Lagging while NOT loading chunks.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've notice that when I join the server, or when I change my render distance, I seem to have no lag and high fps 150-200fps on both single payer and on a server, but one it is finished I have and awful FPS, probably around 4-10fps.
Any ideas on what could be causing it/what I can do to fix it?

*Note: I do have Optifine installed, otherwise it is just Mindcrack V6


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could be a power management thing.

Nvidia calls it adaptive power management. You can whitelist javaw in a profile to keep it in performance mode when minecraft is running.
ATI probably has something similar.

Don't imagine you have something different if you start out 150+.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could be pretty much anything. Need more info on what you have in the world, but I would start by disabling optifine first.

Usual suspects for silly fps are :

- Tons of visible entities, eg. lots of stuff flowing about in pipes/tubes, crystal chests full of stuff, entities on the floor from an overflowing BC pipe etc.
- RP relays.
- RP timers/redstone tube/red wire pulsing (each time it pulses it causes a lighting update on every block within range of the light level change).
- RC tanks full of lava.
- Large amounts of flowing water/lava.
- Redwood forests/jungles/any biome with lots of leaf blocks.
- The nether. It's something to do with the sound engine and the noise that lava and fire makes wreaks havoc with it. If you get really bad fps in nether, turn your game sound off in the controls. I have 1 fps in the nether with sound on and nearly 100 fps with it off. Seriously!