Whitelist Server K's [FTB Ultimate V1.0.1] [Hard] [18+]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server IP: currently offline!
- may be back after the 1.6 update -

About the server:
This third iteration of the former M's FTB and M's FTB V2.0 server. After being abandoned by our first Server Admin, I took over and rented a 4GB ram 3CPU core Creeperhost Server.

Version: 1.0.1
Difficulty: Hard
Slots: 20
  1. Kauzo
  2. QueenCerise
Important: Different Mod versions:

We have only a few basic rules:
  1. no griefing
  2. no stealing
  3. be friendly to other players and respect them
  4. no quarrys in the overworld - go to the public mining age!
  5. mystcraft is enabled but not for public use age creation
  6. be responsible with chunkloaders
  7. don't ruin the landscape (e.g. random dirt pillars)
Otherwise you are free to do what you want!

Please make sure to apply properly. A good looking Application is your first step to be whitlisted!

Age (18+)*1:
English skills*2:
Do you agree to the rules?:
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?
Few sentences about yourself:
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:

*1) don't waste your time if you are younger than 18.
*2) it makes no real sence to add you if you barely can understand us, Sorry!

Currently on the whitelist are the following names:
  1. robinvv
  2. jojox07
  3. queencerise
  4. nocookies_91
  5. josh_lamb
  6. melodramatic_one
  7. kauzo
  8. mtsanchez
  9. hellgast23
  10. ulkrull
  11. ihasfire
  12. bob_sack
  13. lordomix
  14. duckalapress
  15. ithz
I removed the following people, because i didn't see them online for quiet a while. But please feel free to join us again. Just write me a quick message.


Let me know if you quit playing so I can give others the chance to get whitelisted!

While the Server is free to play for everyone, the hosting costs 30€ per Month. To lower that burden for me I would appreciate (expect) people to donate a small amount of money every now and then. For that matter you should get in contact with me for details. I don't expect you to immediately pay something, but in the long run everyone should spend one or two bucks a month so we can keep the server running.
IGN: 12kilometer
Age (18+)*1:19
Gender: male
Location: East USA
English skills*2: Main Language
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Exp with most mods
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Not very
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-3
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Looking for a small FTB server to enjoy playing and not have my machines/items griefed. Would love to team up with someone that is more of a builder to help out with the machines and other mods.
IGN: Astal2684
Age (18+)*1: 29
Gender: Male
Location: Bahamas
English skills*2: Main Language
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Been using mods on and off since Tekkit. Fav mod: Don't realy have a favorite mod but i do enjoy different aspects of each mod like the bees from forestry and crops from IC2
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I would rate my self as average, I wouldn't consider my self great.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): I try to play everyday (maybe 2-5hours a day...maybe)
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: I try to be helpful to the best of my ability.
Few sentences about yourself: I am mature and try to keep language to a PG rating. I have been part of Fusioncraft and Fyreuk servers as well as other charity servers. I tend to like a friendly environment and like to treat others with the same mind set.
IGN: Ant02183
Age (18+): 19
Gender: Male
Location: England
English skills: Shakespearean (good :P)
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes sir
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Played tekkit a while ago and recently ventured into FTB, played on a small server with me and a few friends but they abandoned me so looking for a new home.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Im not the best builder in the world but I think some of my builds turn out pretty cool looking.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Recentely, quite alot a good few hours a day
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Because im awesome? lol no, you should add me because I think i'd make a good addition to the server. Im not MLG pro but I've got good experience with most of the FTB mods. Im also interested in a whitelisted server, so that I dont one day log on to find my house desecrated.
Few sentences about yourself: Im a 19 year old college student hailing from the sunny united kingdom. I've recently developed an addiction for FTB and I really need a place where I can scratch that itch.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: I've got none at hand sorry!

I was also wondering if theres a teamspeak server or any voice server?
IGN: Grungi
Age (18+)*1: 34
Gender: Male
Location: England
English skills*2: Primary Language
Do you agree to the rules?: Yessir.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Quite a lot of experience with most of the mods in the ultimate pack. Big fan of bees and Thaumcraft.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: More technical than creative, though I have my moments.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 3-4 on a weekday after work, more on a weekend.
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I don't chunkload unnecessarily, I'm quite active and helpful, and I don't grief.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm scouting around for a new home since the server that I'm on seems to be suffering from a declining population (I'm often the only person left online). It's a shame, 'cos they're a good bunch of lads, but I find that playing solo defeats the purpose of playing SMP. Building cool stuff is no fun if there's no-one to wander past and go "ooh, pretty". I also love starting on new maps.
IGN: mitchel190
Age (18+): 21
Gender: Male
Location: Virginia (USA)
English skills: It is the only language I know
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I have tried out all of the mods is Ultimate except the reliquary, and have a good understanding of them. Personally I like gregtech which seems to be a lot of peoples least favorite.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Moderate. My buildings never have magnificent floral gardens, beautiful atriums, or other extremely cosmetic features. However for machines , systems, and resources I feel i always try to go about it differently on each server so that I can try the full range of mods offered by FTB packs
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Several (6-10)
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I think I would be a good addition to a small server helping people when they need it and contributing to group projects
Few sentences about yourself: I have become super into ftb ultimate pack lately, I just need a good server to play on with some variety and interaction with other players
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: I don't take pictures of builds I'm proud of
IGN: Xalazhar
Age (18+)*1: 20
Gender: Male
Location: US
English skills*2: Fully fluent
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I'm pretty familiar with all the mods included in the FTB Mindcrack pack and I have a penchant for IndustrialCraft and Forestry.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Pretty creative, I do unique builds that aren't terribly ugly.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 1-3 depending on what I have going on in my life.
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: The FTB servers I used to frequent have since shut down and I'm looking for a new one with a good community.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm friendly, helpful, and willing to participate in the community. I'm also multilingual, speaking English, Spanish, German, and Chinese.
Just updated the whitelist:
  • gemankapo
  • Ant02183
  • Grungi
  • mitchel190
  • mynameisAK
welcome on board!
IGN: big223344
Age (18+)*1: 32
Gender: Male
Location: France
English skills*2: Good
Do you agree to the rules?: YES
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Thermal Expansion + ic2
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:Not a briliant one, but i always finish my projects (and have constant new ideeas)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):3 - 4 during week, 12+ during weekends
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a mature player, acceptable builder, and eaven if i am little quiet, i enjoy very much the company of other mature and nice players
Few sentences about yourself:Real name Bogdan,Kinda lonely type, but enjoy to improve the server i play on. I can of course help with my part of the host payment.

Age (18+)*1:22
English skills*2: Main language
Do you agree to the rules?: yes fully
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :Atm my favourite mods are forestry and Bees.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Maybe around 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 6-10
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a mature player who like to help out where ever i can and make new friends. Now i'm looking for a server I can join to be a part of for hopefully a long time to come.
Few sentences about yourself I am a 22 yr old dad of 3 children and 2 step children, so when my attention is not with them you can always find me online lol :-)
IGN: crizer
Age (18+)*1: 18
Gender: male
Location: currently UAE
English skills*2: decent
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : forestry is my favourite other than that one i know most of the mods in the pack inside and out with the exception of red power and factorization
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: builder id say i have pretty good skills but then again this is a personal opinion and it woudl be kinda bad if i disliked my own work soooo.....
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 1-2 a day sometimes more
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? im nto a person that tries to impress people so im unsure on what to say here hence all ill say is i have good knowledge of the mods and i can teach people that want to learn something new they didn't know and im a community oriented player so im willing to help most of the time if i can. (im obviously not planning to help someone who hates my gut but everyone else sure thing :P)
Few sentences about yourself: im half Italian half Chilean, currently live in the UAE. i speak 3 languages (italian spanish english) and im able to understand other 2 fairly well but i cant respond in them as well (french and german). my 2 main interests are gaming (fav: KH series and FF series), music (fav: linking park, Approachign Nirvana), arts/design (this is more of a hobby of mine i love to draw and paint, also do some graphic designing every now and then), and cooking (yes i like to cook deal with it especially baking but cooking in general is my biggest passion xD). hmmm.... well ye that's all..
IGN: Lhamabomb
Age (18+)*1: 25
Gender: M
Location: USA, West Coast
English skills*2: First Language
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I am very effective with combining mods to suite my needs. That being said, some of the staples of most of my crossmod builds include RedPower, ComputerCraft, Thermal Expansion, and to a slight degree BuildCraft. I have at least a nominal degree of knowledge about all the mods in the pack, and the one's i don't i wiki.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Creativity might as well be my middle name. I have built several devices that harness the mechanics of mods to an extreme degree. My aesthetics may not be to nice, but i refuse to build with cobble and dirt... so thats a plus :-)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Whenever i am able. some days it's 1-2 hours, other's it's 8+, All depends on what i have going on IRL that day. If the community is good you can expect to atleast see an appearance from me. And if the server is IRC enabled i will normally hang out in the IRC channel on my phone
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am looking for a new server after my last server owner decided that everything was "too easy" and ramped up the difficulty on everything!! Even Gregarious T would have looked at this guy and said "wow man thats a little harsh". I have no problem playing hard mode... but a mining age that is cave world and lava is not very conducive to mining, especially the way i like to mine
Few sentences about yourself: I like to build, i also like assisting people with builds. if someone is running into a lua scripting issue, i have no problem looking at code and bug fixing. I feel the best way to learn a mod is to get hands on and build it up to get the full experience. Just looking for a friendly enviroment to build in. Also looking into streaming/youtubing.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: I am currently away from my home computer and dont have any pics of my builds on hand. But, if i am whitelisted, I can recreate some of my top builds and show them off to whoever would like to see them.
crizer and Lhamabomb,
I added your names to the whitelist and I'm looking forward to see you on the server.
IGN: Wonderkind
Age (18+)*1: 20
Gender: Male
Location: Australia
English skills*2: Fluent English.
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes, I agree.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Of all the mods forestry would most likely be my favourite.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Maybe a 6/10.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Probably too many, around 3 - 4 hours.
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: I am looking for a nice server that I can meet new players and have fun.
Few sentences about yourself: I like to get into the technical side of the mods and automate everything.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
IGN: JakkofBlades
Age (18+)*1: 18
Gender: M
Location: USA Eastern
English skills*2: First language
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Most ftb mods, IC2, TE, BC, RC and RP in particular
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7/10, want to improve on creativity
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-3 per day
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I'm looking for a fairly new server to build on. I want to combine looks and function and practice on a server setting.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a friendly laid back guy looking for a nice community. I've had a lot of server admin experience, so I know how to act. I want a community to build with while I'm off of school.
Age (18+) 19
Gender: Male
Location: Netherlands
English skills 8/10
Do you agree to the rules?: Hell Yeah!
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : The too easy tekkit, ftb
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: got enough, but you can always learn form others
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): whenever i have time (i have a 100 player gw2 guild)
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I have cookies, and I'm a friend of thibauldz and robinvv
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a friendly guy and I like to play minecraft with friends, and look how other people build.
IGN: Ashen92
Age (18+)*1: 20
Gender: Male
Location: Georgia, US
English skills*2: Very proficient, been speaking it all my life.
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes, seem very reasonable and well-thought out.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I am experienced with almost all of the mods in Ultimate pack except for powersuits. My favorite mod is Thaumcraft and I am most knowledgeable about Thaumcraft, Forestry, and ComputerCraft
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: My builds are never really pretty, but they are very functional. I'm very good at making minimalistic builds.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 8 (it's summer, woo!)
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Because I'm a fun guy and I'm looking (have been looking for a while) for a server to settle down on and play. And, I'm fun :D
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a 20 year old college student studying Computer Science at Georgia Tech. I'm currently in my third year there. I have been playing FtB for about 9 months now, and have been playing minecraft since it was in alpha.

Hey Mr.K! Our lovely server seem to sleep tight, you wanna put a buzzer there to wake it up? :)
first off all I want to say sorry for the server beeing offline.

I decided to pause renting the server for a few weeks.

This has two (or three) main reasons:
1. The server seems pretty empty the last time. It appears to me that most of the people lost interest in MC.
2. It became rather expensive to pay for the server on my own (thanks to the ppl. which offered their help).
(3. As you may know there is a flood in Germany. I was sent to the affected areas last week and came back today.)

I'm going to post on this thread again, when the server will be up again (probably after the 1.6 update).