Magic World, anyone else have golems lighting themselves ablaze?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm loving TC3, but the golems manning my crucible have a habit of either parking themselves atop of it when it's boiling and taking damage (and then proceeding to run in circles and repeat the process after it refills when I use it) or randomly lighting ablaze from the magma I have been using to heat it.

Mind you this only seemingly started after I attached all four alembics. I see why they are hopping on top (assuming the pathing is not allowing them to stand next to it due to the alembics).

But does anyone know why they are lighting on fire? I thought the magma would be considered covered and wouldn't burn surrounding things, and even so why on earth are crucible golems flammable to that degree? Design oversight I hope.

Hopefully I'm not just an idiot. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For them catching on fire, could you perhaps show a picture of your setup? It could very well be the lava is somehow catching the blocks around it on fire and that is then setting the golems aflame. As for them getting on top of the crucible, they should be able to place water into the crucible without having to hop on top of it even with four alembics. That said, something might have changed since I last messed around with TC3, since I'm just waiting for the ultimate pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Fully stone, and my crafting tables have never ignited. Sadly my golems are dead in this shot, crispy critters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've noticed that certain material nearby, such as cobble, may catch fire every so often.
I switched it out with glass and never had that problem again.
As for golems i would not know, haven't tried them yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was having a similar problem. my golems weren't catching fire but they would continually run around trying to stand next to the crucible. I was able to solve it by placing a block above the alembic on the side of the crucible that my bucket golem was attached to. My golems were also dieing but they were getting hit by lightning (caused by high flux) through my glass roof fixed that by making my roof not glass lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Instead of cobble try stone bricks and see if that helps. I know that using netherbricks I was able to get the surrounding area to stop randomly catching on fire as well. I actually had a similar problem with stuff like stone and cobble randomly catching fire as well, so trying different stuff can help some.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you all for the suggestions everyone! Mzlapq2m, you mentioned high flux causes lightning strikes through glass? I have skylights and that may well explain part of the issue as well. I'm moving into a larger space soon and I'll replace my building material and removing any chance of the fire hopefully. Then report back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah it was getting really upsetting i was away the first time and they seemed to have simply disappeared and then not 5 min after making them again a lightning bolt struck and they both died again. I was in an eternal day age with a glass roof so i wouldn't have to use any torches and was very upset that i needed a proper solid roof. I was also being kind of dumb because i had let the flux get the the high range and had placed a block overlapping the aura node so that wisps wouldn't spawn but that meant the flux wasn't going down and i was getting a lot of flux induced lighting strikes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought golems standing on the crucibles and getting killed was fixed even before Thaumcraft 3 first was released... and there shouldn't be anything there that's flammable. Could one of the nodes nearby your house have high flux for the fire aspect, perhaps?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought golems standing on the crucibles and getting killed was fixed even before Thaumcraft 3 first was released... and there shouldn't be anything there that's flammable. Could one of the nodes nearby your house have high flux for the fire aspect, perhaps?

As far as them standing on the crucibles and getting killed, they do stand on them and the animation/sound akin to them taking damage plays over and over, as far as it killing them or even actually doing damage I can't be 100% certain; at the very least they go through the motions. I have watched my refiller do it many a time, he will attempt to path away when the damage starts (spins in place) and manages to do it; but repeats the whole process every refill.

As far as fire aspect goes, that's quite possible as initially I didn't watch my flux. Does high fire aspect cause random fires or some such effect? As far as wisps go mine are trapped in an area within my base, unable to harm anyone (I think...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did mine outside, used lava just like that but had no issues with burning golems. Keep the tall grass clear of your cauldron and fires won't start. Only problem with that is, one of the plant-based aspects will randomly spawn a ton of flowers and tall grass right on the crucible when it's turned into flux and tries to dissipate, which then starts fires. That's only an issue pre-alembics though, unless you're just super lazy and don't empty them when they get 1-2 of an element in them.

If I had to guess, I would say that your alembic golem is trying to path behind the cauldron up against the wall and walks up the alembic accidentally, then does the usual spinaround freakout that all mobs do occasionally which accidentally has him run close enough to the crucible to burn him. If you move that wall back two or three blocks I think it would stop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can you use something else than lava to heat the crucible? Eternally burning netherrack for example? (crucible over fire over netherrack)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so, i have been playing and enjoying Thaumcraft for a few weeks now
but i have run into a problem.
i can't get wooden golems to place on crucibles, it says "this is no a valid inventory" and doesn't let me place it.
i wan't to continue but i can't without golems