Lenscas build journal

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So, 2 problems the first being that I had barely time to play the second being still no slimes :( .
Thus instead of doing a post about my progress (as there is barely any) I'm going to talk about my LP-system, how I'm planning to fix the slime problem and upload a picture of my world map.

So lets start with the simplest a picture of my minimap

Now that that is out of the way, lets talk about slimes. At this point I gave up on finding a swamp but no worries I have another plan and no it does not use bees.
My quarry seems to have been "almost" finished (layer 20 or so), which is great as it takes up multiple chunks. My plan is to once it is done to remove all the water and other liquids that may be inside it and make a filler.
Using the filler I'm going to make a platform low enough for slimes to spawn hoping that at least one of the chunks the quarry hole covers is a slime chunk. After that its time to wait for a slime to spawn and if it does I hope I can find out which chunks are slime chunks and mark them for later use.

Then now about my LP-system.
I build mine in a very "easy" way, because most of my items go to the default route and I use clay pipes to get them inside the "correct" chest. This results in ae style "sorting" where each chest is a drive.
This has some benefits but also some MAJOR downsides.
One of the benefits is that it is rather cheap as each chest only needs to be connected to a clay pipe and a provider pipe.
A downside however is that it the system is not smart at all and thus will waste space as most items will appear in multiple chest especially if you have like me multiple chests connected to the same clay pipe as.

Some items however will go in barrels, for example all my ingots. For this I also used clay pipes but rather then setting up a default route to the barrel pipes I used a basic logistic pipe that is configured to "request" my ingots

This has a higher priority then the default route and as a result my items will go to this basic pipe before going to the default route.

I use this same "trick" to get my ores to go to the pulverizer but rather then some clay pipes the basic LP pipe is connected to a hopper that puts the ores inside the pulverizer. From there it goes inside a furnace which outputs it back to my LP system. At this point its no longer a ore and thus either goes to a barrel which accepts the item or it goes to the default route.

My lp system has at this point 2 inputs that can be used by the player, an ender chest near the quarry and a normal chest at the storage room.

Before my LP system knows about the items that come in from the quarry side they first need to go through a diamond pipe this pipe filters out stuff like cobble stone as it isn't needed, the rest is allowed to go further and enter my LP system. The chest at my storage room doesn't have this.

In creative I made a small LP system that has the same way of storing things as the one I use in my survival world

Green= filtered storage. Barrels connected to a basic logistics pipes that has filtered allowance. Under each barrel is a provider pipe that connects to the rest of my LP system
Black= Default route. A default route seems to only be allowed to place its items directly into a chest thus I use a simple redstone engine to get the items out of the chest and into the pipe network of clay pipes to place them inside a storage chest.
Blue= standard input.Items go directly into my LP system no questions asked.
Red= filtered input. Items go first through a diamond pipe to see if it is allowed to go into the system or if they need to be voided.
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Really interesting write up! Thanks for the detail. I realise that I'm going to have to do some reading up before I launch into using LP in my own playthrough. Sounds like you have a good plan for the slimes, hopefully it doesn't take too long
Really interesting write up! Thanks for the detail. I realise that I'm going to have to do some reading up before I launch into using LP in my own playthrough. Sounds like you have a good plan for the slimes, hopefully it doesn't take too long
I'm happy to hear that my explanation of my LP system is understandable.
As for the quarry, it will take a while and I might not have much time tomorrow as well and after that school will also result in having less time so I probably can't write a post each day after that anymore :( .

The main thing I have planned for tomorrow is to upgrade my power grid and maybe start working on the building I will use to generate power.
So, quarry is still not finished but that didn't stop me from working on things.
First off, I got steel!! Thanks to a mod I never used before called inductive automation. I still need to learn a lot about this mod, for example why connecting a solar panel to my setup drains all the power but it looks like a lot of fun to use.

As this was just an expiriment I haven't made a building for the setup yet but I think I will eventually move it to the processing plant, for now it looks like this
This mod does not use rf but uses its own power system with volts, amperes resistance and watts. So figuring out how to use all this is going to be a bit of a rough time but it might very well be worth it.
The crafting recipe for steel is 2 iron ingots + 1 coal to make 2 steel ingots. Assuming you give it it enough power it can do one operation a tick and as it makes 2 at a time it is fast. It however also needs lava so a pump in the nether was needed.
Not much to say about it, its a pump with 4 redstone engines, a ender tank and of course a chunkloader (I wasn't sure if a pump chunkloads themselves now, I know in the past they didn't not sure if that got changed)

So, then now the question: Why did I want steel in the first place? Well let me answer it I like power. It used to be the case that I had 3 steam dynamos running my whole base and a nice advanced generator for an extra 500 rf/t to the quarry. This generator used iron turbines which can only produce 100rf/t each while a steel one can produce 200rf/t. In my eyes the upgrade seems rather worth it. I now have my whole base + the quarry running off the advanced generator that produces a nice 1000rf/t. I only need to make a building for it
I have no picture of it as there is no real difference in how it looks.

Another thing I did is upgrade my power grid, stone can only transfer 160rf/t and I produce a 1000rf/t even with the quarry running the stone pipes where a bottle neck, even the wooden pipe connecting the generator and the power grid was one. To fix this I upgraded the grid to gold which can transfer a lot more.
Another thing I did was adding more lasers to the assembly table set up, now that I can produce and transfer so much power a small upgrade was in order. Sadly I still don't have as much diamonds as I would like so I didn't build too many

I have spotted a potential solution to the lack of diamonds but there are some things I will need to look into first. for those wondering, it has to do with this nice crafting recipe

Another thing I need to think about is what to do with all the saplings as the barrel I use to store those is now also full. Maybe biofuel and syngas to produce power? Another problem that I need to fix is that the extra product you get from pulverizing gold can't be smelted and thus needs to be removed out of the pulverizer manually.
Inductive Automation, you say? I might have to look into that.

Also, for your secondary gold pulverizer output problem, keep in mind that the TE machines with multiple outputs (like the pulverizer; I'm assuming you're using TE ore processing with BC automation) can send their primary and secondary outputs in different directions by way of the red and yellow color codes. If this can be used efficiently without the help of Thermal Dynamics... I don't know. Maybe emerald pipes won't accept items pushed into them that don't match their filter?

If you're using some other mod's pulverizer (which is probably the case, knowing you)... I don't know.
Inductive Automation, you say? I might have to look into that.

Also, for your secondary gold pulverizer output problem, keep in mind that the TE machines with multiple outputs (like the pulverizer; I'm assuming you're using TE ore processing with BC automation) can send their primary and secondary outputs in different directions by way of the red and yellow color codes. If this can be used efficiently without the help of Thermal Dynamics... I don't know. Maybe emerald pipes won't accept items pushed into them that don't match their filter?

If you're using some other mod's pulverizer (which is probably the case, knowing you)... I don't know.
I use thermal expansions pulverizer, the problem is I already separate the outputs as 1 furnace couldn't keep up with the doubled ore and the extra output. Maybe a diamond pipe will do, but that will result in a machine that is higher then the building.
Not much to say about it, its a pump with 4 redstone engines, a ender tank and of course a chunkloader (I wasn't sure if a pump chunkloads themselves now, I know in the past they didn't not sure if that got changed)

To answer this, BuildCraft pumps do not chunkload themselves, but the Ender-Thermic Pump from Extra Utilities will (I can't remember if you have EU installed).
I use thermal expansions pulverizer, the problem is I already separate the outputs as 1 furnace couldn't keep up with the doubled ore and the extra output. Maybe a diamond pipe will do, but that will result in a machine that is higher then the building.
I'm guessing that you use a clay pipe to ensure that the first furnace doesn't get overstuffed? If so, you could replace that pipe with a diamond pipe. They have the same functionality as a clap pipe, except you have to specify exactly what items to try to insert, and leave another output into another pipe unconfigured. If a diamond pipe (or any transport pipe, for that matter) tries to push an item into a chest/machine that won't fit, it will instead sent it in an unconfigured direction where it can go.

Example: You've currently got your pulverizer pushing items into a clay pipe (I assume) attached to a furnace. The clay pipe sends anything that won't fit in the furnace into another pipe, which takes them to another furnace. Replace the clay pipe with a diamond pipe, and configure it to send the unsmeltable products wherever you like, and as many of the most common smeltable dusts as will fit in its interface into the first furnace. Leave the route to the next furnace unconfigured, so anything that doesn't go into the first furnace or into into the unsmeltable junk chest will go there.

This works because BC pipes will never drop items onto the ground if they can instead send them into another pipe, and diamond pipes can send things to an unconfigured output if they won't go anywhere else.
I'm guessing that you use a clay pipe to ensure that the first furnace doesn't get overstuffed? If so, you could replace that pipe with a diamond pipe. They have the same functionality as a clap pipe, except you have to specify exactly what items to try to insert, and leave another output into another pipe unconfigured. If a diamond pipe (or any transport pipe, for that matter) tries to push an item into a chest/machine that won't fit, it will instead sent it in an unconfigured direction where it can go.

Example: You've currently got your pulverizer pushing items into a clay pipe (I assume) attached to a furnace. The clay pipe sends anything that won't fit in the furnace into another pipe, which takes them to another furnace. Replace the clay pipe with a diamond pipe, and configure it to send the unsmeltable products wherever you like, and as many of the most common smeltable dusts as will fit in its interface into the first furnace. Leave the route to the next furnace unconfigured, so anything that doesn't go into the first furnace or into into the unsmeltable junk chest will go there.

This works because BC pipes will never drop items onto the ground if they can instead send them into another pipe, and diamond pipes can send things to an unconfigured output if they won't go anywhere else.
I have no pipes in between the pulverizer and the furnace and the amount of blocks I can expand the ore processing is very limited,I might be able to be able to put a pipe in between them but I'm not sure
I have no pipes in between the pulverizer and the furnace and the amount of blocks I can expand the ore processing is very limited,I might be able to be able to put a pipe in between them but I'm not sure
If you've got one furnace adjacent to the pulverizer and another connected by a pipe, you could just set the pulverizer face adjacent to the first furnace to only export primary products, and the face adjacent to the pipe to export both. And, of course, use a diamond pipe to filter out unsmeltables.

If you've got both furnaces directly adjacent to the pulverizer and don't have room to move either of them... hmm. Do you have space to put a pipe on another face of the pulverizer? If you put an emerald pipe there and configured it to only "extract" the unsmeltable products, would that prevent the pulverizer from pushing anything else into it? Does that even work, I mean?
Because school I didn't do a "whole" lot, I did some things though.
First of, my quarry is done! Thus I finally can try to get slimes (yes I would still like slimes).
Second thing, I was planning on using inductive automation to change my saplings into biofuel but then I discovered I need at least one Lily Pad to start the process :(

Now lets continue with showing things I did for example the fact that I hooked at least some of the barrels to my LP system so it can acctually see the items inside the barrels
I also did this for the second row of barrels and finally got around of letting my LP system put items in the third row of barrels and allowing it to at least see the cobble stone barrel. The making of golden Chipsets was the slowest part.

Another thing I did was making my LP system able to autocraft some items
The items it now knows how to make and no, I don't have 0 charcoal not sure why it shows it has 0 if I put it into craft mode.

I also hooked the coke over up again and put the redstone engine back at the wooden pipe for the potato farm. The setup also appears to be working fine as I have now a stacked of automatically baked potato's. I don't think its worth it to put pictures of both of the things though as they where super simple to do.

Sadly because of school I wasn't able to do more and to be honest I did more then I would think I would be able to do.
This will be a very short post as due to lack of time I almost did nothing. I however don't like to not post anything so I just list the 2 things I did today.
  1. made it possible to autocraft basic Logistics pipes and all the components that use normal crafting recipes (thus no glass or golden chipsets)
  2. started to remove all the water from the quarry hole and getting my computer to hate me because of it
That was sadly enough all I was able to do. I doubt I will be able to do anything tomorrow but who knows what miracle will happen.
School just takes too much time away to play minecraft :(. For now I will stop posting here as I just don't have the time to play enough.
Another thing why I stopped playing was the fact that I lost a good amount of stuff because of lag in combination that a grue can apparently spawn in the air. It frustrated me too much and thus I can't really get in the "Lets play minecraft" mood again :(
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