Looking for 2-3 Direwolf 20 LP partners

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys,
I'm a You tuber that's just starting back up, and I was looking to start a series for fun with a couple of people, and just have fun and record, no real goal, but to record and enjoy the multiplayer company.
Here's the application : (Being able to host the server is not required, but it would help alot!)

Age :
Location/Timezone :
Ability to host :
How much time I play weekly :
How much time I play daily :
Days I CAN NOT play :
Interest level :
You tube name :

(Here's my application)

Age : 14
Location/Timezone : North Carolina / EST
Ability to host : Can, but is tough, will most likely lag.
How much time I play weekly : 12-36 hours
How much time I play daily : 2-12 hours
Days I CAN NOT play : None
Interest level : High
You tube name : Jordandm7

Thanks guys for reading,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 15
Location/Timezone : NZ, GMT+12
Ability to host : Unfortunately, no.
How much time I play weekly : Depends, generally a lot.
How much time I play daily : A few hours, when I'm not busy.
Days I CAN NOT play : Monday until Friday, before 4 pm NZ time. Wednesday after 5:15-ish pm.
Interest level : High
You tube name : MorganOfTheAncients

Sound good? ^-^

Shadow Stallion

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what, I might want to do this! It'll be different, and fun! Here:

Age : 16
Location/Timezone : Pennsylvania, EST
Ability to host : Yes, assuming it's basically the same as vanilla MC hosting (which I'm sure it is, but testing will of course be required)
How much time I play weekly : A lot.
How much time I play daily : Depends, really. Most of the time I do a LOT of Minecraft gaming when I get home from school.
Days I CAN NOT play : I can play any day, unless of course I have plans.
Interest level : Right now I'd say 4/5, but when/if I get to know my partner(s) it'll be raised to 5/5.
You tube name : ShadowStallionxxx (No subscribers, no videos; just my account to favorite/like videos. Eventually will be used for videos, and possibly for the LP videos.)

By the way, I don't have any recording software at the moment, but there's people I know who could lend me a hand with that and hook me up. My computer can handle hosting a server, playing MC, and recording at the same time. I wub this computer. xD

-Thanks for reading; getting excited haha!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My computer can handle hosting a server, playing MC, and recording at the same time.
Is your computer SCP-1111-J, by any chance?
Also, if it's a laptop, could I have it? To keep?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 21
Location/Timezone : Pennsylvania | EST (GMT -5:00)
Ability to host : Yes, for 5 - 10 players.
How much time I play weekly : 40 - 50 Hours
How much time I play daily : 6+ Hours
Days I CAN NOT play : At the moment every day is a Minecraft day.
Interest level : High, see reasons below
You tube name : 8BitAntre

I've been wanting to LP games, especially Minecraft, for a while now, but my computer can't handle recording Minecraft specifically (its a hard drive issue more than anything) so I kinda lost faith. I'm also looking for other dedicated players to actually play Minecraft with, two birds one stone kinda deal with this haha.

Also if you want to get a hold of me, my Skype is probably your best bet. Skype name is antrelius.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 22
Location/Timezone : EST (GMT -5)
Ability to host : Nope
How much time I play weekly : at least 20 and more if I can
How much time I play daily : I log in everyday and work on some stuff for a few hours but single player gets boring these days
Days I CAN NOT play : Mondays I guess.
Interest level : Very High. Im bored here, my roommate is a moron and Minecraft single player is getting lonesome.
You tube name : titmouton666

I love this game. Been playing it since it was in Alpha. When mods starting coming out I went crazy and my playing time doubled. Now I tend to get bored with single players. My local friends aren't as interested in the game as I am.... I have always enjoyed LPs (when they are properly edited like Direwolf20 and such) but never had a chance to make my own.

I have a background in journalism and video editing... I could possibly help edit videos?

I love mods, Direwolf20, FTB, Yogscasts, good looking structures, collaborative crafting and crazy machinery!!!!

I hate pvp and griefing.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally, I would love to just start a community with most everyone here, but we severely need a dedicated host, one to run a FTB server, for 5-10 people, wanting to make this a bit bigger.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bump, and also, if anyone still checks this post, please message me that you're still interested.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 11
Location/Time zone :Australia,Victoria AEDT
Ability to host : no
How much time I play weekly :3-5
How much time I play daily :30-1h
Days I CAN NOT play :monday tuesday unless homework done
Interest level :average
You tube name : PhilipW0424