Whitelist Server Meridian | FTB DW20 1.0.11 | Whitelist | Grieving Banned | Fledging Community | Mature Attitude

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Server back up after restart, few of us went investigating and I assume mystcraft is the problem. There was at least 2 mystcraft worlds being chunkloaded and another 10 (at least) that were created.
IGN; Swamiwammiloo
Age; 21
Can you use TS / do you?; yes, no.
Have you been banned before if yes reason?; I disagreed about a controversial subject with an admin.
What part of game do you like?; Most likely the building aspect and the community aspect.

Lastly do you have any mod experience?; Yup.
InGame name: Karinth

Age: 26

Can you use TS / do you? Yes and Yes

Have you been banned before if yes reason? Nope

What part of game do you like? I like all of it to be honest but to pick one part it would be the Microblock building. I locve the versatility of what it allows you to build.

Lastly do you have any mod experience? Yes I have been playin on and running modded servers since Tekkit came out. I have experience with Tekkit, Tekkit Lite, Hexxit, Direwolf20 FTB, FTB Unleashed, Lapitos Galacticraft Modpack, Voltz, Crafting Dead and many mods that are not in packs. This includes getting them to work together, setting up servers with them and configuring them within the pack. I also have been a Moderator on over ten servers and have ran six of my own. Both local servers and online ones.
InGame name: Dr_CoolAid

Age: 16

Can you use TS / do you? yes

Have you been banned before if yes reason? no

What part of game do you like? My favorite part is the whole point that it takes minecraft and makes it 10x more awesome.

Lastly do you have any mod experience? I Have owned many servers, i have had big servers with 100-500 people, and small servers with 5-25 people. Unfortunately they All have ended because of life reasons.
InGame name: blitz4694

Age: 19

Can you use TS / do you? yes/yes

Have you been banned before if yes reason? nope

What part of game do you like? The building and trying to figure out how stuff works

Lastly do you have any mod experience? nope
InGame name: Galbetorix

Age: 14

Can you use TS / do you? Yes to both

Have you been banned before if yes reason? No

What part of game do you like? Building and hoarding all the things

Lastly do you have any mod experience? Yes, I've been playing the ftb modpacks since they came out and played tekkit for months before then
Currently, there is a problem that keeps causing the server to crash. I put a firestone in a cart from Steve's Carts which caused the crash. I'm not sure if you can roll back or if you want to just reset the chunk it was in. There's nothing in the chunk that the cart is in so I assume the latter would be easier.