legos!
3. How mature are you? I can be very.
4. Location: East Coast US
6. Age: 32
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? 20 hours +/-
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? No
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.)
10. Do you have skype?(Required) Yes
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!)

I'm just a regular guy who likes building in funny places and mostly playing the hermit, but I'd love to work with a small group/community. I'm pretty light hearted, occasionally sarcastic but overall easygoing.
1. How long have you played Minecraft? Since 1.8.1
2. Why do you like Minecraft? Because it has infinite posobilities.
3. How mature are you? Fairly mature but can be silly when appropriate. A few age restricted servers even made expeptions for me.
4. Location: UK
6. Age: 16
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? on average at least an hour daily (usually more)
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? Nope :D
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) Don't have any sorry :(
10. Do you have skype?(Required) Yes
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!)
1. How long have you played Minecraft? since early alpha (2009)
2. Why do you like Minecraft? probably the best openworld builder there is
3. How mature are you? very
4. Location: Australia
6. Age: 24
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? alot
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? no
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.)

i built this quite a while ago. this is the entrance to a huge castle in the distance that i dont have any images of unfortunately. I dont have pics of most of the stuff i have built

10. Do you have skype?(Required) yes : jaeblaze
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) i used to run my own servers but had little interest in people wanting to join. and aus 1mb upload limit makes things difficult. but i know the ins and outs of a MC server like the back of my hand
1. How long have you played Minecraft? 2-3 years
2. Why do you like Minecraft? Creativity
3. How mature are you? 20 years old
4. Location: Belgium (GTM+1)
6. Age: 20
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? 8-12h/week
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? nope
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) (See ingame ;) )
10. Do you have skype?(Required) I do, but prefer to give once ingame
IGN: Knux897

1. How long have you played Minecraft?: Since about 2012.
2. Why do you like Minecraft?: It's incredibly versatile and allows me to "exercise" my brain through resource management and problem solving.
3. How mature are you?: That's really for you to decide.
4. Location: Florida, U.S. (Eastern Standard Time)
6. Age: 20
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? A fair amount. I take classes during the week and have work on weekends but I try to fit in as much time as possible. I'll usually be on at night.
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server?: 1 or 2, but not for legitimate reasons.
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.). I don't have any pictures but you can go check out the Mcmagic server on vanilla minecraft. I built quite a bit within my time there.
10. Do you have skype?(Required) Yes, though I prefer Mumble or Teamspeak. I'm not too familiar with Skype.
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!): I would like to join a tight knit community where I don't have to worry about griefers. I also tend to go off and build by myself but I like to have other players to trade resources with, and I like the fact that others can help with mods I may not be familiar with and vice versa. In addition, I also like community projects and if I'm interested, I'll be happy to pitch in.
1. How long have you played Minecraft? since alpha
2. Why do you like Minecraft? Its a fun allows people to play build craft and do whatever whenever
3. How mature are you? i think of me as a mature person but i can get a little "crazy" at times
4. Location: usa
6. Age: 16
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? about every day for about 2-6 hours
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? i have but for either something stupid or an unnecessary reason
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) i dont have any pictures but i would say i'm good at building
10. Do you have skype?(Required) anthony0987651
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) I would like to join a small community that has nothing banned and no griefers so i can get the full experience of the modpack and the players :D
1. How long have you played Minecraft? I have played minecraft since about 1.2.5 came out.
2. Why do you like Minecraft? Because it is a fun sand box game that lets me do whatever I want and build and create new things.
3. How mature are you? Mature at the mature times. But can joke around and have fun too.
4. Location: VA, USA
6. Age: 14
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? Daily for at least 2 hours.
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? Not for good reason.
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.): Recently restored PC so not many screenshots.
10. Do you have skype?(Required): yep, you already have me added. its sonny.pandher3
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) I want to join a small gaming community and learn more about FTB
1. How long have you played Minecraft? since alpha
2. Why do you like Minecraft? I love to create and minecraft alows mr to do that better than any game I have found
3. How mature are you? very mature especially with MC I know how much it stinks to be greived
4. Location: U.S.A
6. Age:16
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? I would say an hour or two a day
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? no
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.)
10. Do you have skype?(Required)yes
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!)I am a noob at ftb and whant to join a server to get more experience, I love findidng a server and sticking to it, I played on only two different servers through out my MC carrer And I owned one and am a admin on the other
1. How long have you played Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.7.9 and I have played Modded Minecraft for about 3 years or so
2. Why do you like Minecraft?
I like the infinite possibilities within Minecraft and Modding itself. I also like the co-operation within servers and I enjoy that most than anything.
3. How mature are you? On a scale of 1-10, about an 8. Though I can be a pretty funny guy when appropriate.
4. Location: U.S.A.
6. Age: 15
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? I got all the free time hehe, because school has ended and I got summer ahead. I will at least put 10 hours weekly on the server, unless I go on a sudden vacation, which I don't think will happen XD.
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server?
I have never in my entire life have been kicked from a server, I am mostly a follow the rules type of guy.
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.)
I am sorry I don't have a picture, but I am not the guy to take pictures of my own creation. It usually doesn't occur to me that I should take a picture of said creation at the time it was made. :\
10. Do you have skype?(Required) ofcourse! I don't think anybody doesn't! v.zer0.v
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) I am mostly a pretty chill guy who loves Minecraft in general. I like making new creations and co-operating with others on a server. I usually get involved and I absolutely love to make friends in a new community, it makes the modded Minecraft experience that much better.
1. How long have you played Minecraft? 2 to 3 years
2. Why do you like Minecraft? I think it is an awesome sandbox building game. With the addition of FTB and other mods/modpacks you can add a whole lot to minecraft.
3. How mature are you? I would say i am pretty mature for my age, have had this told to me by some of my older friends.
4. Location: Canada
6. Age: 15
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? probably once or twice a day for about 4 hours each.
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? Nope
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) I don't have any pictures of my creations. But if you ever go on a server like World of Keralis, I get loads of inspiration from the server.
10. Do you have skype?(Required) yep Shadow.Wasp (i'm not able to talk at the moment getting a new computer and a mic setup)
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) I have been getting bored of single player for a while and i used to be on a vannila server with a bunch of guys but some of them just stopped going on the server and it was only 2 of us so we just decided to close it down. I have had experience with tough situations ( I am an admin on my friends server and have had to deal with lying cheaters before ).
1. How long have you played Minecraft? idk
2. Why do you like Minecraft? I like the creative aspects to it.
3. How mature are you? decently.
4. Location: NC
6. Age: 15
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? idk, depends if i like the server or not
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? nope
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) sorry, i don't usually screenshot my builds, mostly underground
10. Do you have skype?(Required) rhinestar.gaming
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) i got a friend coming if i like the server, also, I do alot of modded stuff, set up my own modpack, etc. I help admined alot of servers in the past if ya need help.
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1. How long have you played Minecraft? Since Alpha
2. Why do you like Minecraft? There is no limit to the game. There's a gamemode for every kind of player. Creative for the builders, Survival for the Survivalists and if you get tired of playing those you can switch over to the modded community that has a million new features to offer. You can realize almost every creative or crazy idea that you have in your head and that is something I think every game needs.
3. How mature are you? I like a joke here and there but I know when and where to be serious.
4. Location: Belgium (Europe)
6. Age: 17
7. Amount of time you spend playing weekly? 2-3 hours every day, more in the weekend
8. Have you ever been banned or kicked from a server? I can't remember getting kicked or banned so I'd say no.
9. Pictures(if any) of your greatest builds! (Upload to image sharing site, and add using the picture icon.) This is my latest build. It's small but when I play survival I rarely take screenshots and I recently moved over to a new and stronger computer and didn't port those files. http://imgur.com/a/1SLeE
10. Do you have skype?(Required) Yes: urs19972
11. Other (This counts the most, any info you think we should know of course!) After I got tired of vanilla creative and survival I started discovering the modded community. FTB certainly helped me in that journey thrue releasing modpacks and challenge maps I really liked. I played or tried every modpack on the launcher I think and now I know I prefer the magical mods like Thaumcraft (my favourite). The technical mods are really cool too ofcourse but early-game magical mods is my way to start. A lot of people have told me that I'm a good/great builder so I think that's true. I love building, it's one of the things I can put my creativity in. Designing a new base is hard, sometimes really hard but finally getting an idea and work it out in the game is a lot of fun. Figuring out how to build something as practical as possible and then make it look good is something I really like. I'm a friendly community player, I prefer multiplayer because singleplayer makes me feel lonely and playing with friends or other people is so much more fun. Together you can achieve much more then alone.