Logistics Pipes: Any word on Krapht's whereabouts?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From what I understand, Krapht is the original author of LP, but the code is on github and other people have continued the work unofficially.

I've been playing with the LP mod and find it a near-essential add on. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with the latest Buildcraft, so 3.2.0 is the most recent BC it works with. BC has been updated to 3.3.0 for Minecraft 1.4.6 compatibility. LP won't work with that of course. So this means in order to use Redpower (another essential mod) and update to 1.4.6, Logi Pipes must be given up.

I'm wondering if anyone has any news on what's up with this mod, and with Krapht and if we can expect to see any sort of update for it soon. For such an important mod, one would think it would be updated like 99% of all the other good mods are already.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
o_O Oh come on.

Are you telling me I've missed some sort of update regarding Logi Pipes? Care to point it out?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


here the only thing about LP actualy

and that some very but very powerfull build.

some of the last update bring in the "sneaky upgrade" and "disconnection upgrade" as the upgrade manager and upgrade slot on logistique pipe.

you would say me but what do they do ? it make the pipe work and if it where a "sneaky pipe" and make you able to select what side of the "inventory" the pipe put item in.

for example, you can now make barrel wall with logistique chassis pipe behind able item sink on the top slot even if not connected to it, and with the provider module now able to pull for any side that juste make my day.