Lenscas build journal

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Jul 31, 2013
After a break of playing minecraft and a lot of failed attempts to get back into it again I now have a world that looks promising.

The pack is self made and according to forge has 91 mods.
The "pack" has no real direction, although magic isn't much existent in this list.

(note: the folder TimeMod is probably not in use as I remember having problems with the mod that created it and was too lazy to fully remove every trace of it, even dependencies of said mod might still be loaded even if they are not used for anything else)
I picked these mods as I either never played with them, are for me old classics or because they work nicely with other mods that I have.

So, like everyone I as well started with a hole in the ground. For me unsurprisingly its full of torches

My first tech build was a tree farm, 2 to be more precise. They are powered by 3 steam dynamo's that are nicely hidden underneath the coke oven. Each farm has its own furnace next to it to make enough charcoal for the dynamos and behind the coke oven is a nice iron tank from railcraft to store the creosote oil. I'm planning on mirroring this setup in such a way that the tank will be the mirror line.


(note: The pulverizer was only temporary and is now replaced with an iron chest to store the excess amount of charcoal)

At this point I have made a quarry and let it dig 2 standart size holes, I want to let it dig a bigger one soon but I first want a system to automatically sort the items and process it. Thus LP is coming, but first a place to make the LP system



(I haven't gone to the nether yet, I got the lamps from a generated structure)

Now that the workshop is made I can start building the LP system except.....I need storage space, so lets build that first.
I still need to give it a roof and make an LP system but right now it looks decent and I think it will hold plenty at the start




A fun fact: I transport my power with 2 buildcraft kinetic pipes one of each side under the road, the middle block will be used for the LP system to connect all the buildings.

I use 2 pipes because I have just not enough gold and even though 160 rf/t is plenty right now I fear I need more as soon I start to automate a bit more. I also like the idea of having 2 power lines to each building to minimize the load on the power grid at junctions thus hopefully preventing potential bottle necks or making them less of a problem.
Yeah, that might look better split off form the mountain a bit- if you can do that and still make it look nice. It's hard to modify terrain block by block and have it look natural.
So, day 2 of the journal.

The storage room still has no roof, but I have made an LP system


Not everything is connected yet, none of the barrels can be used to pull items from yet and the inserting of items is just clay pipes and a default route but until I have more resources it will do the job.

I have also made a new building, this one will contain all the automated things. I have it seperated it in 3 smaller rooms, one for liquids, one for items and one will be used for auto crafting.
The torches will go away when I have access to nicer lights



I have placed the pulverizer and the furnace inside and connected it with the LP system. Thus now I can finally run a max size quarry and be relative sure it doesn't make a giant mess (except for the landscape).


It will be a while though as my dynamo's can only supply a max of 160 rf/t.

I took some time to look into the mod simply flying result: AWESOME!
They might not come very high and I can only flap the wings 24 times per flight but they are defiantly worth it especially as you slowly glide if you don't try to get higher. Not to mention how awesome they look


I also did some preparations for the extra tree farms and made some extra roads. The picture was taken using my wings


still need to terra form a few things and hide some pipes under the road but its getting there.
Day 3 of the journal. Not a lot to show today as I played less minecraft then the previous days not because lack of interested though and to make it "worse" most of this time was spend on other things then building. For example getting some more iron as a grand total of 0 is way to low. I also had to hunt for some enderman as I wanted a chunkloader and because I need them for a later project.

Now, that that is out of the way lets show what I have done:
I made 2 extra tree farms as the two that I got couldn't keep up with the demands of wood that my world currently has. I also removed the 2 furnaces and connected the dynamos to my LP system. The furnace is now in the processing plant with a crafting pipe on it that knows how to make charcoal.

(I didn't make a picture of it at first thus if you see other changes they are probably covered later in the post)

But what do I need so much wood for you might ask. Well, I made a small syngas producer and a gas turbine generator with 5 iron turbines suppling the quarry with a nice extra 500rf/t

I also went to the nether, I'm not sure if the grue can spawn there and to be honest I don't want to find out. SPAM ALL THE TORCHES!



Now that I have access to glowstone I decided to light up the roads using redstone lamps.


I hope to find blazes tomorrow so I can get resources in another way then the quarry. I was also thinking about making an iron golem farm however I'm not sure if I would need it.
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Personally, I like using flint and steel to light my way in the nether (although, granted, that was mostly so I could find my way back to the portal; I didn't have grues to worry about). Cheaper than torches; you just need to be a bit more careful about where you walk.

But, torches work too, and it doesn't look like you have any shortage of wood or charcoal.
Personally, I like using flint and steel to light my way in the nether (although, granted, that was mostly so I could find my way back to the portal; I didn't have grues to worry about). Cheaper than torches; you just need to be a bit more careful about where you walk.

But, torches work too, and it doesn't look like you have any shortage of wood or charcoal.
A flint and steel should work fine but at that point iron supplies were low and I doubt I will have problems with wood any time soon. However as I don't produce charcoal anymore my supply is dropping very slowly.
I probably end up making sure my LP network at least keeps a few stacks of charcoal in the barrel
Sadly due to lack of time (and hearthstone's new tavern brawl) I was not able to do much in the form of new buildings/machines. To make matters worse, the one thing I did want to show ended up crashing my world as soon as it runs, and as it runs automatically I can't get into the world anymore.
So, a quick summary of what I did today:

I found a nether fortress and farmed some blazes until I had 13 blaze rods. I also found out that blaze spawners are affected by light level.
I made 3 ender chests and pulverized the last blaze rod as I wanted to make a jetpack from the mod simple flight. I however was being dumb and didn't upgrade it so it also glides and pretty much died on the first try of the jetpack. I quickly learned my lesson and killed some cows to make it able to glide.

I then was playing with it a bit until the sound became to bad and went back to "work" in this case it was connecting my charcoal barrel to the LP system in such a way that there should always be some charcoal in the barrel and I connected one of the ender chests to the LP system to also always have some charcoal. The second ender chest got chained to the same diamond pipe as my quarry as it will be used for my new way of mining.

Thus, we now have reached the point of "death" the thing that caused the crash aka my "new" mining method

So, let me explain what was supposed to happen and what is currently happening
The turtle has 1 ender chest in its inventory (slot 16) and the peripheral it has is a mining chunk-loader.
It is supposed to mine the blocks around it and move forward.
If it did this 15 times it is supposed to place the ender chest on top of it, change the color code to the drop off color code and wait until there are no items left in the ender chest before putting the items it mined in it.
Then it looks if it needs fuel and if it needs some it changes the color code to the fuel code and takes a stack of fuel to refuel itself.
It then takes the chest back in its inventory and starts all over again.

However, due to a bug in what seems to be the mining chunkloader it crashes the world as soon as it tries to dig and as I named the script startup I crash instantly on joining the world.

For those that still want the script, you can get the pastebin here and yes, I did my best to make it restart friendly. If you somehow managed to break it by restarting the world/server then please tell me so I might be able to fix it.

mods needed for the script to work are computercraft, open peripherals, enderchests, chunky turtles.

edit: Downgrading to computercraft version 1.73 fixed the crash. I didn't manage to make screen shots of the turtle doing its job though as it traveled into a lava lake while I still had the lag of joining a world.
It did however broke a few blocks which revealed 6 diamond ore and 2 gold ore. A few drop offs later it also dropped off redstone and lapis lazuli so I would say it already payed itself back.
If people are interested I can go into a creative world and show how to set the program up however that will be tomorrow before I can find time for it.

Plans for tomorrow:
  1. change ore processing setup as the furnace is too slow
  2. kill blazes and slimes so I can setup a blast furnace to make steel and add it to the lp system
  3. make a potato farm and bake them automatically
  4. maybe more, we will see
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Sadly due to lack of time (and hearthstone's new tavern brawl) I was not able to do much in the form of new buildings/machines. To make matters worse, the one thing I did want to show ended up crashing my world as soon as it runs, and as it runs automatically I can't get into the world anymore.
So, a quick summary of what I did today:

I found a nether fortress and farmed some blazes until I had 13 blaze rods. I also found out that blaze spawners are affected by light level.
I made 3 ender chests and pulverized the last blaze rod as I wanted to make a jetpack from the mod simple flight. I however was being dumb and didn't upgrade it so it also glides and pretty much died on the first try of the jetpack. I quickly learned my lesson and killed some cows to make it able to glide.

I then was playing with it a bit until the sound became to bad and went back to "work" in this case it was connecting my charcoal barrel to the LP system in such a way that there should always be some charcoal in the barrel and I connected one of the ender chests to the LP system to also always have some charcoal. The second ender chest got chained to the same diamond pipe as my quarry as it will be used for my new way of mining.

Thus, we now have reached the point of "death" the thing that caused the crash aka my "new" mining method

So, let me explain what was supposed to happen and what is currently happening
The turtle has 1 ender chest in its inventory (slot 16) and the peripheral it has is a mining chunk-loader.
It is supposed to mine the blocks around it and move forward.
If it did this 15 times it is supposed to place the ender chest on top of it, change the color code to the drop off color code and wait until there are no items left in the ender chest before putting the items it mined in it.
Then it looks if it needs fuel and if it needs some it changes the color code to the fuel code and takes a stack of fuel to refuel itself.
It then takes the chest back in its inventory and starts all over again.

However, due to a bug in what seems to be the mining chunkloader it crashes the world as soon as it tries to dig and as I named the script startup I crash instantly on joining the world.

For those that still want the script, you can get the pastebin here and yes, I did my best to make it restart friendly. If you somehow managed to break it by restarting the world/server then please tell me so I might be able to fix it.

mods needed for the script to work are computercraft, open peripherals, enderchests, chunky turtles.
Hrmm, that sounds like a problem. If you can get MCEdit to work without just breaking all of your mod blocks, you might be able to find and delete the turtle to get your world operational once again. If not, you could try poking around in the world files until you find where Computercraft stores your scripts, at which point you could edit or delete the startup script.
Hrmm, that sounds like a problem. If you can get MCEdit to work without just breaking all of your mod blocks, you might be able to find and delete the turtle to get your world operational once again. If not, you could try poking around in the world files until you find where Computercraft stores your scripts, at which point you could edit or delete the startup script.
I know how to "fix" it, the scripts are stored in {your world}/computercraft/{computer id(as this is my first computer that has an id it will be 0)}
Its just that it is late right now and thus not really in the mood to fix it. I also rather do a real fix then working around it by not using something.
New day, new entry in the build journal :P

The first thing what I did was killing some blazes and gathering netherbrick as I need that for a blast furnace. Sadly enough I was unable to find slimes thus I still have no access to steel :(
While looking for a swamp I did however managed to let this happen:

at this point I might have already killed some, this is the end result

I sadly enough had to flee as a bigger group of archers found me and I'm not ready to deal with a group of arches that big yet

After that I changed my ore processing as the furnace couldn't keep up with the pulverizer and the quarry. In this picture you can also see how I made my system autocraft charcoal and automatically bake the potato's

Sadly enough my tree farm+auto sapling have caused a bit of a problem. Normally I am fast enough picking all the saplings up myself and/or destroying saplings that have planted themselves before they grow but as I was busy with other things....
On the plus site though, I now also have a potato farm. Due to the nature of the farms I'm using it will be a while before any will get into my lp system but better late then never I suppose
Some other "good" news, I have more copper ingots then my barrel can store. To fix it I choose to let them automatically turn into blocks using buildcrafts auto workbench. I choose to not use those from LP as unless I'm mistaken they can't be told to change all the incomming ingots to blocks but only can be told to change a certain amount of ingots to blocks. With the auto workbench however I can tell LP to bring all copper ingots to it and put any blocks it may craft into my LP system.
In the future I want to use railcrafts metal chest to change all my ingots to blocks but that needs steel what I currently don't have due to lack of slimes.

I may or may not have a lot of copper....

If anyone wants to see a bit more of my LP-system, farming methods or other things please feel free to ask because right now its a bit lonely in this thread :P
And yes, facades are coming just need more power but for that I need steel.
If someone has a good way of either getting slimes or magma cream then please tell as the only recipe I can find for them is from pollen and propolis for slimes neither of them are easy to get if I remember correctly.
I've been following your progress, I don't tend to speak up often in the forums but I'm really enjoying keeping up with your progress so keep it up. I'm looking at throwing together a sorting system for my current world, I'd like a closer look at your LP system if you're looking for something to talk about
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I've been following your progress, I don't tend to speak up often in the forums but I'm really enjoying keeping up with your progress so keep it up. I'm looking at throwing together a sorting system for my current world, I'd like a closer look at your LP system if you're looking for something to talk about
I will do it tomorrow, currently searching for swamps so I can get some slimes.
I do know of the existence of slime chunks but I have not found any slimes at all in my world and I don't want to use something outside of my world to find them (like for example mcedit if it can do that)
I will do it tomorrow, currently searching for swamps so I can get some slimes.
I do know of the existence of slime chunks but I have not found any slimes at all in my world and I don't want to use something outside of my world to find them (like for example mcedit if it can do that)
I *think* OpenBlocks has an item that will help you find slime chunks in-game, if you have that mod. Botania does, too (but I know you don't have that).
I *think* OpenBlocks has an item that will help you find slime chunks in-game, if you have that mod. Botania does, too (but I know you don't have that).
No open blocks.
I did however find 2 propolis of the 6 I need to make one slime ball, so there is some sort of progress >_>
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