Looking for a mature FTB partner :) "not the map, the modpack"

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Soo.. im Thondar, and im looking for a mature player to play some good minecraft with.
what im thinking is that we find a server, pref. Direwolf20 pack, but mindcrack is acceptable to :D
and simple team up and play the game they whay its supposed to be played :)

so, alittle about me that you might need to know :p
im 22, live in denmark, and i play minecraft ALOT atm :) which is the main reason im looking for someone to team up with, as playing it alone gets boring rather fast :)

what i hope to see from you is...
mainly that you are a friendly and easy going person, pref. 18+ and that you can use skype, vent or something similiar... if you happen to be from the US, i guess we would have to find a server that suits both of us decently pingwise, but we'll see :)

hope someone wants to team up, and if you do, post alittle about yourself here :)


Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there I think I can fit 1 more person on my server its just 1 of my irl friends and 1 person I let come on from these forums. My irl friend doesn't really play much anymore and Its getting alittle lonely lol. I like BS-ing on my ventrilo or skype while playing it makes the game funner to talk to someone. I'm 27 year old guy from the US. The server is also in the US but You can connect to it and see what kinda of ping you get if you want. You would probably be the last person I invite onto the server As for one its only a 2gb server and also I don't want alot of people on it I want to keep it a few friends and if you play on the server your considered a friend.. ( nless you piss me off someday lol ) I'm running the latest Mindcrack pack with the additional mods, Mystcraft, Additional pipes, Bibliocraft , And I have forge essentials for some adminy stuff. I have the mods on my dropbox for easy download if you were interested.
I have my own base on the server and dont really do shared bases as I am really picky about my stuff lol but That doesnt mean that im a hermit in my base either, and I like to help out others with there builds and stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As Jeff said, he's got me and him on the server. It'd be nice to have someone else!

Off topic: Sorry haven't been on vent, you don't want to hear my sisters fighting. I'll try getting on more