Casual Server Looking for people to play FTB with!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone who takes time reading this.

I'm looking for like 2-5 people to play with, you need to be at least 13 and you need skype and a mic.
I will host the server.
You'll have to fill in this app first if you're interested:

Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone):
Languages you speak:
Reason you want to join:
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged):
You're best mod:
Ever got banned and why:

Good luck with it and looking forward to play with someone
U.S.A. (central time)
I want to play ftb with someone whos not a jerk or a griefer etc..
Any is fine
If you need it, my skype is the same as my IGN
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Reactions: kaimen
IGN: 0n1yCB
Age: 17
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): Sweden
Languages you speak: English, Swedish, Chinese, and a little of French and Spanish.
Reason you want to join: My swag is amazing.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed 1.1.4 w/ Biomes O' Plenty, Xeno's Reliquary, Power Converters.
Your best mod: AE, or Bees.
Ever got banned and why: My ass is swaggy. Swaggy asses don't get banned.
IGN: Somberanakin
Age: 16
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): Im from the USA, and Europe is 7 hours ahead of my time, but I could still probably get on when somebody is on.
Languages you speak: English, and a little Spanish
Reason you want to join: Because i have spent forever looking for a FTB Unleashed server that is 1.1.4 with all mods enabled
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed, With all mods enabled and a Biomes O plenty world (If you need help I can help you)
You're best mod: Anything magicy.
Ever got banned and why: Nope, never been banned
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone):United States but i stay up all night so its like im from europe.
Languages you speak:English
Reason you want to join:Because i love feed the beast and i really wanna play on a server with people.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged):Unleashed,Wtih all mods.
You're best mod:Buildcraft,Thaumcraft
Ever got banned and why:Nah,Never been banned :D.
Can you fill the form yourself please? It will help us get to know you better. Thanks :)

Here you go:
IGN: Zwapan404
Age: 14
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): The Netherlands
Languages you speak: English, Dutch and a little bit of French and German
Reason you want to join: I don't think I have to fill this in
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Probably Ultimate
You're best mod: Industrial Craft 2 with gregtech
Ever got banned and why: Only to make place for premiums or admins

And two more things -
1. Where is the server hosted? (The closer to Europe the better for you obviousely, because it will use less internet)
2. How can someone know wether he/she was chosen to play with or not?

1. I'm gonna use Wolfcraft server hosting and it is going to be located in Central Europe
2. When I've made a decision I'll tell it in this topic

I hope this is good enough for you
Ehm... a little problem, I tried to buy a server today with wolfcraft hosting, but I needed a credit card, I don't have one and so do my parents.
Someone know a good affordable host that accepts ftb servers and where I can pay with paypal but without credit card.
Sorry for this drawback
IGN: kanis999
Age: 17
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): USA (Eastern)
Languages you speak: English, Thai
Reason you want to join: currently looking for a small group of people to play FTB with as well. Most decent public servers I've found usually have 40+ regulars who are spread out.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed is preferred (with Biomes o' Plenty included)
You're best mod: Thermal Expansion
Ever got banned and why: No
For now, I can't promise the server will ever go online, because I can't find a good host.
Every host I've found wants a credit card and I don't have one, prepaid credit cards are also not an option for me.
Until I've found a server host where I can pay without credit card, you can assume this server won't go online.
I am very sorry to say this:(
For now, I can't promise the server will ever go online, because I can't find a good host.
Every host I've found wants a credit card and I don't have one, prepaid credit cards are also not an option for me.
Until I've found a server host where I can pay without credit card, you can assume this server won't go online.
I am very sorry to say this:(
Hmm one of my friends uses a server hosting where it is 10$ per month, I can't remember if you need a credit card or not, I can ask him about it[DOUBLEPOST=1380379466][/DOUBLEPOST]
For now, I can't promise the server will ever go online, because I can't find a good host.
Every host I've found wants a credit card and I don't have one, prepaid credit cards are also not an option for me.
Until I've found a server host where I can pay without credit card, you can assume this server won't go online.
I am very sorry to say this:(
Check this one out, not the one my friend gave me but it's another one it uses paypal. I've never bought a server myself so I dont know if this is a good price or not.
IGN: eriksters1
Age: 13 (born in 03.10.1999 (so almost happy birthday to meeee))
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): Latvia (GTM +2
Languages you speak: Latvian, english and a few words in russian
Reason you want to join: I LOVE FTB! and the server i played on keeps crashing and i'd love to play with other people who actually play ftb every day!
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): unleashed
You're best mod:i LOVE computercraft but im still learning the programming!
Ever got banned and why: nope!
Hey, I found a somewhat cheap thing that takes paypal, it is a 10 dollar set up fee and at the least 6 dollars a month (For FTB), go here and at check output this promo code in for 20% off straymav, it can house 6 people at once
I am also going to apply right now
IGN: Mkomkoiscool
Age: 14
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): USA, but I have insomnia so I don't sleep very often
Languages you speak: United States Version of English
Reason you want to join: I like the idea of a close nit server with friends, I like to be able to play with others and start projects with people, a luxury which I don't get on many servers.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Uninged
You're best mod: I am great at Buldcraft and IC2
Ever got banned and why: No
Age:only 10 :(
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone):usa
Languages you speak:english
Reason you want to join:i agree i wana play ftb with someone
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged):idc
You're best mod:ic2 ( its hard to think of one )
Ever got banned and why:nope
plz plz plz i wana join but im only 10 i do have skype[DOUBLEPOST=1381974505][/DOUBLEPOST]not :Only 10 i mean only 10[DOUBLEPOST=1381974538][/DOUBLEPOST]meh
IGN: dtbarnes7
Age: 23
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): USA
Languages you speak: English
Reason you want to join: Wanting to play with other people
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed
You're best mod: ic2
Ever got banned and why: nope
IGN: MizzPandaz
Age: 16
Country: USA
Language: English/Spanish
Reason: Looking for other people to play with :D
Modpack: Unleashed
Best Mod: IC2 & ComputerCraft
Banned: Once, owner was being sexist.. I went off.[DOUBLEPOST=1386042099][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey, I found a somewhat cheap thing that takes paypal, it is a 10 dollar set up fee and at the least 6 dollars a month (For FTB), go here and at check output this promo code in for 20% off straymav, it can house 6 people at once
I am also going to apply right now
IGN: Mkomkoiscool
Age: 14
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): USA, but I have insomnia so I don't sleep very often
Languages you speak: United States Version of English
Reason you want to join: I like the idea of a close nit server with friends, I like to be able to play with others and start projects with people, a luxury which I don't get on many servers.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Uninged
You're best mod: I am great at Buldcraft and IC2
Ever got banned and why: No

Still looking for people to play with? If so, add me on Skype :D :MizzPandaz:[DOUBLEPOST=1386042137][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: kanis999
Age: 17
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): USA (Eastern)
Languages you speak: English, Thai
Reason you want to join: currently looking for a small group of people to play FTB with as well. Most decent public servers I've found usually have 40+ regulars who are spread out.
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed is preferred (with Biomes o' Plenty included)
You're best mod: Thermal Expansion
Ever got banned and why: No
Still looking for people to play with? If so, add me on Skype :D :MizzPandaz:
IGN: MooseBurgers511
Age: 13
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone): US Eastern Time
Languages you speak: English, little bit of French
Reason you want to join: SSP bores me sometimes
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged): Unleashed 1.1.7
You're best mod: TE, AE, anything else...
Ever got banned and why: Nope.
Still on for playing with some people? If yes, count me in!
IGN: firmi1997 (Yeah, I know :D)
Age: 17
Country: Germany
Languages: English/German
Reasons: The guys I usually have been playing with are total jerks :D
Modpack: Any
Best Mod: Thaumcraft (I really like magics); TE
Banned? Nope, not at all
Looking forward to join if all goes right!
Country(prefer people from Europe because of the time zone):live in spain born in the netherlands
Languages you speak:dutch/spanish/english
Reason you want to join:becuz i dont like playing alone?
Modpack you want(Ultimate/Unleashed/Unhinged):any
You're best mod:not really experienced at modded minecraft but pixelmon
Ever got banned and why:hmm not that i can remember