Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
In Game Name:bednet​
AGE: (Important): 33​
Why you are applying: Looking for a good, mature, technical mod server.​
What you expect: A mature and friendly community. Community projects, challenging builds. NO GRIEFING!​
Here the thing people I "COPY then PASTE" your names from your threads to a list, I then take that list and email it to the owner, After that its out of my hands. the exact list I post on the form is sent to the owner, and he is copy and then pasting it to the whitelist, As far as I know. There is nothing more I can do.

Thank you
In Game Name: M37A​
AGE: (Important): 20​
Why you are applying: I want to find a populated server to enjoy minecraft as things are always better when shared.​
What you expect: Opportunities to build, a lack of griefing and the chance to make some good purple friends on what I hope to be an active server.​
In Game Name: elfruler81​
AGE: (Important): 31​
Why you are applying: Wanting to be a part of a server that has a mature player base. Hard to find one with mature players and little lag. Also my fiance kizyx and friend watsarui are applying and enjoy playing the game with each other.​
What you expect: A no bs, mature and respectful experience :)
In Game Name: GrieverTsukikage
AGE: (Important): 24
Why you are applying: Trying to find a good server, as FTB is an addiction of mine and I NEED TO FEED MY BEAST! /endstupidjoke But seriously, I want a good community to play with is all.
What you expect: No god awful long downtime, minimal block lag/lag in general. Nice, friendly people. That sort of stuff.​
In Game Name: Kathaan​
AGE: (Important): Im 20 years old​
Why you are applying: I apply cause i would like to play the modpack in a multiplayer world.. having no worldanchor in single player, narrows the gameplay alot..
At the same time, i have always been the multiplayer kind of guy, the servers i have played on (vanilla) have always been closed when i have started a huge project :(
Therefore i except for this server, not to be a 1 month kind of thing.. and that (since its 20+) there will be a mature crowd..
Fact about yourself: Im most likely an adventurer, but i would like to become more of a builder.​
Hope you will take me into consideration​
In Game Name: NiliusJulius​
AGE: (Important): 22​
Why you are applying: I have been playing tekkit for a little while now, but once I found out about FTB I decided I wanted to switch. So here I am looking for a server to play on.​
What you expect: A fun server to play FTB on :)
In Game Name: TJPearl​
AGE: (Important): 17, almost 18​
Why you are applying: Because i am interested in playing the game in a community as playing alone becomes stale sometimes.​
What you expect: I expect to make some mature friends who I can build with and share ideas with.​
In Game Name: Doerle​
AGE: (Important): 26​
Why you are applying: I`d love to play Feed the Beast with reasonable people ;)
What you expect: Founding my own corporation, Trading with other players, Helping new people​
I`m from germany and my favourite colour is blue :)
In Game Name: idriveby
AGE: (Important): 19 in about a month
Why you are applying:Looking for a server without a bunch of little kids raging and screaming, I ike the mature community more and am hoping to find cool people to talk with on skype/vent/ts3 and play with.
What you expect: Fairly mature community, with at least some people able to be on skype/vent/ts3, typing is kind of boring.
In Game Name: upads
AGE: (Important): 26(27 in Jan)
Why you are applying: Mindcrack is the main reason I tried out FTB and I like it! Unfortunately the other server I play on is featuring daily resets so I'm looking for another SMP server to play on.
What you expect: A friendly community, perhaps one or two players who I can build with and experience the joy and achievement of FTB together!
  • Like
Reactions: Doerle
In Game Name: Colp4k​
AGE: (Important): 25​
Why you are applying: I want to join a white-listed server that filters out immature players and "griefers".​
What you expect: A community that likes to work together and gets along. I want a server where I can be away for a few days and when I come back all my stuff won't be vandalized. Age is the most important thing for me too.​
In Game Name:Valorous​
Why you are applying: Looking for a good server to spend my time playing minecraft and its many mods.​
What you expect: Good group of people working together to have fun in with the mods available to us.​
In Game Name: T0t4r4​
AGE: (Important): 37​
Why you are applying: Looking for a friendly FTB server​
What you expect: No shitty players. Tranquillity.​
In Game Name: Repect
Age: 24
Why you are applying: Old FTB server is always full, I'd like to actually be able to get on
What you expect: To build in peace while chatting with others
Color: White
In Game Name: thaile4ever
AGE: (Important): 27
Why you are applying: I'm looking for a active server, with people that can get along and build epic creation. The 20+ mature restriction was also another plus.
What you expect: To be able to setup a full blown town with others without worrying about griefing. Of course there would be a lot of green spaces since that's my favorite color.
this is a dual application for my friend and myself, we're both looking for a good mature server with no griefers.​
In Game Name: Lefty156​
AGE: (Important): 24​
Why you are applying: We recently started playing multiplayer and after a few attempts at non-whitelisted are sick of being griefed​
What you expect: A good community, with helpful people, and a good time​

Favorite Color:Green

In Game Name: firedognick​
AGE: (Important): 24​
Why you are applying: Same reason as me and we like to work together.​
What you expect: Can't speak for him but probably to be able to build something without finding a guy in the basement blowing it up with TNT as happened on our last server.​

Favorite Color: Not sure
In Game Name: Syranita​
AGE: (Important): 24​
Why you are applying: Because i would like to play FTB on a server where people don't just to the other end of the world and hide, but actually play together, *sigh*​
What you expect: A great place to have fun with CC, building and placing with it, and meeting new people to get to know.
Favorite Color: Pink​
In Game Name:TankoHidiki
Why are you applying: To have fun on a server and to create masterpieces to share with the community.
What do you expect: A lot of awesome structures and a fun community.
Favorite Color: Teal
In Game Name: jojowithmojo
AGE: (Important): 21
Why you are applying: im trying to find a good mature ftb server
What you expect: to make new friends and learn more about ftb im also trying to find a server for a friend and me to play on yes hes ovr 20 but i know more about looking for good servers then he does so im doing the research i find tht whitelist servers are better and more private so it seems funner

Favorite color: red