MFR Rednet Controller help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have some good guides or videos for using the Rednet controller? Specifically some of the more advanced functions like multiplexing?

I'm working on a elevator system in my base using 4 arcane levitators. To incorporate everything I want to do and have it cover the numerous variables I have in my system, I will need more than the max number of pages possible (36).

I am having it determine which floor you are on when you pressed the button, wait 5 seconds for the levitators to update, open the gate to the elevator shaft, open the gate on your destination, then reset the system when you exit the elevator. I thought about cheating and not using any gates at all to block off the shaft, but I really like the overall feel by using them.

I figured I could probably use a couple advanced circuits to cut down on the numerous OR and XOR chains I have, but I don't have enough experience with some of the more advanced concepts to get there, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I know KirinDave has a little youtube series on MFR rednet, not sure if he got into the in-depth stuff though.

The tekkit wiki also describes each function a little.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Talking about elevators, you might wanna look at the GT button panel (or what is it called) and the de-mux function combo for your build.

This'll let you make 15 floors with ease. Button panel on each floor, connected trough its own color. Color of the wire is the floor you're on, signal strength is the floor you wanna go to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Talking about elevators, you might wanna look at the GT button panel (or what is it called) and the de-mux function combo for your build.

This'll let you make 15 floors with ease. Button panel on each floor, connected trough its own color. Color of the wire is the floor you're on, signal strength is the floor you wanna go to.

I already have it in place. :) I had to use the MFR cable in forced connection to read the signal. I have the redstone control panel attached to the side of the button panel to cause the buttons to stick. I use this with a analog demux in the controller to determine the button press. I have another rednet connection attached to a repeater into the block on the side where the redstone control panel is for resetting the button panel. It makes everything nice and neat from the front.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is a picture of the most complete level. Once I get the controls working the way I want, I'll make the rest nice looking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wikipedia to the rescue -

I ended up splitting the work into multiple controllers. I have 4 "floors" and split the work into 6 controllers. 1 for each floor, connected by a common bus to the main controller. The main controller then connects to a second controller that just handles the switching of the levatator blocks. This allows me to use the main bus to "store" the variables. I ended up placing all the signals on the main rednet bus for whichever button panel is in use. Each button panel sets its own s0,s1 line on the rednet bus which is used by the main controller to choose which line it should listen to on the multiplexer. This way I have one "program" on the main controller instead of four different ones and having to OR the outputs together. This saves a lot of pages, and is a lot simpler to maintain. By having a separate rednet line for each floor, I can "detect" the floor where the panel button was selected so I only open the elevator gates on that floor and the destination floor. The gates on all other floors remain closed. I have everything working now the way I want except the final "reset" when you exit an elevator. That should be pretty straight forward to implement though.