March News

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


Ok what. For one Watchfull has nothing to say sorry for. How many times in a month someone needs to say "still testing" is beyond me. Once a month seems more then fair. If we look back to the past few years we see plenty of times they have done other updates or town halls. I mean the do habe other jobs to work. Not to mention all the info you talk about was posted on the op. Just another note this is the news thread and i am sure there is other threads to post about starting a new server. How about stepping back and asking if you would still be posting rants if the pack was out already. If the answer is no then the problem is the pack still not being and has nothing to do with news updates or the non communication.
@Kuktar I’m fairly sure I have actually mentioned one of the FTB one streamers before when talking about places to see Continuum - Krakaen - who is, by the way, only on episode 8, not 10 or 20 as you said, and since episode 8 has also changed the title to Beta, to reflect the status of the pack.

Now, I said nothing to you about the extraordinarily poor form of your earlier post. I could have, but I didn’t. So please don’t go throwing rudeness around. As @Magzie said, I do try and be helpful and point people in the right directions for things, or provide advice if they’re having issues, or suggestions if they’re looking for ideas. I’m not the best at it, and I’m always looking to improve, but I am at least trying.

I think Watchful has given you the answers you seek, as best as he can. As has been mentioned, time is a luxury many don’t have in abundance! :)

And as a side point, there’s no point in complaining about how much folks are discussing SevTech, that’s a third party pack that is beautifully designed for a really quite different Minecraft experience, and honestly damned interesting to watch, play and talk about. It’s also very polarising - there’s a spectrum of opinion on the pack. People should be chatting about it! There’s not a lot you can do about what people choose to talk about of their own free will.

Ok you guys win o give up on getting people excited .


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Ok So I couldn't decide to respond here or not so I decided to say that I have no clue what you are trying to say posting these quotes.


Jan 29, 2015
Ok So I couldn't decide to respond here or not so I decided to say that I have no clue what you are trying to say posting these quotes.
If you look at the very bottom, his part (which he must have accidentally posted within the quotation bit) was "Ok you guys win o give up on getting people excited ."

I didn't have anything positive to say in response, so I chose to say nothing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
If you look at the very bottom, his part (which he must have accidentally posted within the quotation bit) was "Ok you guys win o give up on getting people excited ."

I didn't have anything positive to say in response, so I chose to say nothing.
Oh ok thanks I was so confused...rofl.
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