ME Interface

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So basically i want to make the ME Interface output to a certain side now i know this is possible because the wiki says this" Right clicking on the ME Interface with a wrench will show an arrow indicating the direction the interface will output items requested for automatic crafting. This can be used to create compact ME Interface layouts, allowing one interface to be placed next to another and preventing those items from bouncing back into the network" But idk what wrench is needed I've tried the wrench made of quartz and the OmniWrench the IC2 Wrench the BC Wrench and this weird other one but none of them will do it I'm on FTB Ultimate please help its reallying annoying me :/


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
This might be a function that was added after the version you are using in Ultimate. I didn't personally notice the function before 1.5
And any wrench would do I would think. Used the BC wrench or the Gravitool a lot for the ME stuff.