Looking for 18+ FTB Players

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! My name is Billy (Well William but I go by Billy). I am 22 years old (23 in a month and a half). I'm looking for people to play with that are 18+. I'll play pretty much all the tech mobs, although I'd probably prefer Direwolf or Unleashed. I am also interested in the survival island type packs (if FTB has them if not we can use something else if interestd.) But mainly focus on the tech packs!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Who cares? Lol. Whats going to happen? Steal my identity? Go for it, they will have 2 felonies and a very bad credit. Oooo me sooo scared. DDoS? Oh they can try :p. Besides I have no personal info on Skype except my nickname anyways. And my last name... but good luck finding the right "Billy Pope" google that. You wont actually find me :p