Whitelist Server MagiTech | FTB DW20 1.7.10 v1.0.1 | 24/7 | 18+ | US Server | MobGriefing Disabled | Small Community

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We're a very small server, have maybe 10-15 people whitelisted total, with only 4 or 5 who play somewhat regularly. I run the server on my home PC, and it's kept up 24/7, baring any power outages or server crashes that aren't automatically recoverable from.

Server Specs:
i5 3.4GHz
120GB SSD for server operation
1TB HDD for Backups
16GB Ram

Nightly backups are kept for about a week, in case any bugs occur, and I'm usually willing to refund anything lost due to bugs and mods being derpy. We just reset from 1.6.4 recently, but the ender dragon has already been killed, as people don't usually wait very long to do that. We pretty much trust everyone who's currently whitelisted, and just looking to increase the traffic a bit and get some more friendly faces.

I don't use any bukkit plugins at the moment, and haven't needed to so far for this version. Things have seemed to be running smoothly since we reset to 1.7.10 when it released. We don't have anything restricted or disabled at the moment, and don't really plan on doing so. If you're the type to exploit bugs or break the world simply because you can, this isn't the server you're looking for. I would rather kick someone for breaking something on purpose than try and disable items/blocks in the game for everyone else.

For anyone still learning the mods, I'm fairly knowledgeable and do not mind answering questions either through PMs or while on the server.

  • No Griefing, Stealing, or Borrowing without permission
  • Family Friendly in chat (No Swearing, hate speech, or anything that common sense says you shouldn't say)
  • Pranks only allowed if agreed on you and the person you plan on pranking (If you're good friends and it's all in fun)
  • No Cheating
  • No Non-consensual PvP
  • Please don't go crazy with world exploration or MystCraft. Our last world was close to 6GB which was getting a little crazy
  • Please don't go crazy with chunk loaders. I have no plans on disabling them, but may limit the number or remove them if there's a ton.

I will usually respond within a day or two at the most if I think you would be a positive addition to the community. If you don't get a response, please feel free to PM me any questions or more details on why you wish to join the server. We don't plan on approving a ton of people, as it always tends to lead to issues and approving fewer people at a time makes it much easier to see whether or not someone is going to be a positive or negative influence.

Information for application

In game name:
About yourself:
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server:
In game name: dversluis
Age: 25
About yourself: I'm a male from Aus who loves to chill out and play some mc when i have some time :)
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I'm hoping to find a cool community to play and chill with. I love to have fun and enjoy the whole community feel of servers, I hope to be able to help out anyone in need and also just have some fun with everyone.

Hope you consider my app
In game name: pibx10
Age: 18
About yourself: Male from florida, play a lot of mc and hope to have fun
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: Hoping to have a fun community who values integrity, and allows for great builds where security isn't an issue.
In game name: Freyskol

Age: 22

About yourself: 22 Y/O Male. Laid back veteran modded minecraft player since 1.2.5. Comes with common sense, courtesy, cooperation and silliness in one small package.

What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I have a few builds I'd like to test out in a multiplayer server, as well as finding a friendly group to play with. I'm around pretty much all the time, as modded MC is my stress relief and hobby. Also looking to learn a thing or two from other peoples builds myself.

Hope to hear from!
In game name: shadowquinn1974
Age: 40
About yourself: I am an old man that loves this game loves to meet new players and learn from them and teach when i can.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: Hoping to bring some laughs and a good time, some crazy builds, and just looking to have some fun
In game name: Duskblade95
Age: 19
About yourself: I'm a college student. Been away from ftb for awhile but looking to get back into it. DW20 is the only pack I've ever really played and I'm familiar with all but the most recently added mods.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I'm just looking for a laidback server where I can build some awesome stuff while talking to others. I'm a very skilled builder, see the links to my builds at the end, and I'm always eager to lend advice or materials to others who need help with their builds. http://imgur.com/a/1obhf http://imgur.com/a/9f34t#0
In-game name: deejkdeejk
Age: 21
About yourself: I'm living in Arizona, my goal for the near future is to start working toward becoming an English teacher based in Korea or Japan. I've been playing Minecraft since 2011, dabbled with vanilla and IC2, then found Tekkit and then FTB shortly thereafter. I really love this game, haha.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I could contribute conversation, thoughtful builds, and I'm hoping to meet interesting, fun people to interact with while playing.
In game name: Demoncress
About yourself: i have been playing minecraft for about 3 years now. I know the basics of most of the mods in the pack and i would like to share and learn more.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: i am hoping to build and interact with other people while having fun and helping each other.
In game name: miktoni
Age: 19
About yourself: I love playing modded minecraft with other people.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I want to practise with all the mods of the pack.
In game name: FragMaster27
Age: 17 almost 18 in december
About yourself: I love regular mine craft and always wanted to be apart of a modded server
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: Learn some cool things from others and make some builds
In game name: streetrodder
Age: 18 (Senior)
About yourself: FTB player for a long time, have watched DireWolf20 since his 4th season on his single player (Very familiar with the modpack)
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I'm hoping to join a friendly and alive community with this server. Me and my friend
Lucy are both applying right now, so me and him will both bring a positive and fun atmosphere with us.
In game name: Call_Me_Lucy
Age: 18
About yourself: I am a senior in highschool, very helpful and friendly and sarcastic with a sense of humor
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: My goal is to bring a combo of neat buildings and gadgetry to the server, and always up for new ideas and projects with others.
In game name: Daxious
Age: 24
About yourself: Casual builder, been playing MC since alpha, modpacks since early Tekkit.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: Looking for a small community with active players, a place to experiment and learn new mods
In game name:



About yourself:

I live in the UK. I have a job as an assembly technician for a science and research company, therefore I will not be playing much during weekdays. I have most VoIP / Instant Messaging programs, and willing to use them for further communication if necessary. I have been playing FTB since it's conception (and Minecraft since late-Alpha), and I favour towards the more technical side of FTB (as opposed to the more magical features). You'll likely see me take advantage of Thermal Expansion, ComputerCraft, Project: Red and similar Mods.

What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server:

I hope to learn more and more about the clever design ideas from the people that I meet on the server, and maybe I could teach others about my crude metagaming style (I come from the League of Ugly Bases).

If I am to be accepted and added to the whitelist, could you give me a Private Message on these forums, or add me on Skype, at "yamn.asm", that would be highly appreciated.
In game name: Vser_
Age: 18
About yourself: In relation to minecraft I have been playing for 5 years now, Kind of a veteran. With this time I have grown to become very knowledgeable with everything in the game. About a year and a half ago I decided I wanted more of a challenge and a different experience so I gave Feed the Beast a try, Ever since I have been hooked. Now onto my life outside of the game, Im a college student that is very active, I surf, skateboard, snowboard, essentially take part in any sport in the action sports genre. I do have a very busy life, however I am also a very dedicated player and will clock massive amounts of time on the server.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: What im really hoping to get from this server is to become part of an active minecraft community. To me the experience is so much better when you have a bunch of people you can enjoy it with. As for what I hope to contribute, I hope to be able to facilitate activities for other server members to enjoy and benefit from.

Thanks, -Jack
IGN: Ballerona_Budget

About yourself:I have played on plenty of servers open and whitelisted both. I am generally more happy in whitelist due to the small community and less annoying people. I have hosted many of my own servers vanilla and modded. I have been playing minecraft for two three and a half years now.

What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: I am hoping to play along side a nice community that I can have fun with and talk to, hopefully bringing me back into the spirit of mine craft because lately on the last server I played on I got briefed hard and it just made me quit because I thought everyone was like that. I said hey let's give mine craft another chance and that's why I'm here today. Applying for this spot on the server.

Not to mention that I love to talk to people and have a good conversation at the same time get some work done in the game
In Game Name : Tonysagymnut
About Myself :
mod Experience : mostly involved in tech and a bit of magic
Age : 14
Play style : relaxed
Favorite Mod : Buildcraft Thermal Expansion and Tinkers Construct
Country : USA
Hey, Firstly my real name is Luc, I'm 16 years old and I'm from the UK. Ive been looking for a nice friendly community for a while now and I recently found your server listed on the ftb forums, I really liked the look of your community you've created and I love to become a part of it. In contribution to the server I'm considering recording video's of my experience on your server and as myself I'm very social and love to have a laugh, to be honest I can't really think of what I specifically can do to contribute the server other than being a part of it and being a friend of the community. Oh and my ign is CulDoes. Thankyou for your time and I hope to join your community!
In game name: Brandonk
Age: 18
About yourself: Love playing games and am just coming back to Minecraft after a few years.
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server: A place to play minecraft without the worry of griefing and pvp.
In game name:lightstal
About yourself:I love FTB in general will never get bored of a server or pack
What you're hoping to get from the server or contribute to the server:I hope to get a few new friends in this server and a place to enjoy playing with others with chunkloading enabled :P (Main point there)