IGN: CommanderCortes
Previous Bans (if any): N/A
Timezone | Country: U.S. Central
Activity Level (Hours per day):1 1/2 through 3
Skype User: N/A
Additional Information: Um, toast?
IGN: loverthehater
Age: 15 (16 tomorrow)
Previous Bans (if any): Only on one server where the admins were verbally abusing me and my friend. I stood up for myself, then got banned. I don't think that really counts, though.
Timezone | Country: CST | 'MURICA. (USA)
Activity Level (Hours per day): Depends if I'm busy with high school. I'll get on as much as possible after school (average of 2-3).
Skype User: I'll message you that info if you really need it, but I prefer not to post it on a forum.
Additional Information: I'm pretty new and love to learn about the mods! I really love tight-knit servers like this! Thanks for your time and consideration.![]()
IGN: GreenRaver
Previous Bans (if any): i dont know how it happened or when but i was banned for griefing but i dont do that stuff
Timezone | Country: United States, central, to lazy to look up the gmt i believe 8 or something
Activity Level (Hours per day):2-3 hours if computer works
Skype User:Coolname121
Additional Information:I'm a pretty cool teenager i love to joke around tho.
IGN: Seamros
Age: 20
Previous Bans (if any): None that I am aware of
Timezone | Country: EST
Activity Level (Hours per day): Depends on my mood, but a few hours at least
Skype User: N/A
Additional Information: I like bee breeding, woohoo.
IGN: candycool1234
Previous Bans (if any): N/A
Timezone | Country: U.S.A.
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-4 and when ever i can get on
Skype User: Will tell in game if needed (don't want it posted on a forum)
Additional Information: I am looking for a nice community were i can learn more about the mods in mindcrack and prosper!