Lag while slow Chunk loading

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hiho everyone,

this is a complete new situation for me and i never had much problems with minecraft except from today on, i have serious lag issues everytime i log into our smp server, teleport around the server or die and respawn at home.

Everytime i have a lag about 1-2 min where i cant do anything: i cant see new chat messages, my send messages do not appear, i cant open chests or doors.

When i open reis minimap, i can see the chunks getting loaded one after another.

I never had such problems where it took me years to load chunks near my.

So what did i try?
- I uninstalled and reinstalled java...7 version 25 for both 64 and 32 bit systems.
- i updated my graphic cards drivers
- i cleared my registry and my temp cache
- i turned down nearly every graphics setting in minecraft itself..render distance to tiny, no smooth lightening and stuff
- i tested my inventory and the chunks nearby: no other player is seem to having the problem using my inventory or being on the same chunks where i am

we are using a private pack with most of the main mods (thaumcraft, railcraft, buildcraft, etc)

seems like the problem is on my side....optifine did not seem to fix it and i have no freaking idea what to do -.-

any help or idea what may cause that all of a sudden slow loading of chunks?

EDIT: seems like i have no problem in single player when i use the same mod


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please follow the steps in the first and second links in my signature as a basis for us to help you.

Also, are you playing from the same computer the server is on?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you able to move around? What's your ping according to the server selection screen (hover over the green bars)? This is most likely a network issue, you're not getting chat or anything because chunk packets are highest priority so it won't bother sending the chat until all the chunks are up-to-date. Make sure windows firewall thingy or any other firewall isn't causing issues. After the 1-2 mins is the game smooth including chunk loading? Hold shift and hit F3, what's taking up a majority of the pie chart? Then press 1 and check what's taking up most of the pie chart. Try restarting your router. Post both the client and server logs to pastebin if possible. Sorry for so many questions but it's really hard to tell what's causing this issue.

EDIT: Also check the cpu usage while it's loading the chunks using the task manager which is either ctrl+shift+esc or super+shift+esc I forget.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Nope, i am just a client, so my pc is not my server and it does not use the same connection
2. After reseting the router 3 times no, i can play..or to be more precise: the game loads and the chunks load fast, but it seems, that while the chunks load fast, it still lags as if the computer has to do something else or is busy to load chunks as fast as possible. (edit: just tried another time, now i have the same issues as before: cant pick up stuff, chat or see mobs untill chunk loading is done
3. i can move around, but i dont see mobs moving around...players move around in slow motion
4. ping is good, even as i am in europe and the server is in usa
5. firewall is made sure to let minecraft and the ftb launcher running free
6. yeah, after the chunks load, i could have played quite normaly..untill the game had to reload the chunks because i died or because i portet or i got to a new unloaded area...
7. it is 70% ticks, 23 game rendering...when i use shift f3
8. tracert says that i have a high ping, but it is not on my end...
9. cpu usage is about 40% with only a slight spike of 90% for half a second...

edit: oh and yes, i did a complete fresh install of minecraft and ftb...same goes for flashplayer, java and graphic cards driver



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the only things i can think of is that you are experience a high latency or high packet loss, both of which are common when you start doing over seas play. there is no real easy fix for it, minecraft is not optimized for that sort of network play. you can try optimizing your JVM arguments with something like what i use, they are listed in my profile.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ahm, it is not the first time i am playing on this server...i am playing on this server for 2 years or so...and just from yesterday on, i experience this...but this still might be something temporary


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
7. it is 70% ticks, 23 game rendering...when i use shift f3
Game renderer should always be the most resource intensive. So the issue has to do with the chunks being loaded, not with them being sent to the client. Each frame 1 chunk is loaded so you're loading 1-2 chunks per second. I'm guessing that you tried the most minimal version of optifine which does not include multithreading; according to the optifine blog:
OptiFine MT (multithreaded) tries to solve the problem by decoupling the chunk loading from the screen updates so that one complex chunk is distributed over several frames or several empty chunks are loaded inside one frame. The target is to stabilize the frame rate and speed up the loading of empty chunks.

So, if you have a cpu with multiple cores try using optifine ultra and enabling the multithreaded chunk loading, you may still lag at the beginning but hopefully it should be less severe and take a much shorter time to stop, or this may not work at all. Also try giving minecraft at least 2-3 gigs of ram.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so, mulitcore chunk loading didnt helped me at all...also tried to play with my laptop using the same connection: same problem: so it is obviously something concerning my connection server-client...but i have no idea what...because everything works fine: downloading, teamspeak, any other mp game...
oh and i already gave minecraft 4gig


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When did the server start using this particular modpack and how long has the world been active.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
uhm...i think the server is running with this modpack now for more than some least 2 i think...last server restart was 12 hours or so ago


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How long have you had this issue now?

I know many of the "finite water" type mods can add some extreme lag to smp. It could be that. But I do think it's something with the modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i have them since 2 days i think...and that might be a cause...because i have a house at my plot with lots of water and some kind of waterfall...i see if i can fix the waterfall and if it improves the thing...but still this might not be the thing, because i have the lag everywhere i go on the server
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's worth a shot.

Anyway, you should see of your server admin can get you a copy of what's in the server startup .bat/.sh for me ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure what you're hoping to get from it, but here it is:

"java -Xms2G -Xmx4G -jar craftbukkit.jar"

All our finite water plugin does, is disable water sources duplicating. There's no "flowing" water or similar, so rather than induce lag this should reduce it marginally.

Additional note:
I'm playing at almost the same location as phantagor and don't have the slightest hint of the problems he has. None of our other players are reporting anything like it either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, not sure we can help. Could add a garbage collector to the startup script, but if the problem isn't affect most people, then it won't make much of a difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Giving another update:

I am launching my minecraft now with the following parameters: -Xms512m -XX:permSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

which gave me some edge at the beginning and i nearly thpught that my problems were gone, but most off the time, it seems to be depended on time or how long my computer is running..not sure about that...

the first time i start minecraft, it works quite fine..i have some minor loading lag the first time i enter the world or the end or so, but thats really minor and chunks are (at least on reis minimap) loaded quite fast.

but when i am going to play minecraft some hours later, restarting the launcher and stuff, i am having the same problems again....not sure if thats because there is more traffic at that time in USA or if it is on my side that my computer is getting wasted with to much unusefull information...did restarts but that did not solve the problem...

i also noticed that i got lots of those messages in my log:
2013-07-31 19:29:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] Searching

i am slowly getting pissed...not because noone can help :) it is more because i hate it when i encounter a problem and i have no idea whats causing it...(and because of the fact that i only die in minecraft because of lag...and thats quite frustrating...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can try downloading the multimc launcher and importing the modpack into it. Then use the jvm arguments listed in my profile under information inside the spoiler. Just remove the Xms and Xmx flags and set the min/max memory with multimc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm, just tried it...didnt change anything...heard that changing the java affinity might help...using only cpu 0 instead of all...but i dont think that is the problem

EDIT: your arguments improved the whole thing a bit...not muich, but at least noticeable


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hrm, I really don't know what to do beyond that. It may just be the net. :(

Btw, setting your affinities only helps if you are running a server on the same computer as the client. It keeps the two from hogging the same processor and can drastically increase performance. With the exception of playing hardcore, I play all my ssp in smp.
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