Looking for a Feed the Beast Insanity Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have a server devoted to playing the FTB Insanity map? I once played on one and then it ended. Anyone have one, or up for setting one up?
Thanks, Whizz


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would definitely be up for setting up one on a local computer and giving an IP, if I could be sure that we could play it in SMP...

What I mean is that the Buildcraft version used in the insanity map was only SSP, and a bunch of mods were not in SMP either (or buggy).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I remembered seeing it, but there was also a SMP pack back in the days, and it was not compatible with the map.

Downloading it right now and checking it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, either I remember the map incorrectly, or I missed something, but the server (from SMP version) uses BC 2.X, not 3.X
That means that things like gates are not possible, and there was a whole challenge based on those. (64 golden AND gates, and the likes)

The lack of Logistics pipe also makes things way harder than it should be.

I'll still try to launch a test server to see if the map loads, but I really don't know what to expect.

I mean, I completed the map quite some time ago, and it was fun, but without a core element like that, it might make it tedious instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, either I remember the map incorrectly, or I missed something, but the server (from SMP version) uses BC 2.X, not 3.X
That means that things like gates are not possible, and there was a whole challenge based on those. (64 golden AND gates, and the likes)

The lack of Logistics pipe also makes things way harder than it should be.
Instead of BC gates this challenge is based on RP2 logic gates. so it is a lot easier. Also I find logistic pipes not that useful in this map, the only advantage they have is on solar panels, but a bunch of project tables and ACT is enough for this. Just remember not to craft single items, but stacks at a time. I finished SSP version in about 20 hours, but unfortunately I realized too late that I was duping most of my mid game EMC (damn black hole band).