Magic World 2 sorting...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone. As of late I started to play on a MW2 map but have run into a wall. I have a large Magic Crops farm running and have made golems to harvest and gather the crops, but I cannot figure a way to auto sort the collected crops. Well without using 30 more golems.
If anyone can give me some insight on building a system that will sort my crops into barrels I would be grateful.
Thanks in advance.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
huh. I would have thought Extra Utilities would have maybe made it into that pack, as it's not strictly a tech mod. In 1.6.4 at least, the only real "tech" thing in E.U. are the generators and energy transfer pipes. But without other tech mods there's not a lot of point to those.
Personally, and to keep with the theme, I'd just add Extra Utilities and use transfer pipes.
Unless there's a sorting system I no nothing about in the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grated hoppers from hopper ducts underneath a hopper line is your best bet without adding more mods