Less lag tips

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi everyone!

first sorry for my english! (Norwegian dude)

I see a lot of you have huge bases with many advanced systems and stuff..
I'm sure not all of you have computers more expensive than your car..

What have YOU done to prevent lag on your huge systems?
either in singelplayer, multiplayer or serveradmin

less chunk loaders
use Applied Energistics insted of Buildcraft pipes
building stuff in different chunks and far away so it dont load
disable stuff

that kind of stuff
for my self i have a above avarage computer but i still see some lags from time to time
any tip is a good tip if it causes less lag here on this thread! :)
feel free to correct my english :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always run my world on a server, so my puny computer with its Intel Pentium and midgrade graphics card doesn't have to do much more then rendering.


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
I always run my world on a server, so my puny computer with its Intel Pentium and midgrade graphics card doesn't have to do much more then rendering.

This is a good suggestion, but not viable for some. (Works for me tho' LOL)

Keep chunk loading to a minimum, this includes chunk loaders and Portal Gun portals (yes, they chunk load the areas they are connected to).
I use opaque item/fluid ducts in my worlds, don't know if that helps, but less graphical rendering usually = better performance
Avoid Openblocks tanks, apparently they are fps killers (or so I've read)


Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
use java ARGs

optimise your modpack


Upgrade your computer.

more in a minute, i'm going somewhere.


Relatable Gamer
Trusted User
Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
Hey, my friend @Qazplm601 (who is not a god) has some updated JVM ARGs that work wonders:
new version of my JVM ARGS. slightly faster than the previous version. (on average for me,
with optimods(optifine/fps+) up 0-40 fps faster than V1

without optimods, up 30-70 fps.

these tests were on MC 1.6.4 , forge 965, no other mods (except optimods)

new args.

-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50 -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=150 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=40 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Xnoclassgc -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:UseSSE=3

(This is just my lame copy and paste, so for the proper summon,
*Draws Pentagram*
*Throws in a Tumbleweed*
*Throws in steak*
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For my server I've done the following to reduce lag while maintaining stability:
-Get an actual colocated machine
-Use mineOS (in a VM, so if something goes horribly wrong the whole machine doesn't go down)
-Edit FTB configs to change chunk unloading time (by default Monster is set to never unload !)
-Clear memory cache periodically
-Java arguments (I'm not pro but the current set seems to work fairly well)
-Use OPIS and /cofh tps periodically to diagnose what things are using the most time, purge rogue entities (omgwtf why are there 900+ experience orbs lying around?)
-No MCPC (and thus no plugins for it, yay tradeoffs.)

..that's pretty much it. I don't worldborder, limit chunkloaders, or any of that, I just investigate and talk to my players if something they're doing is causing lag and ask them to change/remove it if possible.

Clientwise I can't talk, I'm running a kinda' messed up install of Win7...messed up because I installed a new motherboard without reinstalling windows. :p So probably not running at peak performance, especially since my laptop died and my desktop has had to take over its functions (chat, email, browsing, etc.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
for clients make sure advanced opengl is on. i'm still not sure why it defaults to off.

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Also, one of the things my players taught me on my server, build your base in a mystcraft void or island biome. Less blocks to render equals better FPS for the client. Also, each age/dimension can run in different CPU on a machine that has multiple cores. So you can get two performance boosts on this one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because the amount of people it actually helps is a minority.
how is it a minority? it's a function that requires a gpu that supports opengl 2.0 or better. something as old as a geforce 7600 will support this function. onboard video is probably hit or miss.

i'm just not sure how it could not benefit a person to use this function if they can. less rendered = better performance.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
how is it a minority? it's a function that requires a gpu that supports opengl 2.0 or better. something as old as a geforce 7600 will support this function. onboard video is probably hit or miss.

i'm just not sure how it could not benefit a person to use this function if they can. less rendered = better performance.

My desktop gets awful performance with it on (as in, 5-10 FPS) while my laptop tends to stay at about 160 FPS with no fluctuations if I have it enabled. The desktop is only about three years old. I guess it's a hit or miss thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how is it a minority? it's a function that requires a gpu that supports opengl 2.0 or better. something as old as a geforce 7600 will support this function. onboard video is probably hit or miss.

i'm just not sure how it could not benefit a person to use this function if they can. less rendered = better performance.

Okay... unfortunately 90% of all minecraft processor use is off the cpu, instead of a gpu, if present. Almost all gpus can use opengl but few CPUs can. Unless someone can find a way to force minecraft to use gpu for its full capabilities, then only onboard gpus will be utilized, and opengl will work on most laptops well, but not that many full blown desktops (based off of my observations)

Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay... unfortunately 90% of all minecraft processor use is off the cpu, instead of a gpu, if present. Almost all gpus can use opengl but few CPUs can. Unless someone can find a way to force minecraft to use gpu for its full capabilities, then only onboard gpus will be utilized, and opengl will work on most laptops well, but not that many full blown desktops (based off of my observations)

Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2

wait, opengl won't work well? citation please. opengl works fine in all but the most misconfigured system.

how exactly am I using onboard when it's disabled? yes, the CPU does most of the calculations, however the gpu does not sit idly by.

perhaps the "using to it's fullest" you're referring to is the lack of using directx features? not gonna happen. ever


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the antithesis to opengl. directx is Microsoft's baby, opengl is open (mostly). its a cultural/values thing to a lot of people. personally I wish more developers supported opengl, since its features are technically superior.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wait, opengl won't work well? citation please. opengl works fine in all but the most misconfigured system.

how exactly am I using onboard when it's disabled? yes, the CPU does most of the calculations, however the gpu does not sit idly by.

perhaps the "using to it's fullest" you're referring to is the lack of using directx features? not gonna happen. ever

Let me clarify what i meant. Opengl basically uses calculations meant for a graphics processor to determine what blocks are visible and should be rendered. However, minecraft, and most programs made from java, tend to focus on using an onboard gpu. However, most desktop PCs use grapics cards and subsequently the onboard is either disabled or ignored and when minecraft attempts to use opengl, instead of using the over abundant power of the grapics card, it uses the CPU's already crowded power. Yet even still, there are graphics cards that do get properly used, but i personally have not observed this. Most laptops ignore this issue due to on board gpu while some still do for who the heck knows why. Now as for the citation you asked for, i cannot provide, as it is all based off of observations of approx 26 computer systems i have repaired in my shop.

the antithesis to opengl. directx is Microsoft's baby, opengl is open (mostly). its a cultural/values thing to a lot of people. personally I wish more developers supported opengl, since its features are technically superior.

OpenGL tends to have a bunch of issues when it comes to 3d rendering. Most programmers opt for the lesser powerful, with full tech support in lieu of the superior with little tech support, OpenGL

Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2
Edit: ultimately yes... a hit or miss on opengl. Works well in my weaksauce laptop but slows down my beastly desktop.
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