Whitelist Server Kosmos FTB | PvP - PvE | 1GB RAM | 10 Slots | Strict Rules | v5.0.1

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This server is mainly community based, I inspire all the players to do their best in-game at all times, we allow the game to go smoothly, we help out players when needs, and everyone is friendly. The play style is just like every server, follow the rules and you won't have any punishments, you can free build by yourself, or you can stick with the community and building side-by-side. It's your choice. We hope you have a fantastic time on the server. We are a well planned out server, and online 24/7, we hope everyone can enjoy their time on the server, if you want to make a new age, please ask me, it has to be a good reason, not just for yourself. Remember to follow the rules at all times and it will be the most pleasant time on any server.
1) No Duplication Glitches are not allowed!
2) No Griefing other players builds.
3) No Stealing from others.
4) No Caps ("RRRR, I DIED!")
5) No Cursing of any sort.
6) Play friendly.
7) Be respectful to everyone.
8) No flaming of any sorts allowed.
9) If you have a bad attitude, don't come on the server.
10) If you're suspected of cheating and held to a vote to ban, do not whisper an OP.
11) No 3rd party griefing/pvp clients allowed. (Or any for that matter)
12) Do not create new ages without permission!​
1) 10 Slots
2) 100Mbps Bandwidth
3) No Lag
4) 1 GB RAM Allocation
5) Dedicated Hosting and I.P Address
6) Advanced server software
7) Donations allowed by request
8) Medium Difficulty
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):
Have you ever been banned before:
Do you agree to follow the rules:
Will you be active daily:
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):
If you have no experience with mods, just say so, we welcome all new comers.

Please do not reply to other white-list applications if you have applied, that will be an automatic deny.
Name: Andy
Age: 14 almost 15 I am more mature then most 15 year olds in my school.
IGN: Sparkz2fire
I would like to join the server because playing singleplayer is getting boring. Also it would be a lot more fun to play and build with others.
I can help to build great community structures along with any thing else that is needed. I can also help others with the mods.
I have never been banned from a server.
I do agree with the rules. They seem to all sound fair.
I will mostly likely be active daily depending on my amount of homework.
My experience with mods is that I have played tekkit for a really long time and I have also played regular 1.4.2 FTB for a while.
Thanks for looking at my application.
IGN: prometheus7504
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):I am an older person looking for a stable reliable server to play on. I would like a community of people with the same interests as i have. I have been searching for a good server to join for a bit and am hoping that this will be it.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I like to organize groups to make community builds . I typically try to build factories frame stuff and community areas that can benefit not just my group but the server in general.
Have you ever been banned before:no
Do you agree to follow the rules:yes
Will you be active daily:yes
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have been using most these mods for quite a while was active on industrial rage for about a year and created several factories for general use.
Name: My name is Christian.
Age: I am 16, born in May of 1996.
IGN: Lamp218
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join the server because I love playing with a small, friendly community. I find it a lot more pleasing than playing alone, or on an overpopulated, hectic server. The reason why I would like to join this server in particular is due to the fact that you have no mods disabled. I can understand limiting Mystcraft, but I believe it is a wonderful mod if used appropriately. I am also quite fond of the community mining and wood worlds. That is wonderful, because I don't have to decimate my landscape looking for valuable minerals and building materials.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): When I enter a server, I normally get straight to mining. I go on about an hour-long mining expedition to get the minerals and cobble to start off. I would then travel quite a ways away, or create a Myst world for myself to live in, and find the perfect place to begin. I would then begin my first tower. I normally build a castle-ground style mansion, complete with many towers, high walls, and a main castle building. I would set up my first tower just for a base of operations until I can get the many materials required to make a castle. It normally takes a week or two for me to get around to building the castle, but when I do get to it, I don't skimp out on the details. I like to get many of the machinery in the mod before I make the castle though. That's basically how I would go about my first while on the server.
Have you ever been banned before: No, I have not been banned before, thankfully.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I do agree to the rules.
Will you be active daily: I will attempt to be on daily, I do have quite a bit going on in my home life, I am still in school, and I play in many of the school bands, but I will do my best to be active every day.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played IC2 and Buildcraft since they came out, I have played Feed the Beast since the 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out for it, and I've played Minecraft since the first Halloween update when the pumpkins were added. I've played around with the other mods in the pack for a while, except Gregtech, but I have no idea how long I've messed with them.
Name: Just Silver, I don't like using my real name.
Age: 13 (Turning 14 in a few days)
IGN: Silver_Thunder2
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I wanted to join a fun feed the beast server. I didn't want to join a server with too many people in it. I hope that my age is okay. I'm generally more mature than other people my age.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will probably play just like I do on ssp. I will ask for help if I need anything. Don't worry, I don't plan on pestering anyone!
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Probably, I'll at least try to get on once every few days.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I know how to use the basics of mods like build craft and industrial craft due to the fact that I used to play on the Technic Pack. I'm still learning how to used advanced mechanics and I'm also trying to learn how to properly use forestry.
Name: Keaton
Age: 15
IGN: Soar_1
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to learn all the updated mods. I would like to learn anything possible. I would like to meet plenty of nice fellows. I've been looking for a direwolf20 pack server for quite the while now and this one looks well mannered. But above all have a great time with some cool peeps!
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will mess around with the mods and use what amount of knowledge i have to play the mods. I will be very friendly and helpful to anyone that i come across! I would also give my ideas on subjects needed. Help anyone that needs or wants some help in anyway i can. And be a very friendly face
Have you ever been banned before: I did for hitting an admin on a PVP server
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course.
Will you be active daily: I should be, depending on the school load i have that night.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played tekkit for quite awhile.(Yes, its a noobie way) But I've played with all the mods quite a bit and learned most of them. Expect thaumcraft and stuff. But i do have a little bit of experience with the mods
Name: Brandon
Age: 23
IGN: th3niiinja
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join the server because it has direwolf20 pack. Not only do I want to join for that but I want to build on multiplayer. I don't like building alone so I'd probably build in the community you guys have :p I really enjoy working with other people and want to find a server that I can play on for a while.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will play on the server a lot. I will also try to help people in-game since I know a lot about all the of the mods. I will try to help people all I can with my knowledge and give them my items if they need some extra. I really enjoy helping people and working together so I will bring a nice attitude to the server as well.
Have you ever been banned before: I have been banned before. It was a long time ago on a towny war server. My entire town had covered this other town in lava and we all got banned for griefing. In the servers rules it said that griefing during a war was allowed so we really should not have been banned. I guess the server owner just didn't feel like having people complain that we got to do that and they had to clean up their town.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I do agree to the rules.
Will you be active daily: I play this pretty much everyday so yes I most likely will be. I really enjoy playing this game.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have been playing minecraft in general for about 2 years now. I started playing tekkit about 8 months ago and than I heard about feed the beast. I know mostly everything about these mods and I know how to use most of them :D
Name: Mark
Age: 16
IGN: xxxzzzmark
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): To talk about why I want to join the server, I first need to tell you about my love for minecraft. I've been playing minecraft since alpha 1.1.0 and have enjoyed every step of the way. As with anyone who plays a single game for a long amount of time, I began to search for different ways to spice things up. The first thing I got into was mods. Not playing mods but making them. Granted I was not good at making mods I quickly gave up and went for a different thing. Animating. Again my wishes were denied by the fact that my computer can't handle the task of animation. I've recently turned to playing mods now. This Feed the Beast mod pack really grabbed my attention and I've just wanted to play this amazing mod pack with other people. I am a firm believer that things are much more fun when it involves more people. I've searched for a good server to play on but I haven't been able to find a server that I am happy with. I have been looking for a server with a small community so the people who play on it will make it a closer community. That is the reason I chose to apply for this server and why I wish to be accepted. I apologize for the fact that this ended up as more than 6 sentences.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will be active on the server and I will be involved with everyone else on the server. I don't like playing alone and so I will look forward to working with other people and making things that will benefit others as well. Some ideas I have for what I initially plan to do is to make public farms that will keep itself running for everyone. Doing things for others is fun and all but I also wish to do some other personal projects. I don't have a plan yet as to what or when I will do those personal projects though.
Have you ever been banned before: Unfortunately, Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes.
Will you be active daily: I might miss a few days but that is because of real life and stuff. Most of the time I will be active daily.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have experience with buildcraft, a little of IC2, and bits and pieces for other mods. I plan on experimenting with forestry and other mods to make things easier for me.
I apologize for giving you insufficient information and I hope that you will give me a second chance. If I'm denied again, then I promise that I won't bother you about joining again. I'll understand.
Name: My name is Evan
Age: 13 (I'll be turning 14 in four days, on the ninth)
IGN: Silver_Thunder2
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join a fun server with a friendly community and nice people within it. I really wanted to join a small server due to the fact that large with lots of people generally make me feel uncomfortable. I have never joined a feed the beast server before and I'm a bit new to servers in general. I want to join this server because I'm beginning to feel lonely when playing on single player. I want to play alone, I'd like to play with other people who I could even eventually call friends perhaps.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will play just like I do in my single player worlds. Just like the original title suggests, I will mine, and craft, as well as survive. I will commute with other players and even help others if I'm not busy and whatever they need help with is within my power. I will follow the rules of the server and even check back every once in a while to see if those rules have changed in any way. I will probably just survive rather than build massive structures. I may build, but nothing on a huge scale.
Have you ever been banned before: No, I have never been banned from a server before, seeing as I have only played on two servers, both of which became overcrowded.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I will follow the rules and regulation of the server and I fully understand the rules.
Will you be active daily: I'll try to be on the server every so often. I will try to be on everyday I can, but I'm sharing a computer currently. I may also be away from home and thus be unavailable.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've been playing minecraft for 2 years now (mostly on my older sister's account which we used to share). I have some experience with mods like Industrial Craft 2 and Buildcraft because I used to play on the Technic Pack all the time. I'm still learning about the more advanced mechanic of both mods however. I'm also trying to learn the basics of Forestry and also Thermal expansion. If a have any questions about a specific mod, I will look it up myself.
Name: Nicolò(i'm italian):)
Age: 15
IGN: capoilbastone98
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to learn all the updated mods. I would like to learn anything possible. I would like to meet plenty of nice fellows. I've been looking for a direwolf20 pack server for quite the while now and this one looks well mannered. But above all have a great time with some cool peeps!
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will mess around with the mods and use what amount of knowledge i have to play the mods. I will be very friendly and helpful to anyone that i come across! I would also give my ideas on subjects needed. Help anyone that needs or wants some help in anyway i can. And be a very friendly face
Have you ever been banned before: I did for hitting an admin on a PVP server
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course.
Will you be active daily: I should be, depending on the school load i have that night.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played tekkit for quite awhile.(Yes, its a noobie way) But I've played with all the mods quite a bit and learned most of them. Expect thaumcraft and stuff. But i do have a little bit of experience with the mods
Name: Joeri
Age: 21
IGN: Habsnorre
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I normally play minecraft with a couple of RL friends, but they get bored with it after a few days and my pc isn't strong enough to host a server. So those days have passed now and I am far from done with minecraft but I have no one to play with. And Single-player isn't an option is it. I've tried to play on some larger servers, but they give me a very single player experience and the tent to have a lot of rude people. So a server with a small community appeals to me.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I love building infrastructure. Railsways, trains and simple roads. Railcraft is my favourite mod and I recently discovered the possibilities of redpower. On our last server i build a redpower monorail and a pig-highway. Would love to do such things again. So to sum up: No big monumental structures from me, but epic infrastructure :)
Have you ever been banned before: not that I know of
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, just common sense. Also like the mystcraft restrictions (have some bad experience with too much ages).
Will you be active daily: yes
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Yes, I have played tekkit in 1.2.3-1.2.5. Switched to putting my own mods together in 1.3 (multiMC) and have been playing FTB in 1.4 since it came out.
Name: Tommy
Age: 21
IGN: sjonky
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join because from what ive read it looks like a nice server. and hopefully it will get a good community where i can build together with people, trade and share resources without beeing stolen from. I've played alot of SSP so im kind of getting tired of playing by myself, so a good stable and mature server would be very nice. And it would be really cool if people build stuff close together and make like an awesome advanced city :D So i really hope you find the right people which is active and nice. This is a hard job though. so good luck! hehe.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I love building advance auto systems for all kinds of stuff. so build some of thoose for people, help them out if they want help. I also like to program in computercraft, so i could make cool programs for people there. or like a internet for people in a town, so we could communicate via ingame mail applications and so on. This would of course take some time to implement but that's the fun part isen't it? :) It will of course take some time before i could start with all this, as i usually set up my base of operations first, in a nice spot by the mountains and ocean. when i get myself up and going with enough resources, i will probably try to make stuff for the community so they can come and process stuff if they want, or take some resources i dont need. I will probably do some livestreams on my progress from time to time. If that is ok for you of course.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yeah, totally
Will you be active daily: Pretty much. There may of course be some days i can't play though.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have alot of experience with the mods. i've been playing modded minecraft for a long time. and i've watched alot of the direwolf series. so i've learned alot from the mods i dont usually use that much. im not very good with factorization yet though.
I understand i got declined at first, i hope you reconsider.
Name: Soar_1
Age: 15
IGN: Soar_1
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join the server to meet a bunch of new people and learn the ways around Feed The beast. I think This server is well mannered and handled well enough to have a fun gaming experience so i would love to join! I feel like that i would learn a lot from this server in the whole FTB mod aspect of the idea because of the amount of knowledge that people have on this stuff. I also feel as if it will be an interesting social experience to see the fellows i come across on here and learn what they have to tell me. Lastly i would love to come on to the server to just be in an environment of people and not by my self on a SSP world. Because i can't stand playing them, and think the multiplayer aspect will bring me a lot!
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will do what i normally do, Get my starting resources, build a fancy house (well not really fancy but you know). I will bring my knowledge of all the mods on the Direwolf20 pack to anyone that needs them, i will be happy to share whatever i know! I will also bring my kind warmheartedness to the server and my normally happy and awkward self to the server to keep the social interactions way positive, I don't really like negative stuff. I will also bring to the server what knowledge i have on other things besides the FTB pack and minecraft related aspects of the game. I think i can bring a mature attitude to the server and find the time i spend on here as fun as ever! I will bring my knowledge of 'admining' to the server for that if someone is doing bad i will tell and OP instantly so that the person doing and miss obeying the rules can be fit to punish in anyway needed.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, for hitting an admin on a PVP server
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Yes, depending on my amount of school work. But i should log on at least once a day
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have experience with all mods on the DW20 pack besides thaumcraft. But i think i know the majority of the important stuff on this mod pack to where i can help and bring it to the server!
Name: Uhh....is the name mandatory? If it is, I'll put it. I'm just not a fan of putting personal stuff like that on the internet.
Age: 15
IGN: TheFoxGoesMoo
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join the server because it sounds like a lot of fun. I've been on a few FTB servers already and none of them were quite as nice as this one seems to be. I don't really like single player because I find it to be rather boring. I also love to partner up with people and the other servers weren't so friendly so I was unable to do that. I want to join this server because, by reading the other applications, this community seems to be pretty nice. So I might be able to find someone to buddy up with :D
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Well, I'm always willing to help out anyone in need. So I can do that if need be. I also can bring a friendly personality to the mix of people. As I said before, I like to partner with people, so I can bring partnership. I also enjoy building aesthetically pleasing houses and such, so my builds wont be an eyesore and will further beautify the server.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope. I do my best to stick to the rules and play fair.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course. I will accept any consequences if I do(for some reason) break a rule.
Will you be active daily: I'll do my best. Since I'm 15, I'm still in school. So on weekdays I might not be as active as I'd like to be. But weekends you can expect me on for a while.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played Minecraft since Beta 1.3 and have playing with mods and such since Beta 1.7. I played Tekkit for a good 6+ months and have played FTB for a couple months. I'm quite familiar with most of the mods in FTB, so I can usually answer any questions anyone might have about anything.
Hope you accept me onto this awesome server! :D
Name: Chris
Age: 17
IGN: Mehrin
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I've been looking for a good Direwolf20 FTB server for a while, but of the ones I have played on I haven't really been satisfied. I like the fact that it's a small server, as large ones tend to be crowded and full of griefers and whatnot.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I am mature and friendly, and am willing to help people with mods that they are struggling on. I am not bad at building aesthetically pleasing buildings, but I prefer to build underground anyway so I will not mar the landscape with any builds that I do make. I will attempt to promote the server if it is ever needed and will help out in most ways possible.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, as I was blocked within my own house by a mod on a server a while ago and when I attempted to dig my way out, I was branded a griefer and banned. The server owner was unwilling to help me get unbanned from the server.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, i do.
Will you be active daily: Most days I will be, although I'm in college on the weekdays.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):I am fairly proficient in Thaumcraft3, Railcraft, Industrialcraft and Redpower, and am learning how to use Factorization and Forestry.
Name: Carl Fuerst
Age: 16
IGN: Eli354
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): My friend and I have recently gotten into Feed the beast (I've been longer, so he doesnt know as much.) We havn't played multiplayer for it yet, and would really like to. We wanted to find a server where we could both get on and start playing together, and learn much, much more about Feed the Beast. We also would like to join, because we find multiplayer much, much more fun than Singleplayer.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I plan to do my best to find out more about FTB. If I do, I will to try and help any newcomer that I can. I will not bother anyone or grief, or steal. I will try to get on daily, if I can't it will be for a good reason.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, once, I'm not sure why, but it said I had griefed, when truely, I was autobanned when someone else was griefing.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, I do.
Will you be active daily: I will try.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I used to play lots of tekkit, I have experience with IC2, Mystcraft, EE, and mix-matched experience with the others.
My friend, AlphuhTime has recently got FTB, and he has not made an account on this website yet, and requested I post his app:
Name: Alvin
Age: 17
IGN: AlphuhTime
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to experience FTB with friends, and have some fun. I want to join the server also because out of most of the servers iv'e seen this one caught my eye. And i can't wait to finally have some fun with ftb after all the time it took to download haha :)
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will promise to behave. I will build a nice little home and not bother anybody. I will offer my services and knowledge along with a nice hefty bag of help and fun. I'll be active in the community and make it a nic etime.
Have you ever been banned before: Twice, once because of a ban by association and the other because of an abusive admin.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes sir-e!
Will you be active daily: Yes, some days i might not even play mc at all, but i usually will yes.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Played loads of tekkit, topped when friends quit/ did everything there was to do.