Whitelist Server Midcraft Reborn|DW20 1.0.3 for MC 1.7.10|Whitelisted| Fresh Restart

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server Name: Midcraft Reborn - Eden

Server Locale: Hosted in UK on 100 Megabit Internet, 24/7

ServerIP: Sent after application acceptance

Modpack: DireWolf20 Version 1.0.3 for Minecraft Version 1.7.10

Voice Communication: Skype / Raid Call / Teamspeak


We are a fun, mature server. We are a small server looking for new members. The idea is simple, play and enjoy. Good attitudes are a must, and a mature attitude..Since the server is 24/7 we are open to people all over the world! Fresh map restart on Dec. 12th

The Rules:

    • No hacking or duping of any shape or form!
    • No 1x1 towers anywhere, build tastefully.
    • Repair creeper holes, and if you blow up someones stuff repair it.
    • Pranks are okay but perform them in good spirit, keep in mind the person being pranked has to clean it up!
    • No griefing. There is a fine line between pranking and griefing. Lava and TNT are not pranks and will be treated as griefing.
    • We are all here to have fun, so enjoy yourself! If you have a problem with another player on a personal level try to be the bigger person and look the other way.
    • ANYTHING ELSE CLAUSE - These rules may be appended at anytime.
Server Specifications

    • AMD FX-8320 8-Core Processoer (Running @ 4.7ghz)
    • 16 GB DDR3
    • 160mbit Internet ( real time 19mb/s download // 4.8mb/s upload)
    • 2tb x4 Harddrives
    • 240gb x2 SSD’s

Finally! the part you've all been waiting for, remember to try your best there are no second chances. If we like your application i will add you on skype and we will speak further (on mic).

    • What is your IGN:
    • Age:
    • Skype (mandatory):
    • Country/Time Zone:
    • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
    • What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
    • How often will you play:
    • What can you contribute to the server:
    • What is your favorite part of Minecraft:
Disabled Items/Mods:NONE
Banned Items/Mods: Steve's Factory Manager (Caused huge lag issues for us)

Last edited:
What is your IGN: ArchitectIX
Skype (mandatory):
Country/Time Zone:
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
A specific building I make whenever I join a world. It is my favorite structure to build.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
I can handle Power Armor, Nuclear reactors, and kind-of know how to handle Turtles and quarries. In the magic side I can handle mystcraft ad thaumcaft and only went to the twilight forest around 10 times. I plan to start getting into computer craft on my next server and explore the twilight forest more.
How often will you play:
2-6 h/d
What can you contribute to the server:
My architecture and adventurous play style
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: The endless creativity it brings
  • What is your IGN:tiby1
  • Age:18
  • Skype (mandatory):tibysimmy
  • Country/Time Zone:EST
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: a large cave house with diamond block flooring and a complete IC2 factory
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: ive played a few private packs a couple months of DW2 and a a long time with Unleashed
  • How often will you play: 5 days a week and for 3+ hours a day
  • What can you contribute to the server:a good team oriented player with some reat ideas
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: the freedom to create what you want
What is your IGN: ben657
Skype (mandatory):
Country/Time Zone:
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
CC Turtle sorting/butler system programmed from scratch
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
Used almost all of the most common mods, personally got a grudge against IC2 for a reason I can't remember and refuse to try the new changes. Mostly enjoy messing with CC to automate systems through PDA's and turtles
How often will you play:
3 - 9 hours a day usually
What can you contribute to the server:
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: It's pretty much the only game I can sink my holiday time into without getting bored!
  • What is your IGN:Credish
  • Age:24
  • Skype (mandatory):gangstahboiii
  • Country/Time Zone:Sweden (GMT+1)
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:I love automation so have to be somethig I've done with that ;)
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: Played it for 2 years and have stuck to dw20 for the last 6 months
  • How often will you play: 1-2h/d
  • What can you contribute to the server: I love to help new players/big builds and everything else I can help with.
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: That It forces you to think.
  • What is your IGN: t_rsten
  • Age: 24
  • Skype: yea sure fredrik.lisa
  • Country/Time Zone: Sweden gtm+1
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: hard to say but i think it was when i played on the last server and got down and did all the thumcraft things :p
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: I've been playing for about 3 years now, and I'll probably get tired of it
  • How often will you play: Moste every singel day 1h
  • What can you contribute to the server: Allot, im a old mod from a server with the old dw20 pack, alwhays want to help folks out.
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: it's open and you can do whatever you're imagination wants to
  • What is your IGN: iOnlyUseMyFists
  • Age:18
  • Skype (mandatory): liamberry000
  • Country/Time Zone:UK/GMT
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: i had a great community a couple of years ago and we had a village in the mountains hanging off cliffs very good looking.
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: ive made a variation of homes that look good but my best was one i build inside of a mountain were it involved every mod to get my house in to a sable state
  • How often will you play: i can play all weekends and for like 3 hours every day in the week as i raiding on world of Warcraft but Fridays i can be on all day
  • What can you contribute to the server: i have alot of experience which i can use to help others if needed also i like a big community so we can do alot of things together to keep things fun
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: when you first start out and you need your 3 diamonds to get the obsidian to get a portal and when you find your first deposit to very fun time

    • What is your IGN: iOnlyUseMyFists
    • Age:18
    • Skype (mandatory): liamberry000
    • Country/Time Zone:UK/GMT
    • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: i had a great community a couple of years ago and we had a village in the mountains hanging off cliffs very good looking.
    • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: ive made a variation of homes that look good but my best was one i build inside of a mountain were it involved every mod to get my house in to a sable state
    • How often will you play: i can play all weekends and for like 3 hours every day in the week as i raiding on world of Warcraft but Fridays i can be on all day
    • What can you contribute to the server: i have alot of experience which i can use to help others if needed also i like a big community so we can do alot of things together to keep things fun
    • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: when you first start out and you need your 3 diamonds to get the obsidian to get a portal and when you find your first deposit to very fun time
Declined. User has been previously banned from a server (s.beastsmc.com) for (griefing/lb proof) on (mcbans)

T_rsten and Credish are pending.

EDIT: Also you don't need diamonds to get Obsidian in Modded Minecraft. Terrain Smasher, and buckets of lava
not been banned from any server recently as i have only played modded minecraft for the past year and i don't play on any servers with mcbans or any other banned tracking addon so that a lie but i get that its your server i just wanted to join a server to play minecraft why would i apply to a server then grief it

but thank you for your reply and i have a good Christmas

question was whats you favorite part in minecraft

nothing to do with mdded
not been banned from any server recently as i have only played modded minecraft for the past year and i don't play on any servers with mcbans or any other banned tracking addon so that a lie but i get that its your server i just wanted to join a server to play minecraft why would i apply to a server then grief it

but thank you for your reply and i have a good Christmas

question was whats you favorite part in minecraft

nothing to do with mdded

mcbans says otherwise
  • What is your IGN: Deadbolt11
  • Age: 16
  • Skype (mandatory): Johnny.deadbolt
  • Country/Time Zone: USA/EST
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: On another server, i created most of the technical stuff, and helped a lot with the players, and mods.
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: I am a Professional Modded minecraft player, with a vast knowledge of modded, and vanilla minecraft
  • How often will you play: At least 2 hours a day
  • What can you contribute to the server: Anything that you need. Including, Redstone, automation, building, and really help with any mod in DW20
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Redstone, and Mods.
What is your IGN: Erdex
Age: 21
Skype (mandatory):
Country/Time Zone:
Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
No clue, if anything it'd most likely be the time I build a rail system for a sever a few years back. It was constructed made to be able to expand to player bases and allow for easy transportation between them and spawn. Kinda unlikely i'd do that again thanks to all the teleportation and flying mechanics in mod's now.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
Played modded minecraft since beta days with buildcraft and industrial craft, wont say I'm a professional but I do know my way around mod's and I'm fairly confident with them.
How often will you play:
2-4 hr 4-5 days a way.
What can you contribute to the server:
I have no clue don't tend to think about this sort of thing. In honesty I'm just looking for a sever in which I can enjoy myself with some like minded people. I'm not a great builder but I can make things looks someway decent, I wont say i made a crazy contraption that gave me endless UU-mattern within 2 or 3 days. What I can bring is myself just a normal guy looking to have some fun, build some cool things and maybe get to know some new people, to have some fun with and build cool stuff.
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Multiplayer, I'm all about mmo games and even though minecraft isn't at such a large scale as that in servers its allot more tight-knit
What is your IGN: ObviouslyN00b
Age: 24
Skype (mandatory):
I would like to send that in a conversation instead if you wouldn't mind?
Country/Time Zone:
Norway GMT +1
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
Hmmm... Honestly, I can't really say. I was proud the first time I survived the night, the first time I built my house, etc. But if I will have to choose a time, it'll have to be the first time I got complimented on something I built. I played on an ultimate server, and my base consisted of houses. Some players came over to help me with some technical stuff, and they complimented me on my base. Being the first time that I had shown off a build and got complimented, I guess this is one of my most memorable.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
My experience in modded is scattered around a few things in mods here and there. I like to focus on and play with the magical mods, like Thaumcraft, Botania and Blood Magic
How often will you play:
This will wary due to work. It may be from 1 hour to 24 hours and 1 day to 7 days a week.
What can you contribute to the server:
Me, myself and I. Honestly, other than an ok building style and cheerful yet serious attitude.
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Quite similar as Mr. Erdex said. The multiplayer aspect of it. Along with building and exploring and just having fun =)
  • What is your IGN: LoLzxEpiCzz
  • Age: 18
  • Skype (mandatory): lolz_x_epiczz
  • Country/Time Zone: USA/EST
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: I used to play a lot of faction servers with friends, we were one of the top factions on the server, I guess that counts lol.
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: I have played it quite a bit but never can't seem to keep playing to the late game. I'm hoping that playing on a server will help
  • How often will you play: Everyday
  • What can you contribute to the server: I have never really played on small community server so I look to contribute anyway that I can.
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: The sandbox aspect and how there are endless possibilities
What is your IGN: ObviouslyN00b
Age: 24
Skype (mandatory): I would like to send that in a conversation instead if you wouldn't mind?
Country/Time Zone: Norway GMT +1
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: Hmmm... Honestly, I can't really say. I was proud the first time I survived the night, the first time I built my house, etc. But if I will have to choose a time, it'll have to be the first time I got complimented on something I built. I played on an ultimate server, and my base consisted of houses. Some players came over to help me with some technical stuff, and they complimented me on my base. Being the first time that I had shown off a build and got complimented, I guess this is one of my most memorable.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft: My experience in modded is scattered around a few things in mods here and there. I like to focus on and play with the magical mods, like Thaumcraft, Botania and Blood Magic
How often will you play: This will wary due to work. It may be from 1 hour to 24 hours and 1 day to 7 days a week.
What can you contribute to the server: Me, myself and I. Honestly, other than an ok building style and cheerful yet serious attitude.
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Quite similar as Mr. Erdex said. The multiplayer aspect of it. Along with building and exploring and just having fun =)
What is your IGN: Erdex
Age: 21
Skype (mandatory): Erde04
Country/Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: No clue, if anything it'd most likely be the time I build a rail system for a sever a few years back. It was constructed made to be able to expand to player bases and allow for easy transportation between them and spawn. Kinda unlikely i'd do that again thanks to all the teleportation and flying mechanics in mod's now.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft: Played modded minecraft since beta days with buildcraft and industrial craft, wont say I'm a professional but I do know my way around mod's and I'm fairly confident with them.
How often will you play: 2-4 hr 4-5 days a way.
What can you contribute to the server: I have no clue don't tend to think about this sort of thing. In honesty I'm just looking for a sever in which I can enjoy myself with some like minded people. I'm not a great builder but I can make things looks someway decent, I wont say i made a crazy contraption that gave me endless UU-mattern within 2 or 3 days. What I can bring is myself just a normal guy looking to have some fun, build some cool things and maybe get to know some new people, to have some fun with and build cool stuff.
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Multiplayer, I'm all about mmo games and even though minecraft isn't at such a large scale as that in servers its allot more tight-knit
What is your IGN: Erdex
Age: 21
Skype (mandatory): Erde04
Country/Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: No clue, if anything it'd most likely be the time I build a rail system for a sever a few years back. It was constructed made to be able to expand to player bases and allow for easy transportation between them and spawn. Kinda unlikely i'd do that again thanks to all the teleportation and flying mechanics in mod's now.
What is your experience with modded Minecraft: Played modded minecraft since beta days with buildcraft and industrial craft, wont say I'm a professional but I do know my way around mod's and I'm fairly confident with them.
How often will you play: 2-4 hr 4-5 days a way.
What can you contribute to the server: I have no clue don't tend to think about this sort of thing. In honesty I'm just looking for a sever in which I can enjoy myself with some like minded people. I'm not a great builder but I can make things looks someway decent, I wont say i made a crazy contraption that gave me endless UU-mattern within 2 or 3 days. What I can bring is myself just a normal guy looking to have some fun, build some cool things and maybe get to know some new people, to have some fun with and build cool stuff.
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Multiplayer, I'm all about mmo games and even though minecraft isn't at such a large scale as that in servers its allot more tight-knit
All added
  • What is your IGN: ENGx
  • Age: 18
  • Skype (mandatory):darkreap3r
  • Country/Time Zone: England
  • What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: Probably the first time I ever played minecraft, managed to survive the first night in a cave with only a few torches and some glass to block off the cave.
  • What is your experience with modded Minecraft: Played it for about a year now, started out on tekkit and technic then moved to FTB after a few months.How often will you play: I usually play minecraft everyday when I have a server to play on.
  • What can you contribute to the server: i have quite good knowledge of most mods, there are still a few I'm learning but I know the major ones like IC2, TE and buildcraft. I have a good sense of humor and enjoy building complex machines. My only problem is that I'm not particularly good at building houses and similar things.
  • What is your favorite part of Minecraft: I enjoy mining the most.
What is your IGN: Autista_SvK
Age: 21
Skype (mandatory):
I'd prefer not to have it publicly on forums here, if that's okay with you
Country/Time Zone:
Czech Republic GMT +1
What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:
Probably building a replica of Pripyat with a friend of mine few years back, unfortunately don't have the screenshots of it anymore :(
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:
I've been playing modded since 1.4.7 FTB Ultimate, I love technical mods and coming up with crazy complex builds :)
How often will you play:
I usually play 4-6 days a week for a few hours, with the occasional all-nighter due to my insomnia ^^
What can you contribute to the server:
My knowledge of the mods, my cheerful and helpful attitude and hopefully a huge and esthetically pleasing complex base? ^^ :D
What is your favorite part of Minecraft: Definetly MP... I hate playing SP, it gets boring soooo fast :) Everything is more fun with friends!
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Reactions: MasterFSK