So I've got a custom pack going that is a 210+ conglomeration of DW20, Horizons, RR, and a large smattering of random big and small mods. I added everything except gregtech and resolved all the ID conflicts (with IDFixer Minus there were only about 20 block and about 5 item conflicts that weren't handled) and everything worked fine. As soon as I add gregtech I lose most recipes for IC2 machines and almost none of his own recipes appear. I understand that he changes some so those may be disabled, but even his own bronze machines and none of his IC2 replacement machines will show up. I've been looking for a few days now trying to figure out why this is happening and have not been able to fix it. I added CraftingManager to try and push through this manually, but it reports something like 10500ish recipes to dig through. I got through the first few thousand and a lot of the recipes I couldn't read were disabled, some weren't but a most were. So after enabling them, some work some still showed nothing (the Assembling machine never came through, and I know that is one of gregs that shouldn't be disabled or hidden). But even using this, many machines showed but still had no associated recipe's. I wasn't able to figure out how to add them manually, every time I clicked on a slot it pulled an item out of my inventory and when I would place that into the grid it would disappear. Even if I could we're talking about several hundred different recipes many of which there isn't any documentation on yet. Everything is up to date as of last night. Went through all of them and checked version numbers (except GregTech because he feels we don't need to know the version numbers, but I downloaded it again last night to be sure). If anyone has any suggestions or idea's it would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: In case it helps anyone perusing this here are the Forge and Greg logs and a mod list.
Mod List
EDIT: In case it helps anyone perusing this here are the Forge and Greg logs and a mod list.
Mod List
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