Unix Logging in + some more issues

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Operating System, bit type: Linux Mint 16 64-bit
Java version/update, bit type: 1.7.0_51 64-bit
Launcher version: 1.3.4
Completed the troubleshooting guide (y/n): sort of
Console log, pastebin.com link: http://pastebin.com/aUreHR1e
Description of the problem:

Hi guys!

I'm a Linux Mint 16 64-bit distribution user and I'm also a big fan of Magic Farm. Everything was fine with the game until last 2 updates to the mod pack arrived. Not sure which one exactly is causing the issue or is it the modpack problem. Anyway, I've been playing without any problems until they arrived.

First issue: can't log to minecraft.
When I select my profile or create a new one I get an error "Invalid username or password.". My credentials are correct, because I use the same on Vanilla Minecraft and they work. I can log in to Minecraft.net website without any issue, so why am I not authenticated? Log file shows no indication whatsoever for any possible issue... Just the message I pasted above.

Second problem: sometimes I DO get logged in, which is super weird. So when I'm actually in the game there's something wrong with my world. I can't punch anything with bare hand. My pick doesn't get boost XP only normal XP. This is annoying as you can imagine.

I will repeat myself, by saying that it all started after 1-2 recent modpack updates.

I made a backup of my data and removed the .ftblauncher folder. I have then downloaded new launcher and saved it to another directory. Clean install.

Still can't log in, ergo can't download modpack, ergo can't play.

Have you ever got similar issues? Maybe you can help me, because I'm out of ideas.

Oh, forgot to mention that I set memory limit to 4GB, since I have 8 installed.

Kind regards,


Popular Member
Oct 3, 2012
Scotland, UK
The ftb dev team know about this problem and are in the process of fixing it. They have fixed issues relating to it but then more keep cropping up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
im am very new to these forums and i have a problem with my launcher but i dont really know anything specific all i know is after i downloaded the mods for the unleashed pack it said there was a JavaVirtualMachine problem and it closed ftb down. i had 32 bit java and i thought that was the problem(still dont know if it was) so i updated to 64 bit java. after that i doubled clicked the launcher. a little loading thing appeared next to my mouse/cursor but nothing happened. thats where im at now. my regular minecraft does the same. if anyone has any info on how to fix this id appreciate it.[DOUBLEPOST=1391636214][/DOUBLEPOST]it just doesnt open[DOUBLEPOST=1391636357][/DOUBLEPOST]i also just downloaded it last night so i dont know any bugs or anything and if this is a simple fix im sorry


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just got the bug on my windows installation, Trying over and over again seemed to work for me I finally got through.