Looking for 1 or 2 good builders to help build a spawn.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So me and my co-owner have been trying to come up with something creative to build, but well lets just say we aren't very creative. If someone or some people want to help us, please reply saying you want to. Add dfolf_adams on Skype and we can talk while you help, thanks! We have world edit and you will also receive creative, add dfolf_adams on Skype and I will send you the IP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't need the most flashy spawn, just something functional that will list server rules and offer protection from monsters for the players first night is fine.

If your server has an economy using Forestry mail system, IC2 Trade - O - Mats, or a Bukkit plugin than some shops could be good as well.

You should list what modpack the server is running. I won't help you build anything myself, but remember not everything in MineCraft has to look perfect, just make it look natural.