Greylist Server MAKEME's MAGICAL MYSTERY LAND (name pending) |MINDCRACK V8|Graylist |NEW|EARLY DAYS

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IGN: unknownzap
NUMBER OF RULES(Please come on the server to find this out): 6
TIMEZONE: mountain time
EXPERIENCE WITH MODS (This does not matter): some
FAVORITE MOD IN THE PACK: computer craft
IGN: ACenKitsune
NUMBER OF RULES(Please come on the server to find this out):6
TIMEZONE: Central time
EXPERIENCE WITH MODS (This does not matter): Previously ran a server of 5. I was in charge of teaching various aspects of the mods.
FAVORITE MOD IN THE PACK: Forestry, Thaumcraft & Railcraft

I also am planning to start recording & posting on youtube once I get the hang of my recording software. Would it be alright if I record a SMP series on the server?
IGN: Garmeer
age: 13
timezone: EST
experience with mods: I've been playing longer than I can remember, but I used to play the original industrialcraft, so that must be some sort of milestone
favorite mod: rp2
this is how the old server shut down
just went offline without any word from the owner
but this may just be normal downtime
hasnt been down long enough yet
i had pinged the primary ip and it responded the server software must not have started for the port to be open though.