So far I've just build small setups that are all near each other so I don't have to worry about unloaded chunks.
At the moment I need to expand and get more oil. The closest oil spout I have found is 400 blocks away from where I have most of my stuff setup and I do not want to move.
If I put a pump on the oil and connect via waterproof transport pipe to my main location...with the chunk the pump is on stay loaded, so if I'm at my main base...the oil will keep flowing?
Guess what I'm getting at, for future reference, when building things far apart...are there any special concerns I should have or actions I should be taking in order to make sure everything works, or am I going to have to put a chunk loader next to all of these remote locations if i want them flowing while I'm at my main base?
At the moment I need to expand and get more oil. The closest oil spout I have found is 400 blocks away from where I have most of my stuff setup and I do not want to move.
If I put a pump on the oil and connect via waterproof transport pipe to my main location...with the chunk the pump is on stay loaded, so if I'm at my main base...the oil will keep flowing?
Guess what I'm getting at, for future reference, when building things far apart...are there any special concerns I should have or actions I should be taking in order to make sure everything works, or am I going to have to put a chunk loader next to all of these remote locations if i want them flowing while I'm at my main base?