Learning with Chronno, an Educational FTB Youtube Channel


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I meant to post this back when FTB first came out, but I was having hardware problems and then FTB and Fraps didn't agree with each other, but now everything is working great. So come one come all and watch me learn with you how FTB works and how all the mods interact.


My main series features me and other players on the Shenaniderp server as we learn about all the amazing new things in this mod pack. I try to pass on what I have learned as I try to survive (and often fail) in this strange new world.

In my other series, "Learning with Chronno" I stay in a creative world and go deep into the workings of specific things.

For example: Learning with Chronno - Windmills.

And as everyone should be, I'm always open to questions, suggestions, and creative criticism.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanted to throw this out there for any Youtubers. I just created a video showing a way to hide your IP address not only from the select server section of Minecraft, but from any mod or addon that might pop up with the IP in the text box.