Okei, here's the deal. I tried starting my own little local server for just 2 of my friends and I. The problem is, both of the people not hosting the server, have extreme lag. Like mobs not moving and cant be hit, destroying blocks will not drop anything, no damage will be taken until you either get kicked or, it will lag extremely for 5 minitues, everything will happen at once, the lag continues and so the loop goes on. The person hosting will see what the others are doing perfectly, running around destroying and picking up blocks etc. etc. Now we tried switching host, with the thought of maybe my computer was the problem, but the same issue contiues. I tried adding more ram to java, but it still wouldnt help. So actually I am kind of desperate for help
If there is anyone that can help my situation, I will be really gratefull. I thank you all in advance.
- A Mindcracker

- A Mindcracker