I've set up a couple of large MultiFarms (don't ask me to switch to steve's carts as they do not support modified trees) and, I couldn't help noticing that they were unable to keep up with a single 36HP steam boiler. Now, in the past, properly powered, I have run two 36HP boilers off of a single 5x5x4 MultiFarm.
It appears that certain clusters of leaves refuse to decay, while the others decay so slowly it is difficult to notice. These leaves are obstructing tree growth thus slowing the rate at which the farm generates valuable resources. Is this a known issue?
If it helps, I am running version of forge on MC 1.4.7. There is also another post highly similar to my own that has gone unanswered on the Buildcraft forums: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/forum...aves-do-not-decay-shuting-down-the-arboretum/
It appears that certain clusters of leaves refuse to decay, while the others decay so slowly it is difficult to notice. These leaves are obstructing tree growth thus slowing the rate at which the farm generates valuable resources. Is this a known issue?
If it helps, I am running version of forge on MC 1.4.7. There is also another post highly similar to my own that has gone unanswered on the Buildcraft forums: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/forum...aves-do-not-decay-shuting-down-the-arboretum/