Mekanism chemical mass storage

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a better way to store Mekanism chemicals other than the gas tanks? I tried using a dynamic tank but failed to find a way to bring the chemicals from the electrolytic seperator to the tank. Pressurized pipes won't connect to the dynamic valve, and BC fluid pipes, even though they connect, don't carry Mekanism chemicals. Are there any options for mass storage of Mek chemicals other than having a field of gas tanks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2013
with the rotary condensator you can transform them into liquids and then store in normal tanks
When you need them, you transform them again into gases using again the rotary condensator ( it has two operation modalities)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, if you are playing single player, you can add/update ExtraCells2 for AE2. They have cells for Mekanism's gases in the latest versions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll definitely keep that in mind, but for one I have 0 experience with AE, nor do I know how to add additional mods to a pack, so it's more than likely that I would break my game after sinking about 300 hours into my world lol. Playing Regrowth by the way.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
It's pretty simple. Download the mod to your computer, then when you open the launcher, there's an edit mod pack button. Click that, then add mod. Select ExtraCells. Then run the pack, if it doesn't start, it's the wrong version and it'll just quit. Then you can remove the mod and play without it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figured that out through youtube. What I don't think will work though is adding a mod like AE or Big Reactors that add new ores to a world that's already generated. I wouldn't expect the metals to just instantly be available, so I would have to create a new world and hope it generates the ores properly. Something else about Regrowth is that it's very specific about ore spawns. The only natural ores that spawn are in the Nether, and otherwise it's pretty much up to Magical Crops for ore production. I suppose I could modify Magical Crops to add the plants and essences for the new ores, but I think that would be a bit of a project for me. I'm no modder.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok I forgot AE2 is in Regrowth simply because I've never used it. What about Big Reactors needing Yellowrite, or thaumcraft shards? If I were to add those mods to a pack that didn't already have those ores, how would I get them to generate in the world? just start a new world?


Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Thaumcraft is in the pack and there's a crop to produce the shards, also the pack is meant to be played without oregen. And the final question is: why do you want Big Reactors when there's Mekanism with a much cooler reactor?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe those two have retrogen built in.

That being said, Magical Crops should have plutonium plants built in that will oreDict to yellorium without any problems, so BR oregen can be safely turned off.

Thaumcraft would be a bit more... interesting to fit in. I would have to consider how Taint Biomes and Crimson Cultist obelisks come into play in Regrowth. On top of that, I would add in a CoFH file for a better distribution of infused stone. Larger clusters, but more rare.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The fact that its in the pack isn't the point RealKC. I'm using those mods as examples to get what I'm saying across. Thaumcraft, Big Reactors, Draconic Evolution, Advent of Ascension, are just a few of the mods that add new ore generation. If I add those mods to a pack that doesn't already have them, Regrowth in particular, how are those ores going to spawn in the world? That's what I'm trying to say. The challenge with Regrowth is that ores don't spawn in the overworld. They only spawn in the Nether, and all ores but cobalt and ardite spawn as a nether ore which needs to go through a process of its own to get standard ores out of them to be processed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Adding mods with world gen after the world has already been established is an old problem. The good news is, because its an old problem, most mods have a solution for it. That solution is a retrogen option in the config. Enabling this feature will force the world to spawn the appropriate ores (and sometimes world structures) wherever it deemed the correct conditions.

In a pack such as Regrowth, this becomes a bit trickier, as world generation of ores is intentionally disabled/suppressed. If you were to add a new mod (say Big Reactors, as that was a previous example), your best bet would be to edit the json files created by COFHcore which govern ore spawning to blacklist the Overworld for Yellorium while whitelisting it for the Nether.

If you wanted it to fit in smoothly, you would have to take the extra time and effort to edit the Minetweaker scripts to balance it into the pack. This includes, but is not limited to, configuring Magic Crops to allow Uranium (Yellorium is oreDict as Uranium) as an allowed crop, and then Minetweaking the recipe to include using the Runic Altar and appropriate Botania runes (due to the nature of the mod and the tenor of the pack, I would gate it pretty deep, requiring multiple Extreme Essence). It might even be a nice touch to tweak the recipes to require alloys from Mekanism or other late game items (Turbine Controller needing Voidmetal or somesuch).

Then again, why bother with all that when Regrowth is already an amazing and balanced pack? Realistically, the only mod I would even think about adding in is Logistics Pipes, which relies only upon BuildCraft (already included in the pack) to be functional. If you were to tweak the basic pipe recipe slightly, it would have a compounded effect, and most pipes already require an Assembly Table if I'm not mistaken (if I am, its another tweak I would make).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds like a rather complicated project that would be entirely out of my comfort zone lol. I have no experience with using minetweaker or COFHcore. That's what youtube is for though I suppose.

I guess one of the reasons I want something different in Regrowth is because I've kinda played the hell out of it. I've run that pack into the ground because not many other packs really interest me. The concept of Regrowth was much more interesting to me than just just about any other pack because of how different it is from others, with a few exceptions like clouds of darkness or crash landing. I like the idea of going from having absolutely nothing to having an excess of something in an instant without any real use of technology. Minecraft tech, for whatever reason, really confuses me; even simpler tech like the Forestry farms made no sense. I had to have someone on the forum here basically walk me through the process of putting one together. Figuring out the ore quintupling process in Mek took me a month, and that was with youtube tutorials and unlimited resources through Magical Crops. That's why I opt for barrels for storage over AE or ME. At the point I'm at, I really don't have the patience to take that much time again to figure something out again, trying to fix something that for me, isn't broken.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Perhaps what you need are some self-imposed challenges. Try this: New world. Start from the beginning but this time, the task is to spread your base as large horizontally as possible. Pipes are restricted to a length of five blocks. B-space barrels are restricted to a distance of 10 blocks. All transport over long distance is to be done via railcraft train. Need power somewhere distant? Haul fuel or ethanol in Tank Carts and produce it on site. Exception to pipe length restriction is cobblestone structure pipe. Since it moves nothing but redstone signals, it can run any length.

Alternately, give Modular Mayhem a try. It's by the author of Crash Landing and while it's not an HQM pack, it's very different to most mod packs. It's focused on modular mods, or those with lots of multi-blocks. And most of the mods aren't really in a lot of other packs. Magneticraft is a big feature and I've not seen it in anything else.