Mindcrack Economy

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. first I really want to thank you guys for creating this awesome modpack. I have been away from Mc for a long time and I am supper excited with all the changes this modpack has brought forward. Thank you for all the hard work.

Now, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post and I would also like to apologize in advance in case you find my post confusing because of my grammar. I have minor dyslexia.

Ok I am trying to set up a server for a few friends. This is a small number of RL friends so nothing too big. My knowledge on programing is none existent and I'm not that great at setting up servers as well. So treat me like a total noob when explaining things please lol.

Ok I have a series of questions, so I'm just going to go for it.

1:- I am using mindcrack for mc v. 1.4.7 I have looked all over Google to see if I can find a way to put an economy mod in my server. I keep reading that forgebukkit is dead so the plugins like Icopnomy, etc don' work anymore. But I also see other people post an advert for their servers and it shows that they are using chest shop. My question is as follows. Can I get chestshop or anything similar, to work in a mindcrack server for mc 1.4.7? If not, then what server can I get it for. And also, can you please help me with it by explaining what I need to download and were I put the files.

2:- I have mindcrack with mo creatures installed. This is working great, I have tested it with friends. I was wondering if anyone could advise any other mods that I could install for version 1.4.7 that will be compatible with mindcrack and mo creatures. this one isn't too important though, I am much more interested in an economy mod.

3:- I am aware of the mods that add some sort of trading in the game, like forestry and industrial craft with the trade-o-mat. I was told that I can't make an admin shop with that though, so this doesn't help me much :/ My main problem is that I want people to use the mods to start off building endless supplies of cheap mats like wood for example, then trade it with an admin shop so that they get money to buy better things. This was what made my last server so great for us. I always build a wood factory and because there is only a handful of ppl on the server, I can hardly sell any of it. This is why I must have an admin shop, so that I can sell stuff to a shop as if I'm not an op.

Any help with this will be great guys. Thank you so much for your time reading this and I hope I posted in the right place. Thanks again.
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