1.2.1e: crash when placing a vat next to a fluiduct or crucible, only client, restart the world and it's fine. "16.20" crash below...
Updated Mariculture.
1.2.2f: crash when placing a crucible next to an already placed ItemDuct, nasty nasty one this, kills the world and had to revert to a backup. It is repeatable(nuked my test world too). TE, Forge "17.08" crash log below.
Anyone else have this?
Updated Mariculture.
1.2.2f: crash when placing a crucible next to an already placed ItemDuct, nasty nasty one this, kills the world and had to revert to a backup. It is repeatable(nuked my test world too). TE, Forge "17.08" crash log below.
Anyone else have this?