Looking for a pal: FTB Infinity

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Hello, I'm looking for someone to team with. I would prefer there not be loads of people because it turns into a cluster ****.

I'm looking for someone who is mature, that loves to bs about random stuff happening in the world, that has A-LOT of free time through the day, that enjoys sharing, organizing, building, and doing all other Minecraft things together.

I do NOT want to play with someone who is a lone wolf because I might as well not even be playing with you if you choose that route.

If you are not an almighty FTB expert then that is fine, because I'm not either. But please know the basics of Minecraft, and PLEASE understand how to use google. Asking questions is fine, but if I don't know the answer, then google it rather than avoiding the project entirely. Google is your best friend.

If you call me and have loads of people screaming in the background or loud music blasting through the mic, I will delete you and find someone else. Problem solved.

Please have a decent microphone as well.

I can play many hours through the day or night. I'm eastern time as well if that helps.

I personally have a very nice mic, and use Skype and or Curse for communication. I will use TS, but for whatever reason, my mic doesn't cooperate with that program very well.

If I seem agitated on this post, it's because I am. I'm tired of getting skype calls from screaming children blasting 50 Cent music through 5 dollar speakers and a dollar store microphone. No offense to anyone, but that's how it is.

Feel free to message me on here if you are interested, I am willing to set up a server if needed. Can have one ready in no time at all. It will be stable, 24/7, and lag free. +


Well, your post interests me lol...

Only problem is I'm NEW to FTB and yes Google is my best friend lol.

Next problem is that I'm away from home a lot so I take Internet when I can (normally home at least every other weekend - sometimes a few weekends in a row)

I don't really use voice much unless I'm home then I'll set it up.

I already have my own server, only 1 other person knows the IP.


Hi. i am in the process of developing a modpack, and i need somone to play with so i can learn more about the majority of mods to know what to include in the modpack.

google can sometimes be my best friend. and i am not obnoxious at all. i have plenty of spare-time to play Modded-MC. and i have a decent MIC.

i am note a lone-wolf. i work for a few servers with plenty of staff and players.

i have decent knowledge over some mods. but i want to play with some other mods. "Mekanism" "ChromaticCraft" "IC2" ect.

Skype: manlyteddybear