Whitelist Server MindCrack 8.3.2 ::GregTec Easy:: Whitelist Server Fresh Start :) Age 18+

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1. In game Name: superstarboo or iantheartist or I might buy a new one (both of those belong to my kids)
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): akrodzen
3. Age: 34
4. How often do you play minecraft? 8-10 hours a week
5. Why would you like to join? I played FTB the last Mindcrack surge and have gotten the bug again
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? I'm an adult with kids. I have never been banned or kicked from a server.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes, see answer above.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I've been playing for 2 years. I consider myself to be a great builder and mediocre at most everything else. I have recently started playing UHC's and have done alright (won 2 of 9 matches). In FTB I consider myself a learner. The only FTB server I've played on was beastrealms. I was asked to build spawn after they reset the server. I spent most of my time recreating Rivendell from Lord of the Rings. I'd like to do that again, and focus on the magic mods.

I know this is late. I hope you are still accepting.
1. In game Name: Bigjake0123
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): Omgribs0123
3. Age: 18
4. How often do you play minecraft? Daily, have my times when I want to play more and times when I don't want to play as much.
5. Why would you like to join? Because I'm tired of the same old thing on every single server, tons of banned items, annoying griefers, and block lag...
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Definitely
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Makes sense, won't happen.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I like automation, and building elaborate looking bases. (<3 Railcraft blocks.)
1. Ingame Name: Intepp
2. Skype Name : Intepp84
3. Age : 18
4. How often do you play minecraft? : 3-4 Times a week
5. Why would you like to join? : Because its sad that some items are banned because of some kiddies fooling around with them. Also playing with a nice small community is very fun and not possibel on the most servers :)
6. Can you respect other people's things? are you trustworthy?: Sure
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? : I would handle it the same way so: Yes!
8. What do you consider good at in Minecraft?: I like connecting mods together and buil amazing machines out of it. I also like fully automated machines.

If u want to ask me anything particular just message me on skype :)
MfG Intepp
1. In game Name: ChilledZach
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): chilledzach
3. Age:20
4. How often do you play minecraft? 5-6 times a week depending on how much time i have
5. Why would you like to join? Id quite like to find a server with a small community, with no banned items
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Definitely
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes of course, makes sense
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft? i like building fully automated machines and using a wide range of mods, and good with most of the mods

Happy to answer any further questions you may have on skype :D
1. In game Name: Edward__Teach
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): pulotaco
3. Age: 18
4. How often do you play minecraft? I try to play once per day.
5. Why would you like to join? I have been searching for a "vanilla" modded server with friendly and trusting community, in wich i can trust and be trusted without thinking to much.
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? I consider my self trustworthy, never will i grief or steal. I like to snoop if i hapen to stumble on other peoples stuff, although if they ask me to leave i shall leave.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I consider my self at building and gathering resourses. I am a slow builder and it takes me some time to start upp.
With redstone i ask youtube!! =D

Excuse my english i am very bad at spelling.
Server Application:
1. In game Name: TH3BUDR0SS or musicman148
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): therealbudross
3. Age: 18
4. How often do you play minecraft? Daily
5. Why would you like to join? Im looking for a ftb server with a good community and without too many people crowding the land
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Yes to both, i have never been banned, griefed, or stolen. I like to joke around but i keep it to a minimum
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes i completely agree
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I've loved minecraft ever since i bought it in INFDev i love building and making things and helping other people out!

Thank you for considering my application.
1. In game Name: Sivious
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): Sivious5150
3. Age: 25
4. How often do you play minecraft? It would be almost daily if I had a server to join
5. Why would you like to join? I prefer whitelist servers because I don't grief and I definitely don't want people griefing so it's just a better chance to play with other trustworthy players
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Yep. Never messed with anyone else's work. I always build a fair distance away.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? I would hope so. I'm all for banning cheaters.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. Not sure what this means exactly. I think I'm okay with building mini villages. I'm very organized and like to build farms for food and often help people out after I'm settled.
1. In game Name: Ozzy0
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): [email protected]
3. Age: 24
4. How often do you play minecraft? Everyday when possible
5. Why would you like to join? Want to have a good community to play with and have some fun and shoot the shit with.
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Yes and Yes.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yup
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I like PvP every now and then. Just the fun of surviving and and building is always fun imo.
1. In game Name: malajunta
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): jesusm0812
3. Age: 29
4. How often do you play minecraft?: at least twice a week, depends on my shift at work
5. Why would you like to join?: I like multiplayer minecraft, I'm a regular at a vanilla +18 server, but I want to get into ftb, I've been playing singleplayer but it's not as much fun
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ?: yep, being playing on servers for almost 2 years, never got a ban.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server?: yes.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft.: having fun.
Hello Everyone, I watch a lot of the Mindcrack ppl and i am pretty Inspired by them , I want to have a Minecraft server like them, somewhat.

I am looking for few people that would like to join my Minecraft Sever , for now we're gonna go with around 1-30, Max

Please be sure to have Skype so i can add you and get a hold of you if you are chosen to be invited to the server,

Looking for Players, 18+

Friendly ,Trustworthy, Respectful Of Other Players/Items In the Game.

If for any reson you get caught cheating in any way, or if you're stealing or grifing you will be immidiatly removed from the server. as i want a friendly/Truthfull players to play with.

This server going to be FTB - MindCrack - GregTec On Easy

I will be starting the server up with a new map, so it will be a fresh start.

Server Application:
1. In game Name: williambaum
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): killer_zombie_0
3. Age:24
4. How often do you play minecraft? I don't play it as much because cant find any server if I get whitelisted onthis server ill be playing ALOT
5. Why would you like to join? Because I hate just servers I like whitelisted servers because theres no ahole aka griefers to steal your crap
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ?I can repect players and I am worthy to play on this server
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? I understand and its right to be banned but I do not hack or any of that stuff whats the fun out of that?
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. for FTB building BIG confusing things with pips and all that b
PS: I really like to help other people out :) hope I get whitelisted have a good day/night
I will Contact you via Skype ASAP if you're eligible to join the server, then we will go from there.

Ivy Bridge
Intel i5 (4 cores / 4 Threads)
3.1GHz(3.8GHz Turbo Boost)
16 GB DDR3
Hard disk:
2 x 1TB SATA2 - Raid 0
100Mbps - 5 TB/month
1. In game Name: keviths
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): keviths
3. Age: 19
4. How often do you play minecraft? not at all right now, will probably play every other day if I can join.
5. Why would you like to join? Missed minecraft, wanted to learn different mods :)
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? yes and yes
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? yessir
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. Figuring stuff out and learning different stuff :)
Server Application:
1. In game Name: English_88
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): Minenglish88
3. Age: 26
4. How often do you play minecraft?: Everyday
5. Why would you like to join?: Looking for a mature mindcrack server to call my home
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy?: Oh yeah, im looking to start up a team base with some people so gotta be lol
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server?: I would hope so
8. What Do you Consider (yourself) good at in minecraft?: I love tinkering away with base designs and system designs
1. In game Name: coinster
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): coinnster (note, two "n")
3. Age: 31
4. How often do you play minecraft? This fluctuates wildly depending on my time. I play casually. Sometimes not at all, other times 10 or more hours in a couple of days.
5. Why would you like to join? I prefer to play minecraft with others. It's better as a social game, in my opinion. So I'm just looking for a server that suits my taste and has friendly, mature players. I think this server might be right for me.
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Yes I've never been accused of otherwise. I prefer to play with others and that means respecting them.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes. Not a problem.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I have in the past made gigantic fully automated train stations. I like building things that automate. I'm not an advanced player, but I'm good with certain mods.
Minecraft IGN:kimcm
Skype or Teamspeak:yes
A little about yourself: I like playing on small servers for the community, I prefer focusing on the esthetics on my builds rather than the functionality I guess
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Fantastic mods, thaumcraft is my favourite
In game Name: damien1114
Skype Name ( Mandatory ): monokin1114
Age: 19
How often do you play minecraft?: Daily 4-8 hours a day
Why would you like to join?: I watch the MindCrackers daily and have been watching their FTB season lately
Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ?: I believe that I am trustworthy. I do respect other peoples things. I never grief or take from others.
Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server?: I understand that.
What Do you Consider good at in minecraft.: I am good at things that involve tech based mods.
I hope recruitment is still open.

In game Name: Zykrus
Skype Name ( Mandatory ): PM me and I'll reply with it.
Age: 29
How often do you play minecraft?: It varies. I can play it all day or every few days. My activity depends on the server activity too.
Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a online server that is Minecrack and has gregtech in easy mode (default industrial craft). I also have run my own servers and currently manage one. It doesnt have a large player base (just close friends) so i am looking for a more active server.
Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ?: Yes and yes
Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server?: Yes, I would hope these rules are enforced and not just mentioned before joining.
What Do you Consider good at in minecraft.: My greatest interest in Minecrack is redstone, automated mining, processing and productiong lines using redpower/indycraft. I am a Automation/Controls Engineer IRL.
Server Application:
1. In game Name: MClaudeW
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): Same as IGN
3. Age:30
4. How often do you play minecraft? used to be 12 hours a day, now just a couple every couple days
5. Why would you like to join? I need to find a stable friendly grief free server. I miss the game.
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? More than trustworthy. I value respect.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Thank god
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. Minecraft is the most comprehensive creative platform ever created. Its an open world thatt feeds the intrinsic desire to procure resources in order to improve ones own relative predicament, the satisfaction attained through minecraft is an esential necessity/aspect of human nature
Server Application:
1. In game Name: TheRealSamShady
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): sam.boorne1
3. Age: 19
4. How often do you play minecraft? As often as i can, i.e almost every day.
5. Why would you like to join? I'm looking for a small relaxed and mature community to spend my time on FTB with.
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy? Respect is the most important thing to me, i also believe that trustworthiness and respect are one and the same.
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? Yes
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. Being creative, a game that is simple to learn and fun to master, it's been enough to keep me playing since classic
1. In game Name: mc_raven
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): glennlekve
3. Age: 19 half 24.04.1995
4. How often do you play minecraft? 3-4 days a week
5. Why would you like to join? i am a fan of Etho form minecrack and started playing ftb when he joined the crackpack server.. but i felt alone when i am playing so i want to join a server :)
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? yes i will ask before i thuch any thing..
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? yes i do.
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. yes :)
1. In game Name: EmoWhiteRobot
2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): EmoWhiteRobot
3. Age:22
4. How often do you play minecraft? Should be playing 2-12 years a day, depending
5. Why would you like to join? Looking to join the right server to enjoy my minecraft experience. Looking for a mature server with fun interactive individuals :)
6. Can you Respect Other people's things? are you trustworthy ? Yes sir
7. Do you understand that if you are caught cheating/Stealing/or griefing other people's stuff you will be removed from the server? I understand, but it'll never happen
8. What Do you Consider good at in minecraft. I would like to say building, I take my time ( when I say that I mean weeks to months of designing the perfect base for myself)

Thanks for reading