Looking for a guide/tutorial on how to setup a DW20 server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to start a server for a few friends, about 10-ish people total. After some debate we settled on DW20 - MC v1.5.

This is the first time I attempt to run a server related to MC. Not to mention since it has mods I'm sure I'll into a lot of trouble.

I read the sticky tutorial but it seems outdated, I may be wrong. I'm sure I'll get some reply like "gtfo n00b, learn to g00gle", I have but it doesn't give me any relevant results, with the constant updates of FTB, I honestly didn't expect it to.

Long story short, I need some tutorial of some kind to point me in the right direction. Preferably one that covers the basics and beyond, such as ID conflicts, how to add plugins(from what I understand the build that DW20 uses doesn't allow the use of Bukkit plugins - ofc I could be wrong)...any way, the whole deal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At first, you should choose a good hosting service to suit your needs. For DW20 pack and 10 people, 2GB of RAM should be more than enough (as for my own server, we used no more than 900 mbytes with 6 people where the server reserved about 600mbytes and each person from 50 to 100mbytes). Also, you should look for SSD drives, 2 GBytes should be fine.

For adding and removing mods, server-wise, you should disable particular mods by adding .bak or .disabled to the extension in the mods folder. Since then, every connecting client has to disable them via launcher as well. It works that way I guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will try and part any wisdom with you i can.

Before you start you need to think about a few things.

What type of hosting to go for? You have three options here really
  • a Dedicated Server whereby you have a machine set up to only run your stuff. This is the most expensive of the options.
  • A VPS or Virtual Private Server whereby you are assigned a part of a server with shared resources such as RAM and CPU, Most good hosts however do reserve these.
  • A Gameserver - this is where you have a control panel and is very basic and only includes the server. This is the cheapest and basic of options.
My personal reccomendation is a VPS as it has the grunt and ability to run the server but also allows you the freedom to run YOUR server as you want.

The next question question is what type of server to run. this depends heavily on who will be playing and what you want to be able to do.
  • If it is just a group of friends who know each other and only want to play the mods then the standard DW20 server download will suffice.
  • If you intend to open it up to people you dont need then you need to start looking into running some sought of additional software to make your life easier. Again you have some choices
    • Bukkit as you stated wont work with Forge, however MCPC+ will. This simply replaces the standard server.jar and will allow you to use the bukkit framework including the pluygins feature.
    • Forgeessentials is a mod still in development which gives you a nice basic yet powerful tool to run your server. This is not as in depth as MCPC+ but also only requires dropping the files into your mods folder on the server.
Long story short, I need some tutorial of some kind to point me in the right direction. Preferably one that covers the basics and beyond, such as ID conflicts, how to add plugins(from what I understand the build that DW20 uses doesn't allow the use of Bukkit plugins - ofc I could be wrong)...any way, the whole deal.

Generally there are no ID conflicts, however the most recent DW20 1.5 v1.1.1 has one which can easily be rectified simply by uploading your client side configs unchanged to the server.

Unfortunately depending upon which option you go down of the above two questions depends on how the tutorial would go. So anser those and then we can start from there.
Running a server takes some time to learn and also work out what suits your needs the best. The above information should give you a good starting point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

We already have a server. A E3-1245 CPU, 32 GB RAM DDR3, 2x120GB SSD HDD, 1GB Unmetered port and as many IPs as we need. 3(myself included) out of the ~10 friends work as sysadmins/programmers/@ a datacenter. We can abuse the unused equipment there, so setting up the server is no problem. But since none of us actually have any experience with FTB, although I'm sure we'll learn pretty fast, I thought we'd ask.

I've been reading up an various sites and such and it seems pretty straight forward to set it up and configure it, we should have it running and configured to our liking in 1-2 hours, given that we actually find some time to go about doing that.

If I got any questions, I'm sure this is the best place to ask.