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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I checked this out and it looks like a really great fleshed out mod! Props to the creator ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not going to lie, that's pretty awesome-looking. As Kaylee (from Firefly) would say, "shiny!"
As I would say... "shiny!"
"Shiny" is the best word ever to describe things like this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've heard about this mod. According to the rumours, the developer took suggestions from friends and put it in his mod, adding a bit of his own visual style and ambiguous art.

I'm confident that with such open-ness and community friendly feedback, that this mod will reach heights. Perhaps break barriers that has been put by too many other modders.

The latter might be too optimistic, but pigs can fly, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not going to lie, that's pretty awesome-looking. As Kaylee (from Firefly) would say, "shiny!"
As I would say... "shiny!"
"Shiny" is the best word ever to describe things like this.
Thank you. I think...
(Note to self: Find an excuse to add shiny objects)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sensed a disturbance in the Force that told me someone was shamelessly advertising my mod.
Actually, I just read the thread you made on the forums.
Well, then it isn't a disturbance now is it!
Can you post here some of the concepts and ideas you have going for MageCraft here?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, I didn't realize the amount of world gen you would be implementing :p
It's mostly just ores. Which reminds me, I forgot to re-add the ore list to the feature list. I removed it and put it in the feature list for the (now discontinued) MageCraft Core. I'll go grab it and add it into the feature list for you guys, so you can see just how much world gen there is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oooh this looks like it will complement TC3 nicely.

One thing I would suggest, more for flavor than anything else: Rename the foci (focuses?) so that it's not immediately obvious which summon what Familiars. Get an idea of what it would look like, then give it a one or two word description of that appearance. For example, the weak fire elemental focus could be yellow, and shaped like a flame, and be simply called a Yellow Flame Focus. The skeletal defender could have a "Bone Shield Focus" or something. Just adds a bit more flavor to the mod :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heck, if you really want, it wouldn't take me too long to find a decent name for each focus that's listed on that page. Some of them might be similar, though, just to show that they're related in some way. For example, if the weak fire elemental is a Yellow Flame Focus (because yellow flames are relatively cold), the next step up might be the Blue Flame Focus, which would summon the Flame Sprayer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oooh this looks like it will complement TC3 nicely.

One thing I would suggest, more for flavor than anything else: Rename the foci (focuses?) so that it's not immediately obvious which summon what Familiars. Get an idea of what it would look like, then give it a one or two word description of that appearance. For example, the weak fire elemental focus could be yellow, and shaped like a flame, and be simply called a Yellow Flame Focus. The skeletal defender could have a "Bone Shield Focus" or something. Just adds a bit more flavor to the mod :)
I could make the focus names be in latin, would that work? :)
But to be serious, I've been trying to decide whether I want to use the Thaumcraft 2 approach and make it so that you have to discover the recipes yourself (with the wiki giving very little information), which would make the Summoner's Codex and Alchemist Notebook have a purpose, or remove them and have an extensive wiki. I think I'll probably use a combination of the two. The Alchemist Notebook and the Summoner's Codex have always bothered me, as they basically become another wiki. Also, the coding for them is driving me nuts, which is one of the reasons they won't be in the initial release.
What I think I'll do is remove the Summoner's Codex and Alchemist Notebook, as well as the Alchemist Tome, and use an extensive wiki instead. I'll replace the Summoner's Codex with a tool or item that can be used to store focuses, similar to how the Spell-book can store spells. I'll make a similar item for Alchemy that stores Catalyst and Essence.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could make the focus names be in latin, would that work? :)
But to be serious, I've been trying to decide whether I want to use the Thaumcraft 2 approach and make it so that you have to discover the recipes yourself (with the wiki giving very little information), which would make the Summoner's Codex and Alchemist Notebook have a purpose, or remove them and have an extensive wiki. I think I'll probably use a combination of the two. The Alchemist Notebook and the Summoner's Codex have always bothered me, as they basically become another wiki. Also, the coding for them is driving me nuts, which is one of the reasons they won't be in the initial release.
What I think I'll do is remove the Summoner's Codex and Alchemist Notebook, as well as the Alchemist Tome, and use an extensive wiki instead. I'll replace the Summoner's Codex with a tool or item that can be used to store focuses, similar to how the Spell-book can store spells. I'll make a similar item for Alchemy that stores Catalyst and Essence.

Another good way to do the research thing is to have both set up, but make it so you can only use something after it's been researched. That way, you can have the wiki available for those who don't want to try and guess recipes and such, but they still need to take the time to research it.

Latin names would be cool, too :p I always love the way Latin feels, though it is a bit overdone in the magic department sometimes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another good way to do the research thing is to have both set up, but make it so you can only use something after it's been researched. That way, you can have the wiki available for those who don't want to try and guess recipes and such, but they still need to take the time to research it.

Latin names would be cool, too :p I always love the way Latin feels, though it is a bit overdone in the magic department sometimes.
The thing is, the only time research is really involved is with making new spell scrolls. I feel like alchemy and summoning just wouldn't mesh with research as well, especially alchemy. I don't know what I'll do with the wiki, but I guess I'll cross (or burn) that bridge when I come to it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
, I've been trying to decide whether I want to use the Thaumcraft 2 approach and make it so that you have to discover the recipes yourself (with the wiki giving very little information), which would make the Summoner's Codex and Alchemist Notebook have a purpose, or remove them and have an extensive wiki.
Woah woah woah.... WOAH!
Just because YOU built the house, doesn't mean YOU need to open the door for us and bring us the beer from the fridge, Green! We will do that ourselves :p shamelessly...

But serious now, the alpha/beta release will be out when you say it is out. Don't be wasting time to make a wiki for us! Let your test subjects friends do that for you.

Edit. I find that smiley showing tongue to be a bit too feminine...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A research system is always nice, but it would be even better to have either a tech tree (for researches I mean) or even generated researches, meaning it could come out differently depending on what you do, not just a X out of Y discovered.
Well, that's my wish since I saw the TC2 search system anyway, but no idea on how to actually do it for it to be both enjoyable and complete, while not over powered...