Mindcrack vs Direwolf20s Server Opinions

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Mindcrack vs Direwolf20 Server ModPacks

  • Mindcrack

    Votes: 42 51.2%
  • Direwolf20

    Votes: 40 48.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking for some other's opinions on the two separate modpacks for running a server. I know people have their opinions on what mods are better than others and which ones are unnecessary. I would like to hear your opinions.

Also, for either pack which mods do you remove or add in to make your own perfect pack? I currently do not have a completed opinion. I'm still reading the different mods I'm not familiar with.
I will wait for Ultimate pack. DW pack maybe would be good to me, but it doesn't have AdvancedSolarPanels :)

// and from ultimate I would remove traincraft, I don't need it and it's kind a buggy :)

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Right now Its the Mindcrack pack for me because Direwolfs doesn't have some of the mods I want.
BUT I really want the ultimate pack more then either of those.
If you really want it right now, I'd go for the MindCrack pack. Simply because I think it has some cooler mods and was always intended for use on a server. But for my private server, I will be waiting for the Ultimate pack.
For running a server? The Mindcrack pack is definitely the more robust and diverse one. Direwolf narrowed his pack down more to only what interests him. He's even left off Advanced Machines.

Use the Portal Gun (etc.) block whitelist, else be prepared for grief. The Portal Mod config generally needs a lot of tweaking for servers, or else the checkpoint permits all sorts of shenanigans and moon portals can rip the world apart. (I know it's not in the Mindcrack pack, but it's worth the warning, just in case.)
The other problem mod for servers is Mystcraft. It's great, sure, but you need some way to limit Age creation. Unrestricted, many players tend to start making age after age looking for specific symbols, needlessly driving up the server strain, and if they do get control over the symbols, you wind up with some yahoos making accelerated ages for absurdly fast farms and dense ore worlds for absurd amounts of ores, and they wind up killing the server with more things for it to track, especially when one of the decays comes into play.
The Mindcrack pack is a pack run by Guude and the others on Mindcrack. It's whatever they want it to be, so no, it is not the Ultimate pack.
ultimate pack hasn't been released yet, it'll have all the ftb mods in it. The mindcrack pack is only the mods on the mindcrack server.
ultimate pack hasn't been released yet, it'll have all the ftb mods in it. The mindcrack pack is only the mods on the mindcrack server.

Again, it will not have ALL the mods. It will have a selection of the best mods.
I use DW20 pack, but have disabled Factorization, GravityGun, PortalGun, SoulShards and XyCraft.
I added TwilightForest and PetrolGen.
May or may not add Advanced Machines.
I'm using the Mindcrack pack, with GregTech, Factorization, MFFS, XyCraft, and EnderStorage disabled, and Mystcraft and Portal Gun added. Kind of a mixture between the beta pack, magic world, and Mindcrack. Pretty happy with it so far!
Wait, so what's the point of the ultimate pack? If it will have even less mods than DW or MC, it's not really Ultimate.
I've found the Direwolf pack gives me much better FPS, both in SSP and SMP, so that's what I'll be going with. I can't think of any mods that I'm missing... I never used advanced machines anyway :P
atm I run the mindcrack pack and I disabled the following: ComputerCraft, EnderStorage, Factorization, miscperipherals, MFFS, SoulShards, Thaumcraft and Twilight Forest.

Most of those mods I dislike because they either feel too cheaty to me, they're too magic-y for my taste or they just add too little to catch my interest. Xycraft is the only exception as I'm expecting that to be more technical than magic-y and if I do want to get into it I will need those ores (and I dislike traveling a big distance just to get them...). When/if mystcraft gets added I will use that though.

I will probably switch to the ultimate pack though once that comes around. The mindcrack pack should have all the world-gen mods I like, so it shouldn't be too much trouble to switch over (assuming the item/block IDs and stuff won't cause trouble...). If it does turn out to be problematic I'll probably start a new world though, it's actually one of the things I like doing in minecraft besides making/designing contraptions/machines/factories.
I am using the Direwolf20 pack on my server, but with several of the mods in Mindcrack, most notably Twilight Forest, added.
This is going to be a long post, but I've taken the time to list the mods from both packs:
Rei's minimap voxelmenu advanced machines buildcraft* chicken chunks* computer craft* ender storage* extra bees extrabiomesXL*
factorization* forestry* gregtech mod ic2 nuclearcontrol* IC2* iron chests* miscperipherals* advanced solars gravisuit*
mffs* nei* obsidian plates* omnitools* railcraft* redpower* soulshards* stevescarts* thaumcraft* thermalexpansion* traincraft twilight forest
WRCBE* Xycraft*

(ones with the * are also in the DW pack)
Direwolf also has these extra mods:
compact solars gravity gun mystcraft nei plugins portal gun

So if you miss any mods from the other pack that are not in the pack you're using, then now you can add em in!