So, 2 problems the first being that I had barely time to play the second being still no slimes
Thus instead of doing a post about my progress (as there is barely any) I'm going to talk about my LP-system, how I'm planning to fix the slime problem and upload a picture of my world map.
So lets start with the simplest a picture of my minimap
Now that that is out of the way, lets talk about slimes. At this point I gave up on finding a swamp but no worries I have another plan and no it does not use bees.
My quarry seems to have been "almost" finished (layer 20 or so), which is great as it takes up multiple chunks. My plan is to once it is done to remove all the water and other liquids that may be inside it and make a filler.
Using the filler I'm going to make a platform low enough for slimes to spawn hoping that at least one of the chunks the quarry hole covers is a slime chunk. After that its time to wait for a slime to spawn and if it does I hope I can find out which chunks are slime chunks and mark them for later use.
Then now about my LP-system.
I build mine in a very "easy" way, because most of my items go to the default route and I use clay pipes to get them inside the "correct" chest. This results in ae style "sorting" where each chest is a drive.
This has some benefits but also some MAJOR downsides.
One of the benefits is that it is rather cheap as each chest only needs to be connected to a clay pipe and a provider pipe.
A downside however is that it the system is not smart at all and thus will waste space as most items will appear in multiple chest especially if you have like me multiple chests connected to the same clay pipe as.
Some items however will go in barrels, for example all my ingots. For this I also used clay pipes but rather then setting up a default route to the barrel pipes I used a basic logistic pipe that is configured to "request" my ingots
This has a higher priority then the default route and as a result my items will go to this basic pipe before going to the default route.
I use this same "trick" to get my ores to go to the pulverizer but rather then some clay pipes the basic LP pipe is connected to a hopper that puts the ores inside the pulverizer. From there it goes inside a furnace which outputs it back to my LP system. At this point its no longer a ore and thus either goes to a barrel which accepts the item or it goes to the default route.
My lp system has at this point 2 inputs that can be used by the player, an ender chest near the quarry and a normal chest at the storage room.
Before my LP system knows about the items that come in from the quarry side they first need to go through a diamond pipe this pipe filters out stuff like cobble stone as it isn't needed, the rest is allowed to go further and enter my LP system. The chest at my storage room doesn't have this.
In creative I made a small LP system that has the same way of storing things as the one I use in my survival world
Green= filtered storage. Barrels connected to a basic logistics pipes that has filtered allowance. Under each barrel is a provider pipe that connects to the rest of my LP system
Black= Default route. A default route seems to only be allowed to place its items directly into a chest thus I use a simple redstone engine to get the items out of the chest and into the pipe network of clay pipes to place them inside a storage chest.
Blue= standard input.Items go directly into my LP system no questions asked.
Red= filtered input. Items go first through a diamond pipe to see if it is allowed to go into the system or if they need to be voided.

Thus instead of doing a post about my progress (as there is barely any) I'm going to talk about my LP-system, how I'm planning to fix the slime problem and upload a picture of my world map.
So lets start with the simplest a picture of my minimap
Now that that is out of the way, lets talk about slimes. At this point I gave up on finding a swamp but no worries I have another plan and no it does not use bees.
My quarry seems to have been "almost" finished (layer 20 or so), which is great as it takes up multiple chunks. My plan is to once it is done to remove all the water and other liquids that may be inside it and make a filler.
Using the filler I'm going to make a platform low enough for slimes to spawn hoping that at least one of the chunks the quarry hole covers is a slime chunk. After that its time to wait for a slime to spawn and if it does I hope I can find out which chunks are slime chunks and mark them for later use.
Then now about my LP-system.
I build mine in a very "easy" way, because most of my items go to the default route and I use clay pipes to get them inside the "correct" chest. This results in ae style "sorting" where each chest is a drive.
This has some benefits but also some MAJOR downsides.
One of the benefits is that it is rather cheap as each chest only needs to be connected to a clay pipe and a provider pipe.
A downside however is that it the system is not smart at all and thus will waste space as most items will appear in multiple chest especially if you have like me multiple chests connected to the same clay pipe as.
Some items however will go in barrels, for example all my ingots. For this I also used clay pipes but rather then setting up a default route to the barrel pipes I used a basic logistic pipe that is configured to "request" my ingots
This has a higher priority then the default route and as a result my items will go to this basic pipe before going to the default route.
I use this same "trick" to get my ores to go to the pulverizer but rather then some clay pipes the basic LP pipe is connected to a hopper that puts the ores inside the pulverizer. From there it goes inside a furnace which outputs it back to my LP system. At this point its no longer a ore and thus either goes to a barrel which accepts the item or it goes to the default route.
My lp system has at this point 2 inputs that can be used by the player, an ender chest near the quarry and a normal chest at the storage room.
Before my LP system knows about the items that come in from the quarry side they first need to go through a diamond pipe this pipe filters out stuff like cobble stone as it isn't needed, the rest is allowed to go further and enter my LP system. The chest at my storage room doesn't have this.
In creative I made a small LP system that has the same way of storing things as the one I use in my survival world
Green= filtered storage. Barrels connected to a basic logistics pipes that has filtered allowance. Under each barrel is a provider pipe that connects to the rest of my LP system
Black= Default route. A default route seems to only be allowed to place its items directly into a chest thus I use a simple redstone engine to get the items out of the chest and into the pipe network of clay pipes to place them inside a storage chest.
Blue= standard input.Items go directly into my LP system no questions asked.
Red= filtered input. Items go first through a diamond pipe to see if it is allowed to go into the system or if they need to be voided.
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