[Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! I'd like to help the FTB team to translate the launcher for the French Quebec language. I already had altered the enUS localization file before and still have it, but I don't know if it has been updated yet since the "locale" folder is now gone and unused, and if I try to use it again, the launcher won't launch.

I also already provided the frQC language for the FTB Launcher V2 project on CrowdIn.

I am aware that there's already French language from France, but it has a few mistakes in there and if possible, I'd like to fix these too if possible.

Many thanks! :)
If you're not experienced with Git, feel free to download the enUS file, modify it and upload it on this thread. Either a launcher dev will pick it up and add it to the repo, or someone will create a request to get it added :)
Thanks for the replies! :) I am indeed not experienced with Git, but I'd like to learn it, because I have tons of mods I've translated and I'd like to contribute these translations to the FTB community. I can understand it's some kind of SVN thing, but I have no idea how to submit and commit the changes.

So, if anybody could help me with that, that would be greatly appreciated. So far, I've downloaded GitHub with Git Shell to my computer. After that, I'm a bit stuck.

Thanks for the replies! :) I am indeed not experienced with Git, but I'd like to learn it, because I have tons of mods I've translated and I'd like to contribute these translations to the FTB community. I can understand it's some kind of SVN thing, but I have no idea how to submit and commit the changes.

So, if anybody could help me with that, that would be greatly appreciated. So far, I've downloaded GitHub with Git Shell to my computer. After that, I'm a bit stuck.


Git is pretty much SVN, but... better :P

The basic process for what you'll need to do is:
  1. "Fork" the original FTB Launcher repo (hereafter referred to as Slowpoke's repo). This gives you a copy of the launcher under your own account, that you can modify as you wish. This copies the whole repo, which in this case is a bit excessive for your needs, but can't be avoided.
    • Optionally, you can "clone" the repo to your local computer and make changes there, but GitHub has a nice enough web editor that will be fine for your needs. Unless you want the experience, in which case this is a good thing to do!
  2. Add the translated file and save.
  3. Create a pull request. This is a request to the launcher devs to copy the changes you've made in your copy into the main repo.
    1. Do this by going to your fork on the Github website.
    2. Click "Pull Requests" on the side.
    3. Click "New Pull Request"
    4. It should set this automatically, but if not, you want the base fork to be Slowpoke's repo, and the head fork to be your fork.
    5. Click "Create Pull Request", and put in any details necessary.
Then, of course, you have to wait for a launcher dev to look at the pull requests and either merge it in, or ask you to make some changes before they merge it. If you're asked to make changes, you can modify your fork and the changes'll be added to the pull request automatically.
Okay, I didn't see how I could add files, but I could create a new one and copy/paste from the source file. Now, once I'm done, at the bottom, I can either "Commit directly to the master brancth" or "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.", I'm supposing I have to pick the second option? Is there a difference?

Finally, I have another question: Some mods require a specific text encoding for their language files. How is it handled in GitHub? Should I clone the project in this case, like you mentioned above?

Thanks again for your answers!
Okay, I didn't see how I could add files, but I could create a new one and copy/paste from the source file. Now, once I'm done, at the bottom, I can either "Commit directly to the master brancth" or "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.", I'm supposing I have to pick the second option? Is there a difference?

Finally, I have another question: Some mods require a specific text encoding for their language files. How is it handled in GitHub? Should I clone the project in this case, like you mentioned above?

Thanks again for your answers!
Yeah, there's no way to upload files using Github's web interface, you can only create blank ones.

You should commit directly to the master branch, then make the pull request. A branch would be excessive in this case.

Quick branch use-case, so you know how they can be useful: branches (in a general sense) are used for developing different features. For example, if I was making a new feature in the launcher to start the selected modpack by pressing "s", I might make a branch called "feature/launch-with-s". I'd commit all my changes to that branch, then when it was done and tested (ie no bugs found and it worked properly), that branch would be merged back into the master branch.
So, in effect, the changes have ended up in the master branch anyway, it's just a more organised system of doing things, particularly when working with multiple people in a single repo, each working on different features individually.
Alright, thanks a lot again, and sorry if talking about GitHub here is a bit off-topic.

And what about the text encoding thing? Most of language files, for instance, require UTF-8 (without BOM) format, some others need ANSI or even a specific encoding format. How is it handled?

EDIT: Okay, I've committed something on my own fork and I was about to send the pull request, but I realized there's a few mistakes I left so I returned to my file, but for some reason, it won't let me modify the file. It tells me I must be on a branch in order to alter or delete it. What do I do now? Sorry for sounding n00bish, but it's really confusing. I cloned my fork project on my computer and altered the file there. Now, all I want is to update it in order for me to send the pull request once and for all.
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UTF-8 with CRLF without BOM is correct.

PR is already merged into master. Update your tree, make new changes and open new PR later.
EDIT: Okay, I've committed something on my own fork and I was about to send the pull request, but I realized there's a few mistakes I left so I returned to my file, but for some reason, it won't let me modify the file. It tells me I must be on a branch in order to alter or delete it. What do I do now? Sorry for sounding n00bish, but it's really confusing. I cloned my fork project on my computer and altered the file there. Now, all I want is to update it in order for me to send the pull request once and for all.

I don't see Git tutorials as off-topic, they're helping the purpose of the original post :P

Since you're doing it locally (known as local copy), it won't let you push any commits to remote (which is the copy hosted by Github) if remote has any changes that local doesn't have.

This can happen more often in team projects, or: you cloned it, then made a change in both the web interface and your local copy, then tried to commit and push the local copy (so you know, changes made in the web interface are committed and pushed as well, it's just done instantly & automatically). To solve this, first you need to pull remote changes (which in most cases can be automatically merged, otherwise you'll get a merge conflict and have to choose which copy to keep, either remote or local), then you can push local changes to remote.

Then again, perhaps I'm completely wrong about the problem you're having, I'm not really sure :P
Well, I couldn't edit my file on the web interface of my fork for I don't know what reasons (but it's kind of annoying when you realized a mistake and want to update the file) and I don't know how to commit or update locally in GitHub on my computer but as I could see, it's all about command lines which is okay, I can handle it, but I'd still have to learn it.

But anyway, what I did is: I simply deleted my own fork and redid everything without doing any mistakes this time and then I did a pull request and as I can see, my language file has been added in the project, it's been 3 days ago. :D
But anyway, what I did is: I simply deleted my own fork and redid everything without doing any mistakes this time and then I did a pull request and as I can see, my language file has been added in the project, it's been 3 days ago. :D
So... success? :P Woo, more languages!
I did a pull request and as I can see, my language file has been added in the project, it's been 3 days ago. :D
TYVM ,nice contribution. There is lot of messages which are not added into localization system. Mising messages ore mostly error dialog messages rest of the GUI should be OK.

So... success? :p Woo, more languages!
Soon. frCA is not currently available in language menu but will be in 1.4.5
Yaaay! That's good to know! :) Once it will be released, I will test it out to see if the length of the strings don't overflow over the buttons or many parts of the GUI. If it occurs, then I'll surely update it.

Now, I'll move on and do my best to release my translations over the many mods out there. I've translated like over 70 Minecraft mods present in FTB in French Canadian. :p