Mindcrack 8.2 in "testing" forever

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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats up with the Mindcrack 8.2 pack its been listed as in the "Testing" phase for quite some time now.. I'm getting impatient and would like to upgrade my server.

On the launcher client it has 8.2 listed there but downloading the server files and looking at them they didn't include Thaumic Bees so I guess its still the 8.1.1 pack.

Any eta on this or what?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, the team generaly runs updates on Monday/Tuesday. The 8.2 pack (and updates to the other packs) were released to testing last week, and they (or, more likely, altered versions with minor bug fixes) will probably hit release today or tomorrow.

This is the same cycle that has been followed by other updates.
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