Hi All,
Here what I did to get everything working.
I am running Windows 8.1, with latest patches.
Before you begin.. back up your saves and resource packs!!
1. Deleted the directory %APPDATA%\ftblauncher
2. Deleted the directory where the mods are downloaded (In my case it was C:\MineCraft\)
3. Deleted all shortcuts related to FTB Launcher or Minecraft
4. Go to
4.1 Click the big red button 'Free Java Download'
4.1 On the left, there is a hyperlink called 'offline installer', here is URL https://www.java.com/winoffline_installer/
4.2 Click the hyperlink 'See all Java Downloads'
4.3 I'm a windows user so I clicked the 'Windows Offline (64-bit)'
4.4 Download and run the installer
5. Once this is done, go to FTB, down and run the .EXE launcher
The Launcher will then run as if for the first time and discover all the bits and pieces that are present.
For myself, I am seeing version 1.30 of the FTB Launcher
6. Create your Profile as normal
6.1 ** IMPORTANT** click the 'Options' button on launcher.. you should now see the slider
for available memory, increase it to a MINIMUM of 2.5GB of RAM, I found that with DW20
6.4 that got me over strange 'stack overflow' and other weird issues.
7. Launch Mod Pack (In My case the DireWolf 6.4. pack version 1.0.3)
So far, connected to my server (Hosted via Creeperhost.net which has version 1.0.3 available) and all is good!
Now, back to some serious digging